7 research outputs found

    Analysis on mechanical and microstructural properties of electrodeposited Ni-TiN-AlN/Si3N4 composite coatings: -

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    The parameter such as reinforced particles plays a role in controlling the microstructure and eventually influences the mechanical properties of the composite coating. The microstructure strength of composite coating come from phase combination of the matrix and its reinforcement. This study described the effect of the electrodeposition process parameters of Si3N4 particle concentration on the Ni-TiN-AlN/Si3N4 composite coatings. Therefore, the experiment was performed by varying Si3N4 particles concentration in range of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 g/L in electrodeposition process. The coating morphology and crystal structure were characterized by mean of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), respectively while the coating microhardness was tested by using Vickers hardness test. The calcultations were performed to analyze the coating stress from XRD data and presented its relation with the coating microhardness. The analysis results displayed that the uniform surface morphology of composite with the evolution of nitride particle aggregation was observed at various S3N4 particles concentration. In general, the uniformity morphology was due to the refinement of Ni crystallite size. The crystal structure was noticed prominently by Ni, TiN and AlN grains while Si3N4 grain was not observed due to its amorphous nature. In general, the increase of composite microhardness, as increasing Si3N4 concentration was attributed by the reducing Ni crystallite size lead to the increase of coating residual stress

    Penghidupan Masyarakat Pedesaan NTT dan NTB: Krisis dan Perubahan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Perubahan-Perubahan yang terjadi pada masyarakat miskin pedesaan di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dan Nusa Tenggara TImur (NTT) di masa di antara dua krisis besar yakni krisis Asia 1997 dan krisis finansial AS (global) 2008, termasuk kemungkinan pengaruh krisis finansial global di kedua wilayah termiskin di Indonesia tersebut, yang sekaligus menjadi wilayah kerja Oxfam Australia. Secara spesifik melalui penelitian ini hendak dijawab - dalam perspektif gender -Perubahan apa yang terjadi pada masyarakat dalam kurun 10 tahun terakhir, adakah mereka mengalami krisis dan strategi apa saja yang dibangun dalam menghadapi krisis

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Lectora Inspire pada Materi Usaha dan Energi SMA

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    Abstract The development of instructional media aims to help students to do independent learning outside the classroom but still under the supervision of teachers. This study uses Research and Development (R & D) DDD-E type developed by Ivers and Barron. The steps of DDD-E developing method method consist of Decide, Design, Develop, and Evaluate. Decide is determination of the project objectives, design determines the structure of the media contents to be developed, develop step is developing a media that is already planned. The evaluation exist on DDD steps, so the instructional media can be controlled. The software used in this research is Lectora Inspire. Lectora Inspire used on this research because the software user friendly or easy to use. Keywords: Lectora Inspire, media, work, energy Abstrak Pengembangan media pembelajaran ini bertujuan untuk membantu siswa dalam melakukan pembelajaran mandiri diluar kelas tetapi masih dalam pengawasan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) tipe DDD-E yang dikembangkan oleh Ivers dan Barron. Langkah – langkah metode pengembangan DDD-E terdiri dari tahap decide, yaitu penentuan tujuan proyek, design, yaitu menentukan struktur isi dari media yang akan dikembangkan, develop adalah tahap untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang sudah direncanakan. Tahap Evaluate adalah tahap evaluasi pengembangan media, dimana langkah ini terdapat pada seluruh tahapan DDD. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah Lectora Inspire. Software ini dipilih karena langkah penggunaan yang user friendly atau mudah digunakan. Kata-kata kunci:Lectora Inspire, media, usaha, energ

    Development of a Multisensor-Based Non-Contact Anthropometric System for Early Stunting Detection

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    The stunting prevalence in Indonesia is still above the WHO minimum standard of 20%. An important aspect of early detection of stunting is to monitor the nutritional status of children under five periodically. In daily practice, nutritional status is obtained through anthropometry. The main anthropometric parameters are body mass, height, and head circumference. This research entails the development of an integrated and non-contact anthropometric system for measuring body mass, height, and head circumference for children aged 12–60 months. This non-contact method can prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the development of a prototype, three types of sensors are used: load, proximity, and temperature sensor. In addition, a load cell sensor is used to measure body mass, an infrared sensor to measure height and head circumference, ultrasonic sensor to measure height. In addition, the anthropometric system developed is equipped with an MLX90614-DCI sensor to measure temperature, a thermal printer to print measurement results, and sound output. The results of the tests showed that this anthropometric system had an average error less than 5%. Therefore, it is suitable to measure the body mass, height, and head circumference of children under five


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    The research done supporting the manufacture of devices based on the method of EM geophysical survey in the form of fluxgate magnetic sensors, electric potential sensors, and interface unit injector flow. Fluxgate sensor element designed using a secondary coil (pick-up) double. The composition of fluxgate sensor element consists of two primary coils (excitation coil(4x40), two secondary coils (2x60). Primary coil will generate an internal magnetic field that serves as a reference magnetic field while the secondary coil serves to measure the external magnetic field (sensing) so that the sensitivity of fluxgate sensor is determined by the secondary coil design. Based on analysis of data obtained sensitivity 283.02 mV/mT, and can detect magnetic fields up to 3:53 nT. An electric potential sensor have a range of measurements obtained by sensor inputs 0-13 mV and produces a voltage output 0-5 volts. While the output of the IGBT which functions as a switch and have not be set using the interface unit can generate 50% duty cycle signal that is good enough, so it is still need for improvement in the unit interface circuit flow transmitter.   Telah dilakukan pembuatan alat dengan menggunakan metoda "EM survei geofisika" dalam bentuk sensor fluxgate, sensor potensial listrik, dan unit injector flow. Elemen sensor "fluxgate" dibentuk dengan menggunakan kumparan sekunder ganda. konfigurasi elemen sensor "fluxgate" terdiri dari variasi lilitan primer 4 x 40 dan lilitan sekunder 2 x 60. Kumparan primer akan membangkitkan sebuah medan magnet internal yang berfungsi sebagai medan magnet acuan ketika kumparan sekunder digunakan untuk mengukur medan magnet eksternal (mendeteksi) sehingga sensitivitas sensor fluxgate ditentukan dengan bentuk kumparan sekunder. Berdasarkan analisa data, diperoleh sensitivitas sebesar 283.02 mV/mT dan dapat mendeteksi medan magnet hingga 3:53 nT. Sebuah sensor potensial listrik memiliki rentang pengukuran  yang diperoleh dari masukkan sensor sebesar 0-13 mV dan menghasilkan tegangan keluaran 0-5 volt. Ketika keluaran dari IGBT yang berfungsi sebagai saklar dan belum diatur menggunakan  unit antarmuka, dapat menghasilkan 50% siklus sinyal yang cukup baik, sehingga masih diperlukan perbaikan pada unit interface circuit flow transmitter