628 research outputs found

    Development of Teaching Materials Algebraic Equation to Improve Problem Solving

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    Problem-solving skills are the basic capabilities of a person in solving a problem and that involve critical thinking, logical, and systematic. To solve a problem one-way necessary measures to solve the problem. Polya is one way to solve a mathematical problem. by developing teaching materials designed using the steps in solving problems Polya expected students could improve its ability to solve problems. In this first year, the goal of this study is to investigate the process of learning the hypothetical development of teaching materials. This study is a research & development. Procedure development research refers to research the development of Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel ie 4-D. Model development in the first year is define, design, and development. The collection of data for the assessment of teaching materials algebra equations conducted by the expert by filling the validation sheet. Having examined the materials of algebraic equations in the subject of numerical methods, reviewing the curriculum that is aligned with KKNI, and formulates learning outcomes that formed the conceptual teaching material on the material algebraic equations. From the results of expert assessment team found that the average ratings of teaching materials in general algebraic equation of 4.38 with a very good category. The limited test needs to be done to see effectiveness teaching materials on problem-solving skills in students who are taking courses numerical method

    Recovery Among People with Mental Illness (PMI) as Perceived by the Caregivers in Islamic Boarding School (IBS) in Indonesia

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    Background: Mental hospitals as places to rehabilitation people with mental illness(PMI) in Indonesia are limited in numbers and do not meet with the number of PMI.The society may contribute in facilitating recovery and rehabilitation place for PMI including Islamic boarding school. Some Islamic boarding schools provide rehabilitation for PMI to help with recovery process. Recovery is an important aspect to assess the success of PMI rehabilitation. Nevertheless, there has been no study on Islamic boarding school\u27s caregivers\u27 perception on PMI recovery.Purpose: This study aims to explore recovery perception of caregivers treating PMI in Islamic boarding school and factors affecting recovery.Methods: Data are acquired from 19 caregivers from three Islamic boarding schools providing rehabilitation for PMI with Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data analyzed using descriptive analysis.Result: Having a good communication is a recovery criterion that is mentioned themost by caregivers. There are three biggest factors affecting recovery based on the caregivers such as prayers or religion followed by social support from family and environment and also doing activities.Conclusion: The results may depict the PMI recovery so that the health care providers can provide interventions that can support the recovery process in PMI

    Simulasi Fluktuasi Temperatur Pada Wind Tunnel Transien Jenis Gun Tunnel

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    Wind tunnels can be used to simulate supersonic and hypersonic flight conditions, but different wind tunnels can give different results for the same model and nominal flow conditions. Short duration wind tunnels gun tunnels rely on a transient compression process and are likely to generate significant turbulent fluctuations in the nozzle reservoir region. In the present study, a simulation to predict stagnation temperature fluctuation was conducted into transient wind tunnel gun tunnel by adopting a method of other worker. The friction velocity Reynolds numbers for the gun tunnel considered presently were Re = 31,579. The RMS stagnation temperature fluctuations, when averaged over the pipe flow diameter, are estimated to be 15.3. The estimated RMS value in the case of the gun tunnel is significantly larger than the experimental value previously measured on the centre line of the gun tunnel nozzle of 2.3 K. The difference observed between the inferred and measured temperature fluctuations in the gun tunnel case may be related to spatial variations in the temperature fluctuations. The present approach for estimating the magnitude temperature fluctuations should be refined, but more detailed measurements of temperature fluctuations in such facilities are also required

    Jarak Optimum Panci Terhadap Selubung Pada Efisiensi Sistem Pemanasan Air

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    Energy conservation from fossil fuel is urging to be implemented recently, including conservation in a conventional gas stove (CGS). Considering the mechanism of a CGS, there are many prospects to enhance its performance. In this study, efficiency of a CGS has been investigated by varying the gap between pan and stove cover. Many parameters were measured as energy from fuel, cover temperature and water temperature to develop efficiency equation of heating system. Ceramic cover was used to prevent heat release from flame. Gaps between pan and stove cover were varied in 1 mm to 7 mm with increment of 1 mm. The results showed that in certain fuel rate of 45 l/h, the gap of 4 mm indicated the highest efficiency of 46.4 % due to the optimum condition was achieved simultaneous in convection and radiation heat transfer processes of the heating system

    Potensi Cendawan Asal Tanah Perakaran Bambu Sebagai Endofit Dan Agen Biokontrol Penyakit Akar Gada Pada Tanaman Brokoli

