9 research outputs found

    Cyanide Reduction in Cassava Root Products Through Processing and Selection of Cultivars in Relation to Food Safety

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    About 47% of cassava production in Indonesia was used for human consumption, both as a staple food and snacks. In terms of food safety, the natural presence of cyanogenic glucosides in cassava roots is of concern as they may release free cyanide (HCN), which is highly toxic. At high levels, it may cause acute poisoning, leading to death as well as iodine deficiency and neurological disorders for long-term ingestion. The cyanogenic glucosides content in different cultivars of cassava varied from 1 up to >1,000 mg HCN/kg fresh weight, while 10 mg HCN/kg dry weight was considered to be the safe level for consumption. Various processing methods were reported to be effective in reducing the cyanide content in cassava products. A decrease of 25-50% was observed during overnight soaking, while it was much higher (81%) when subsequent drying and milling into flour was performed. During boiling, steaming, deep-frying, baking and fermentation, a reduction of 45-50%, 17%, 13%, 14% and 38-84% was noted, respectively. Crushing the fresh roots and subsequent sun-drying was the most effective method with >95% of HCN removal. It suggests that low cyanide content of cassava cultivars (mostly sweet/local varieties) are obviously required for direct consumption purposes. This is particularly important for traditional food processors to be selective in obtaining fresh cassava as raw material and choosing proper processing methods. While for gaplek, starch, flour, and mocaf purposes, where washing, soaking, shredding, fermentation, pressing, drying and milling were involved, the bitter cultivars (mostly improved varieties) with relatively high cyanide content can be used. Therefore, breeding selection for cassava cultivars with low cyanide content and high potential yield is essentially needed. Selected improved varieties and promising clones seem to meet this criteria. Regulation for food industries to provide information on cyanide level in cassava food labels would also protect the consumers and promote safe cassava foods


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    Koperasi Berlian di bawah PKK yang berlokasi di Desa Pisangan Ciputat Timur, Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) ini mulai melakukan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah sejak tahun 2015. Tujuan utama kelompok usaha yang sebagian besar perempuan ini adalah menciptakan iklim ekonomi yang stabil. Perjalanan panjang mengembangkan usaha peningkatan pendapatan keluarga (UP2K) di Kecamatan Pisangan tidaklah mudah, butuh proses panjang. Berlian koperasi UP2K berlokasi di Jalan Cirendeu Indah 1 GG Mushollah RT 005/003 Setidaknya ada 6 unit usaha, antara lain pernak-pernik, kue kering, kue basah, lauk pauk, sajian, dan berbagai produk lainnya. UP2K Kelurahan Pisangan, hal ini sangat bermanfaat untuk memberikan penghasilan bagi masyarakat. Kelurahan Pisangan memiliki luas 405 hektare dengan 18 RW dan 115 RT yang terdiri dari 70 persen perumahan, sisanya adalah desa. Meskipun telah terjadi pertumbuhan kuantitas, masih banyak permasalahan dan tantangan dalam pengembangan UMKM anggota koperasi Berlian. Implementasi bisnis masih dilakukan dengan cara tradisional, tidak berdasarkan rencana, karena itu banyak pelaku UMKM yang gagal dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya. Untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan daya saing UMKM anggota Koperasi Berlian, diperlukan rencana aksi untuk menumbuhkan dan memperkuat eksistensi Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Rencana aksi tersebut merupakan dokumen perencanaan pemberdayaan UMKM anggota Koperasi Berlian dalam enam bulan ke depan. Sasaran khusus dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah (1) memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam menulis rencana aksi; (2) mitra kerja mampu melaksanakan rencana aksi dengan baik; (3) Menciptakan masyarakat yang produktif dan mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan untuk mendukung perekonomian keluarga. Metode dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) perkuliahan; (2) diskusi kelompok besar; (3) simulasi; (3) Pemantauan dan bantua

    Incorporating Root Crops Under Agro-Forestry as the Newly Potential Source of Food, Feed and Renewable Energy

