143 research outputs found

    Analysis on Achievement Test in Intensive English Program of IAIN Samarinda

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    As one of the tests, achievement test has to be qualified. A qualified test will be able to give the information about teaching correctly. If the achievement test is less qualified, the information related to students’ sucesss to achieve the instructional objective will also be less qualified. It means the test has to meet the characteristics of a good test. In fact, there has not been any effort yet to identify the quality of the achievement test which is used in Intensive English program. It means the information of the test quality cannot be found yet. Therefore, researchers are interested in analyzing the quality of achievement test for students in Intensive English program of IAIN Samarinda. Design of this research belongs to Content Analysis. Subject of this research is English achievement tests and 28 to 30 students were involved in the process of try out. Data were collected through three steps. Data were analyzed based on validity, reliability, and item quality. Finding of the research reveals 60 % of the tests have a good construct validity justified by related theories. It was found 55% of the tests have a good content validity. Reliability coefficient of the first tests format is 0, 65 and the second tests format shows 0, 52. Calculation of item difficulty shows 68% of the test items were between 0,20 – 0,80. The estimation of item discrimination shows 73% of the test items were between 0,20 – 0,50. While calculation of distracter efficiency shows 65% of the distracters were effective to distract the test takers


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    Saat ini di wilayah KPH Rinjani Barat terdapat 38 Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) yang telah memiliki ijin pengelolaan hutan dengan skema Perhutanan Sosial, yang menjadi mitra KPH dalam pengelolaan hutan. Sebagai pemegang ijin pengelolaan hutan, KTH wajib melaksanakan pengelolaan hutan lestari, dan membayar PNBP. Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak adalah seluruh penerimaan Pemerintah Pusat yang tidak berasal dari penerimaan perpajakan. Untuk mendorong KTH melaksanakan kewajibannya dalam pembayaran PNBP, maka dilakukan upaya sosialisasi PNBP bagi KTH di wilayah KPH Rinjani Barat. Tujuannya adalah 1) memberikan pemahaman tentang kewajiban pembayaran PNBP bagi KTH yang telah memiliki legalitas perhutanan social; 2) meluruskan informasi yang tidak benar tentang PNBP yang berkembang di masyarakat; dan 3) meyakinkan kepada masyarakat bahwa PNBP merupakan salah satu pilar pendapatan negara yang memiliki kontribusi cukup besar dalam menunjang pembangunan nasional. Hasil dari pelaksanaan sosialisasi ini, KTH di wilayah KPH Rinjani Barat antusias untuk menjalankan kewajibannya dalam pembayaran PNB

    The Effect of Career Development and Work Discipline to Job Satisfaction of Programming Department Employees at PT. X

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Career Development and Work Discipline on the work of Programming employees at PT. X. The subject of this research is PT. X, which is one of the private TV stations in Indonesia and located in Jakarta. The population of this study was 116 people, and the sampling method used was saturated sampling, so the number of samples in this study was also 116 people. This research used the multiple linear regression analysis method in analyzing research data. The results showed that Career Development and Work Discipline had a significant positive effect on work, either separately or simultaneously. This implies that if there is an increase of career development and/or employees’ work discipline, the job satisfaction felt by employees will also increases


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa kelas IX SMP Bumi Khatulistiwa menggunakan strategi pemecahan masalah matematis dalam menyelesaikan soal kubus dan balok ditinjau dari tingkat kemampuan dasar matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian berupa studi kasus. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 21 siswa. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa kelompok atas menggunakan strategi pemecahan masalah matematis dalam menyelesaikan soal kubus dan balok adalah 76,40 % yang tergolong dalam kategori sedang, kemampuan siswa kelompok menengah adalah 66,67 % yang tergolong dalam kategori sedang, dan kemampuan siswa kelompok bawah adalah 55,45 % yang tergolong dalam kategori rendah. Kata kunci: Strategi, Tingkat Kemampuan Dasar Abstract:This study aimed to determine the ability of grade IX SMP Bumi Khatulistiwa uses mathematical problem-solving strategies in solving the cube and beam in terms of the level of basic math skills. The method used is descriptive research is a form of case studies. The sample was 21 students. Results of data analysis showed that the ability of the group of high students use mathematical problem-solving strategies in solving the cube and the block is 76.40% which is classified in the category of moderate, middle-ability group of students is 66.67% which is classified in the category of being, and the ability of student groups below is 55.45% which is classified in the low category. Keywords: strategy, Level of Basic Skill

    The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Work-life Balance on Employee Turnover Intention in Real Estate Industry