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    The potential of fungi from bamboo rhizosphic soils as endophytic and biocontrol agents of clubroot disease (Plasmodiophora brassicae) on Brocoli. Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae is a serious soilborne disease of plants worldwide, capable of severe infection on broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Clubroot is the most destructive diseases on cruciferae in Indonesia. The existing control measures, including biological control do not provide satisfactory result. The objective of the study was to explore fungi from bamboo rhizospheric soils as endophytic that can suppress clubroot disease in broccoli. There were two steps in this study: (1) exploration and identification of fungi from bamboo rhizospheric soils. (2) Effectiveness test of the fungi in suppressing clubroot disease. There were four species of fungi as endophytes in brocoli in this study, e.g Aspergillus sp., Mortierella sp., Paecilomyces sp., and Chaetomium globosum. They had colonized broccoli root endophytically and suppressing clubroot disease. Paecilomyces sp. of endophytic fungi can suppress clubroot diseases incidence for 18.75%

    Performance Analysis of AP1000 Passive Systems During Direct Vessel Injection (DVI) Line Break

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    Generation II Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) have a design weakness as shown by the Fukushima accident. Therefore, Generation III+ NPPs are developed with focus on improvements of fuel technology and thermal efficiency, standardized design, and the use of passive safety system. One type of Generation III+ NPP is the AP1000 that is a pressurized water reactor (PWR) type that has received the final design acceptance from US-NRC and is already under construction at several sites in China as of 2015. The aim of this study is to investigate the behavior and performance of the passive safety system in the AP1000 and to verify the safety margin during the direct vessel injection (DVI) line break as selected event. This event was simulated using RELAP5/SCDAP/Mod3.4 as a best-estimate code developed for transient simulation of light water reactors during postulated accidents. This event is also described in the AP1000 design control document as one of several postulated accidents simulated using the NOTRUMP code. The results obtained from RELAP5 calculation was then compared with the results of simulations using the NOTRUMP code. The results show relatively good agreements in terms of time sequences and characteristics of some injected flow from the passive safety system. The simulation results show that the break of one of the two available DVI lines can be mitigated by the injected coolant flowing, which is operated effectively by gravity and density difference in the cooling system and does not lead to core uncovery. Despite the substantial effort to obtain an apropriate AP1000 model due to lack of detailed geometrical data, the present model can be used as a platform model for other initiating event considered in the AP1000 accident analysis.Received: 2 November 2015; Revised: 19 April 2016; Accepted: 25 April 201

    Biological Seed Treatment for Controlling Anthracnose Disease of Hot Pepper

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    Three rhizobacteria (Bacillus polymixa BG25, Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01 and Serratia liquefaciens SG01) which inhibited the conidia germination of Colletotrichum capsici and produced the phytohormone indoleacetic acid (IAA) were selected and evaluated as biocontrol agents for controlling Colletotrichum capsici, the causal agent of hot pepper anthracnose and for improving the growth, yield and seed quality of hot pepper in glasshouse and field conditions. Two cultivars of hot pepper, cv. Lokal Brebes and cv. Tit Super were also used in this experiment. The result of the experiment showed that seed treatments with P. fluorescens PG01 either alone or in combination with B. polymixa BG25 increase yields and seed quality under glasshouse and field conditions. However, the most effective treatment was the combination of both agents. Moreover, biological seed treatment with P. fluorescens PG01 either alone or in combination with B. polymixa BG25 led to induction of resistance against C. capsici, as a result of increase in peroxidase activity and biosynthesis of phytoalexins that have been considered as resistance mechanisms against plant diseases

    The Occurrence of CSN1S1 E Allele on Saanen Goat Population at BBPTU-HPT Baturraden

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    The CSN1S1 gene is expressed as the milk alpha S1 casein which is valuable for cheese making. Allele E is a mutation of this gene, which is correlated with low quantity of expressed protein. This study aimed to identify the occurrence of CSN1S1 E allele on the Saanen population at BBPTU-HPT Baturraden. Blood samples of 45 does were drawn, followed by DNA isolation using the column spin method. The identification of E allele was carried out by Allele Specific Polymerase Chain Reactions (AS-PCR) with forward primer 5-TCAGGAGCAGTGGGTATGTG-3 and reverse 5-CCTCCCAATGGAATAATGACA-3. Allele E was found as heterozygote genotype with non-E allele in 28 out of 45 samples. This means that F allele frequency was 0.31 and 0.6 for non-E allele. There was no significant difference of milk protein in both groups. In summary, E allele was found in the Saanen goat population in BBPTU HPT Baturraden with no effect on milk protein production. Keywords: Saanen, CSN1S1, milk, goats, protein
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