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    Entering the third millennium food and energy crisis is becoming more serious in line with water scarcity amid of climate change induced by global warming, that so called as FEWS (food energy and water scarcity). In the last five decades Indonesian agricultural development of food crops had been emphasized on cereals and grains based. Conversion of forest into agricultural field in the form of upland and lowland facilitated by irrigation is prioritized for cereals such as rice, maize as well as grain legumes such as soybean, peanut etc. Unfortunately, root crops which their main yield underground are neglected. At the end of second millennium Indonesia was seriously suffered from multi-crisis economic trap, so Indonesia as part of countries under World Food Program to import the huge of food to cover domestic consumption such as rice, wheat, soybean, corn etc. On the other hand, consumption of energy was also increase significantly. These conditions triggering government to stimulate integrated agricultural enterprises for providing abundance of food as well as adequate renewable energy. Although root crops were neglected previously, however from its biological potential to produce biomass promotes root crops into an appropriate position. The variability of root crops which ecologically can be grown from upland in dry areas till swampy submergence condition. Forest conversion into agricultural land is not allowed due to forest is useful to prevent global warming. Therefore, food, feed and fuel (renewable energy) production have to be able grown under agro-forestry. Fortunately the potential of root crops has competency to meet the current need to fulfil food, feed and fuel as well as fibre under future greener environment

    Effect of Soil Tillage and Adaptability of Argomulyo and Burangrang Varieties in Madagascar Dry Season with Cold Temperature

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    This research aimed to study soybean response to different soil tillage and soybean adaptability to dry season with cold temperature. Two Indonesian varieties (‘Argomulyo' and ‘Burangrang') and three Madagascar varieties (‘FT10', ‘OC11' and ‘Malady') were grown under soil tillage and no soil tillage in Antananarivo Avarandrano, Madagascar. The planting date was from June to November 2014 in which the season was dry season with average temperature ranging 14-19 oC. Results showed that there was no variety × tillage interaction on the observed characters. Tillage system was significantly different on plant height, number of pods plant-1, grain size, and grain yield. The differences among varieties were found on vegetative and generative phases, plant height, number of branches and pods plant-1, grain size, and grain yield. Cold temperature suppressed growth and development of vegetative and generative phases causing agronomical characters decreased. However, soybean plants were still able to grow and develop indicating that soybean can be grown under no tillage system with cold temperature. Indonesian varieties (‘Argomulyo' and ‘Burangrang') showed equal grain yield to Madagascar Varieties (‘FT10' and ‘OC11'), suggesting that ‘Argomulyo' and ‘Burangrang' were adaptable in Madagascar dry season with cold temperature

    Eksplorasi Dan Pengaruh Cendawan Endofit Yang Berasal Dari Akar Tanaman Cabai Terhadap Pertumbuhan Benih Cabai Merah

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    Cendawan endofit diketahui memiliki kemampuan dalam menghasilkan metabolit sekunder yang sering berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan inangnya, seperti meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap kondisi cekaman biotik dan abiotik, maupun meningkatkan pertumbuhannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi cendawan endofit yang diperoleh dari akar tanaman cabai terhadap pertumbuhan bibit tanaman cabai besar (Capsicum annuum L.). Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi dan Rumah Kaca BPTP Jakarta, sejak September 2012 hingga Agustus 2013. Penelitian terdiri dari eksplorasi, uji patogenisitas, dan uji efikasi terhadap cendawan endofit. Eksplorasi cendawan endofit dilakukan terhadap sampel akar tanaman cabai sehat dari daerah Garut (Jawa Barat), yang sering digunakan untuk budidaya tanaman cabai dan Cipayung (Jakarta Timur), yang merupakan daerah baru untuk budidaya tanaman cabai. Seleksi awal terhadap isolat cendawan dilakukan dengan uji patogenisitas secara in vitro. Uji efikasi cendawan secara in vivo pada bibit cabai berfungsi untuk mengetahui efek aplikasi cendawan terpilih (46 isolat non patogenik dan 16 isolat potensial patogenik) terhadap pertumbuhan bibit. Hasil eksplorasi menunjukkan bahwa isolat cendawan yang diperoleh dari akar tanaman cabai daerah Garut, secara makroskopis memiliki keragaman lebih tinggi dibanding dengan keragaman isolat dari daerah Cipayung. Uji patogenisitas menunjukkan bahwa isolat cendawan yang diuji cenderung didominasi oleh cendawan yang bersifat patogenik dan potensial patogenik. Uji efikasi cendawan endofit terpilih dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan vegetatif bibit, menunjukkan bahwa 74,19% isolat yang diuji memiliki kemampuan memicu pertumbuhan bibit pada kondisi media tanam steril. sebanyak 34 isolat dari isolat-isolat tersebut diketahui merupakan isolat yang sejak awal bersifat nonpatogenik dan 12 isolat yang awalnya bersifat potensial patogenik

