8 research outputs found


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    Penggunaan bambu dibidang konstruksi sampai saat ini masih sangat terbatas dan hanya digunakan pada struktur ringan. Pengembangan penggunaan bambu dibidang struktur, khususnya dibidang pembangunan kapal, dapat dikatakan masih belum tersentuh. Dengan adanya teknologi laminasi dan dengan perlakuan tertentu, diharapkan pemanfaatan bambu dapat diperluas pada penggunaan struktur dan dibidang perkapalan, khususnya kapal non baja. Dari hasil penelitian dan pengujian ditunjukkan bahwa komposit kayu jati dan/atau bambu betung mempunyai sifat fisis dan sifat mekanis yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kayu jati yang selama ini digunakan sebagai bahan pembangunan kapal kayu. Sebagai bahan pembangunan kapal kayu, komposit bambu mempunyai kerapatan (density) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kayu jati solid dan komposit lainnya. Kerapatan bahan sangat berpengaruh terhadap berat kapal yang akhirnya akan berpengaruh pula terhadap ruang muat (palka), kecepatan kapal dan kebutuhan bahan bakar. Tetapi komposit kayu jati dan bamboo betung dengan jumlah lapisan 5 dengan komposisi kayu jati-nya 2/3 dari keseluruhan, mempunyai kerapatan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kayujatin solid. Secara keseluruhan, sifat mekanis komposit kayu jati dan bambu betung lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kayu jati solid, rata-rata kenaikan kekuatannya mencapai 40 %.Pengaruh ruas bambu terhadap kekuatan bending dan tarik (tension) dibandingkan tanpa ruas, kekuatannya menurun sekitar 10 persen tergantung dari jumlah lapisan dan jenis kayu. Tetapi dengan jumlah lapisan dan jenis kayu yang sama, maka komposit bambu dengan kayu jati mempunyai tingkat penurunan yang paling kecil (+ 7,35 persen).Ketahanan komposit kayu jati dan/atau bambu betung terhadap beban bergerak, komposit bambu mempunyai ketahanan terhadap beban dinamis yang paling baik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya kekuatan sisa (residual strength) yang masih tinggi. Sesuai dengan regulasi Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) untuk Ketentuan Kapal Kayu, maka komposit kayu jati dan bambu betung memenuhi persyaratan bahan untuk bahan pembangunan kapal non baja.Disain kapal dengan menggunakan bahan utama komposit bambu dengan ukuran 5 gross tonnage (GT) dengan ukuran utama (principal dimension) panjang secara keseluruhan (LOA) = 9.47 meter, lebar kapal (B) = 2.80 meter dan tinggi badan kapal (D) = 1.20 meter. Kecepatan 8.0 knot dengan waktu operasi (endurance) selama 3 hari dengan 4 personil. Mesin yang digunakan 52 kW dengan ruang muat ikan sebesar 4.00 m3

    Bending Strength of Apus Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Composite Materials as Small Ship

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    Bamboo is generally widely used as a material or construction material in homes. However, the use of bamboo as a raw material for shipbuilding is not yet available. To make bamboo as a material in shipbuilding, the bamboo is assembled or made into a composite to meet class standards as a material for shipbuilding. In this study, the composites used were apus bamboo fiber and asphalt. The method of making the composite uses the hand lay-up method with variations of 1 layer of reinforcement, 3 layers of reinforcement, and 5 layers of reinforcement. The dimensions of the test specimen size refer to ASTM D 790-3 which is then carried out by bending tests to determine the strength of the material due to loading and the elasticity of the material. Furthermore, the results of the bending test will be analyzed using the Anova method and compared with the standard material class in ship construction. Results Asphalt composite material with apus bamboo fiber has the highest bending test value of 27,068 Mpa and the lowest bending test value of 25,998 Mpa. Based on these results, it is stated that the Bamboo reinforced asphalt (BRA) material has not been able to match and even exceed the Bamboo reinforced plastic (BRP) material in the woven, non-woven and random fiber variants. It is influenced by the diameter, and the strength of the shape between the fiber and the matrix

    The Flexural Strength and Impact Toughness of Bamboo Reinforced Latex-Asphalt Composite

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    Dependence on materials for the small ship industry can cause other problems. The development of cheap, environmentally friendly, and sustainable small ship manufacturing raw materials is a challenge that must be faced, this gave rise to the idea of developing asphalt-matrixed bamboo (Gigantochloa apus) composite materials with added latex (Hevea brasiliensis) as small ship hull skin material. The asphalt-latex composite material reinforced with apus bamboo fibers was tested using a three-point bending test and a Charpy-type impact test concerning ASTM. The test results showed that the asphalt-latex composite material reinforced with bamboo fibers had an impact toughness of 57.2 kJ/m² and a flexural strength of 6.4 MPa

    Impact Test Value of Asphalt Composite with Bamboo Fiber Apus (Gigantochloa apus)

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    The use of Fibrous Reinforced Plastic material with fiberglass reinforcement materials is considered to impact the environment and human health, giving rise to the idea of developing asphalt composite materials with fiber apus (Gigantochloa apus), which assessed can be the correct answer as an environmentally friendly material. Asphalt composite material with bamboo fiber apus is tested using the Charpy type impact test method by referring to ASTM to determine the substantial value of its impact. The value of the material impact test results is analyzed using the ANOVA method and compared to the impact test value of Bamboo Reinforced Plastic. The impact test results obtained that the highest value of the strong material impact of 5.9 J/cm² and the lowest by 0.1 J/cm², based on the results of the impact test, asphalt composite material with bamboo fiber content has not been able to exceed the highest value of bamboo reinforced plastic impact strength

    Sesame Oil Addition to Bamboo Reinforced Composite Matrix

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    Wooden ships use jati wood. Over time jati wood has become scarce. So that jati wood is relatively expensive. therefore bamboo is researched starting from the skin, bamboo meat, and bamboo internodes contained in the plant. In the structure of bamboo there are internodes. The bamboo segment is the weakness of the bamboo structure. The effect of bamboo segments in composite construction was investigated. Sesame oil replaces mineral oil and chemicals, because sesame oil is biodegradable, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and renewable. To determine the effect of bamboo segments, tensile and bending tests will be conducted on the bamboo composite. The results of this research are expected to find alternative materials, namely bamboo fibre-based composites or so-called bamboo reinforcement plastics (BRP) as materials for making people's ships. This study found that the more layers of bamboo and bamboo segments are very influential in influencing the tensile and bending strength of a laminated material. The tensile testing value of layer 3 with segments reached 127.556 Mpa and without segments 933.333 as well as bending testing layer 3 with segments reached 113.889 Mpa and without segments 111.111 Mpa. From this value, the value has not met the standard of the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI)

    Analisa Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Serat Pelepah Pisang Sebagai Alternatif Untuk Laminasi Kapal Ikan

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    Fishing boats are vessels that almost 90% of the building materials are made of wood. The nature of wood that is easily weathered and attacked by wood destroying organisms causes fishing vessels with wood materials to be easily damaged. Banana trees are plants that thrive in Indonesia. In addition to the fruit, banana tree leaves are the part that is often used for reprocessing. However, the midrib of the tree cannot be utilized optimally and will become unused waste. Therefore, the author has an innovation using banana midrib fiber as a composite material as a wood ship lamination material. Therefore, researchers need to do a test, namely by tensile test of variations in fiber thickness of 1 layer, 2 layers, 3 layers on a banana midrib fiber composite and polyester resin to measure the tensile strength value of the composite which refers to the ASTM 638-02a standard. Keywords : Wooden ship, banana fiber, Composit