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    This study aims to: 1) To find out the description of job satisfaction, work-life balance, and turnover intention of generation Y employees in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, 2) To find out the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention of generation Y employees in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, 3) To find out the effect of work-life balance on turnover intention of generation Y employees in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, 4) To find out how much the contribution of job satisfaction and work-life balance to turnover intention of generation Y employees in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta. This research was conducted on 104 generation Y employees in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta. Data collection technique using survey methods by distributing questionnaire which then processed with SPSS software version 25. This research used descriptive and explanatory analysis. The result of this study shows that the level of job satisfaction and work-life balance of generation Y employee in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta are low, the level of turnover intention of generation Y employees in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta is high, job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, work-life balance has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, and the model of job satisfaction and work-life balance can predict turnover intention of generation Y employee in the real estate industry in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui 1) Deskripsi dari job insecurity, komitmen organisasi dan turnover intention pada karyawan industri manufaktur (Automotive Dan Metal Part) di Kawasan Jababeka 1 Cikarang, Bekasi 2) Pengaruh dari job insecurity terhadap turnover intention pada karyawan industri manufaktur (Automotive Dan Metal Part) di Kawasan Jababeka 1 Cikarang, Bekasi 3) Pengaruh dari komitmen organisasi terhadap turnover intention pada karyawan industri manufaktur (Automotive Dan Metal Part) di Kawasan Jababeka 1 Cikarang, Bekasi 4) Job insecurity dan komitmen organisasi dapat memprediksi turnover intention pada karyawan industri manufaktur (Automotive Dan Metal Part) di Kawasan Jababeka 1 Cikarang, Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 120 orang karyawan industri manufaktur (Automotive Dan Metal Part) yang ada di Jl. Jababeka 17, Kawasan Jababeka 1 Cikarang, Bekasi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survey yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner yang kemudian diolah dengan program SPSS. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan ex post facto. Hasil yang didapat dari regresi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara Job insecurity terhadap turnover intention dan pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan antara komitmen organisasi terhadap turnover intention serta model penelitian Job insecurity dan komitmen organisasi dapat memprediksikan turnover intention pada karyawan industri manufaktur (Automotive Dan Metal Part) yang ada di Jl. Jababeka 17, Kawasan Jababeka 1 Cikarang, Bekasi, dengan nilai Fhitung > Ftabel (24,177 > 3,07) dan signifikansi (0,000 < 0,05)

    The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Self Efficacy on Work Engagement at PT Bhumi Bhakti Sukses Persada

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    The purpose of this study is : 1) To find out the description of perceived organizational support, self efficacy, and work engagement of employee in PT Bhumi Bhakti Sukses Persada. 2) To find out the influence of perceived organizational support on work engagement of employee in PT Bhumi Bhakti Sukses Persada. 3) To find out the influence of self efficacy on work engagement of employee in PT Bhumi Bhakti Sukses Persada. 4) To find out the influence of perceived organizational support and self efficacy on work engagement of employee in PT Bhumi Bhakti Sukses Persada. The study used 70 respondents as a sample. Data collection technique using survey methods by distributing questionnaires which then processed with SmartPLS version 3. This research used descriptive and explanatory analysis. The result obtained from PLS analysis show that there is a positive and significant influence between perceived organizational support and self efficacy on work engagement. Variable of perceived organizational support and self efficacy is able to influence of work engagement in employees of PT Bhumi Bhakti Sukses Persada with t-statistical value for the perceived organizational support variable on work engagement (3,638 > 1.96) and signification value of (0.000 < 0.005), for self efficacy variables to work engagement has a t-statistical value of (2,876 > 1.96) and a significance value of (0.004 < 0.05), while for perceived organizational support and self efficacy towards work engagement have a t-statistical value of (21,990 > 1.96) with a value of significance (0.000 < 0.05).Keyword : Perceived Organizational Support, Self Efficacy, Work Engagement, Employe


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    Dalam metode reverse engineering sebuah engine baru dilakukan sebuah analisa. Salah satu diantaranya adalah mengenai analisa aliran udara dan gas pada intake cone dan exhaust manifold. dengan menggunakan CFD tekanan dan kecepatan fluida pada sistem udara pembakaran dari desain diesel engine 93,2 Kw telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan CFD. Data-data dari diesel engine diperoleh dari simulasi prediksi performa engine. Hasil dari simulasi aliran didapatkan tekanan fluida udara pada intake cone sebesar 1,12 bar, 1,14 bar, 1,16 bar, dan 1,15 bar. Sedangkan tekanan pada exhaust manifold adalah sebesar 1,6 bar, 1,3 bar, 1,2 bar, dan 1,24. Pada hasil simulasi kecepatan di intake cone didapatkan data sebesar 33,5 m/s, 32,9m/s, 34,5m/s, dan 34,29m/s. sedangkan untukkecepatan pada exhaust manifold adalah sebesar 93,8 m/s, 117,42 m/s, 122,77 m/s, dan 202 m/s. maka dari hasil analisa aliran fluida udara dan gas sesuai dengan kebutuhan engine untuk udara pembakaran dan gas untuk memutar turbocharger diesel engine. ============================================================ In the method of reverse engineering a new engine performance is analyzed. One of them is about the analysis of air and gas flow on the intake cone and exhaust manifold. By using CFD pressure and fluid velocity of the combustion air system 93.2 Kw diesel enginehas been analyzed by using CFD. The data of diesel engine performance prediction obtained from engine simulation. The result obtained from the simulation flow fluid pressure of air on intake cone of 1.12 bar, 1.14 bar, 1.16 bar, 1.15 bar. While the pressure in exhaust manifold is equal to 1.6 bar, 1.3 bar, 1.2 bar, 1.24 bar. In the simulation result in the intake cone velocity data obtained at 33.5 m/s, 32.9 m/s, 34.5 m/s, and 34.29 m/s. Whereas for the velocity of the exhaust manifold is equal to 93.8 m/s, 117.42 m/s, 122.77 m/s, and 202 m/s. Then the result of the analysis of fluid flow of air and gas in accordance with the needs of the engine for combustion air and gas to rotate the turbin turbocharger diesel engine
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