    Utilization of the Play Area to Improve Motor and Sensoric Ability Children of Tk Pertiwi Dusun Semaya, Karanglewas

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    TK Pertiwi is the only kindergarten in Semaya hamlet which is located under the slopes of Mount Slamet, which is about 18 km from downtown Purwokerto. Geographically, the hamlet is bordered by a protected forest area so Semaya seems to be separated from urban civilization. This also has an impact on the lack of learning support facilities. The lack of infrastructure to support creativity and children's motor and sensory abilities encourages the service team to use land in the kindergarten area. The purpose of this service is to provide a vast space for children to move and explore creative abilities to support children's motor and sensory development. The method used consists of 3 stages, namely 1) pre-preparation includes identification of the target audience, collection, and analysis of needs. 2) Preparation includes identification of procurement of goods, purchases, and determination of time and accommodation. 3) Implementation of activities in accordance with the activity plan that has been formulated.The activities carried out in the service are the installation of outdoor game equipment on the vacant land of the kindergarten area in the form of trampolines and slides. The second activity is land use for gardening areas where 1 child gets vegetable seeds and gardening equipment consisting of pots, fertilizer soil media, mini shovels, and mini plant waterers. The last activity is a musical activity where children learn to recognize the notation in the piano by blowing and pushing the keys. Besides aiming to help children's motor and sensory development from an early age, it also instills a love and sensitivity to the environment in one of its activities. The implementation of this activity provides great benefits for kindergarten and children. For children, the facilities provided can help motor and sensory development through the activities carried out

    The Use of Tragacanth as a Gelling Agent in Roselle Flower Extract based Radiochromic Indicators

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    Gamma irradiation techniques have been used in various fields, such as sterilizing medical equipment and food products. In such a process, monitoring the dose of radiation using radio radiochromic dosimeter is important to guarantee the accuracy of the radiation dose absorbed by the irradiated materials. Radio chromic dosimeters usually consisted of radiation-sensitive dyes that could change colors when exposed to radiation. In this research, natural dyes in the form of anthocyanins obtained from roselle flower extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) have been used as radio chromic indicators. The radio chromic indicators have been made in liquid using water solvent and gel using a tragacanth gelling agent. Each radiochromic indicator's pH values varied between 2 and 11 using NaOH and HNO3 solutions. All radio chromic indicators were then gamma irradiated using a Co-60 radiation source and tested for stability at 8°C under closed storage conditions. The characterization was performed using UV Vis spectrophotometry. The results showed that roselle flower extract was sensitive to gamma radiation as indicated by decolorization, and their sensitivity increased when made in the form of gel at pH 2 and 5. The stability test also showed that the anthocyanin content was stable after being maintained for 28 days in a closed storage at 8°C. With such differences in sensitivity of the roselle flower extract when used in either liquid or gel solution, the radio chromic indicators should find wide application in the future, depending on the radiation doses given to the solutions