3 research outputs found


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    Tembakau merupakan komoditas unggulan di Kecamatan Cepogo, khususnya tembakau rajangan di Desa Sukabumi. Usahatani tembakau menarik dalam hal pemasaran, banyak dijumpai pedagang atau tengkulak tembakau sehingga lembaga dan saluran pemasaran yang dilalui oleh petani berbeda-beda. Sifat dari tembakau ini adalah fancy product, artinya petani tidak mengetahui kualitas dari tembakau yang dihasilkan sehingga petani berada pada posisi tawar yang kurang menguntungkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran dan fungsi pemasaran pada setiap lembaga pemasaran tembakau, (2) menganalisis efisiensi saluran pemasaran tembakau. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif, analisis marjin pemasaran, farmer’s share, dan rasio keuntungan terhadap biaya. Hasil penelitian menujukkan pola saluran pemasaran 4 paling efisien dibandingkan dengan saluran pemasaran lainnya. Pola saluran pemasaran 4 memiliki nilai marjin pemasaran sebesar 0 rupiah, farmer’s share sebesar 100 persen, dan nilai rasio keuntungan dan biaya sebesar 5,98.Tobacco is a leading commodity in Cepogo District, especially chopped tobacco in Sukabumi Village. Tobacco farming is interesting in terms of marketing, there are many tobacco traders or middlemen so that the institutions and marketing channels that are traversed by farmers are different. The nature of this tobacco is a fancy product, meaning that farmers do not know the quality of the tobacco produced so that farmers are in an unfavorable bargaining position. Therefore, this study aims to (1) identify marketing channels and marketing functions in each tobacco marketing agency, (2) analyze the efficiency of tobacco marketing channels. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis, marketing margin analysis, farmer's share, and profit to cost ratio. The results of the study show that the pattern of marketing channel 4 is the most efficient compared to other marketing channels. Marketing channel 4 pattern has a marketing margin of 0 rupiah, a farmer's share of 100 percent, and a profit and cost ratio of 5,98

    Pembuatan dan Edukasi Pentingnya Lubang Resapan Biopori (LRB) untuk Membantu Meningkatkan Kesadaran Mengenai Sampah Organik serta Ketersediaan Air Tanah di Dusun Tumang Sari Cepogo

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    Generally, Tumang Sari, Cepogo is dry land in the form of yards, fields, and plantations. Low environmental awareness in Tumang Sari regarding rainwater infiltration and organic waste management results in environmental problems such as waterlogging, garbage accumulation and health problems. Biopore Infiltration Hole (LRB) is expected to be a solution to these environmental problems. This program aims to increase public understanding of how to optimize rainwater catchment areas and overcome the problem of organic waste. The methods used are socialization and delivery of materials, training and assistance in making LRB, as well as post-activity monitoring and evaluation. The results obtained are  improvement knowledge, understanding and skills of the Tumang Sari community after the socialization and assistance by the KKN-T Team. The LRB socialization and development program which was carried out in Tumang Sari received good support and response from the government and the local community. Socialization activities and the practice of making LRB is hoped can reduced  the volume of puddles and the organic waste in the LRB begun to decomposed and became to be compost

    the Effect of Aromatherapy and Endorphin Massage to Decrease Anxiety Level of Premenopause Women in West Semarang Health Center

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    Every woman will definitely experience menopause. Complaints in postmenopause women aged 45-54 years include fear, anxiety, irritability, hot flushes, anxiety and depression, headache, fatigue, difficult to concentrate, and forgetfulness. Aromatherapy can be an effective treatment of menopause whilst endorphin massage is one way to stimulate endorphins from human body. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship aroma therapy and massage endorphins provision in decreasing anxiety level of premenopausal women.This research was a quasi experiment with One Group Pre-test and Post-test without Control Groupdesign. The intervention consisted of three treatment groups: aromatheraphy, endorphin massage and combination of both. Each group consisted of 16 respondents.The study found, combination of aromatherapy and endorphin massage contributed the most in decreasing anxiety level, compared to aromatheraphy and endorphin massage as inidividual treatment.