47 research outputs found

    Fenomena Self Disclosure secara Anonim pada Media Sosial Twitter (Akun Twitter @unsoedfress1963)

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    Fenomena self disclosure baik secara terang-terangan menggunakan identitas aslinya maupun anonim di media sosial menjadi salah satu fenomena yang banyak terjadi di berbagai macam media sosial baik Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, atau pun media sosial yang lainnya. Fenomena self disclosure secara anonim di Twitter khususnya, saat ini kian banyak dilakukan oleh banyak orang. Berawal dari akun anonim yang bersifat pribadi hingga muncul akun anonim yang bersifat base. Penelitian ini merupakan model penelitian studi fenomenologi dengan analisis deskriptif. Teori Fenomenologi Alfred Schutz yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan motif pengikut akun Twitter @unsoedfress1963yang mengirim cuitan secara anonim melalui akun Twitter @unsoedfress1963. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara tujuh informan yang diambil dengan pengambilan sample secara sengaja dan dengan observasi cuitan-cuitan di akun tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa terdapat 4 motif mengikuti akun @unsoedfress1963, 2 motif menggunakan anonimitas pada akun @unsoedfress1963, 1 informan tidak menggunakan anonimitas, ketakutan akan hilangnya anonimitas dan makna akun @unsoedfress1963bagi pengikutnya.Fenomena self disclosure baik secara terang-terangan menggunakan identitas aslinya maupun anonim di media sosial menjadi salah satu fenomena yang banyak terjadi di berbagai macam media sosial baik Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, atau pun media sosial yang lainnya. Fenomena self disclosure secara anonim di Twitter khususnya, saat ini kian banyak dilakukan oleh orangorang. Berawal dari akun anonim yang bersifat pribadi hingga muncul akun anonim yang bersifat base. Penelitian ini merupakan model penelitian studi fenomenologi dengan analisis deskriptif. Teori Fenomenologi Alfred Schutz yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan motif pengikut akun Twitter @unsoedfress1963yang mengirim cuitan secara anonim melalui akun Twitter @unsoedfress1963. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara tujuh informan yang diambil dengan pengambilan sample secara sengaja dan dengan observasi cuitan-cuitan di akun tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa terdapat 4 motif mengikuti akun @unsoedfress1963, 2 motif menggunakan anonimitas pada akun @unsoedfress1963, 1 informan tidak menggunakan anonimitas, ketakutan akan hilangnya anonimitas dan makna akun @unsoedfress1963bagi pengikutnya

    Model Prediksi Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Menggunakan Radial Basis Function

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    Penyakit ginjal kronik adalah suatu sindrom klinis. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh penurunan fungsi ginjal yang bersifat menahun, progresif, bersifat persisten, dan irreversibel. Diagnosa dini diperlukan agar penderitanya tidak mengalami infark ginjal atau kematian mendadak. Pencegahan dapat dilakukan melalui prediksi yang tepat. Penelitian Prediksi Penyakit Ginjal Kronik pada saat ini telah dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti. Namun peningkatan akurasi diperlukan untuk menunjang tugas dan fungsi tenaga medis dalam menegakkan diagnosa. Saat ini tingkat akurasi model penelitian sebelumnya baru mencapai 91.71 %. Guna meningkatkan akurasi tersebut penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Radial Basis Function. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan parameter uji iterasi 500 - 10000 dan konstanta pembelajaran antara 0.15- 0.3. Dari uji coba tersebut didapatkan hasil yang lebih baik daripada penelitian sebelumnya, yakni sebesar 93.75% pada konstanta pembelajaran 0.2 dan iterasi 200

    Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Nilai Hidup, Kemandirian, dan Dukungan Keluarga terhadap Perilaku Sehat Lansia di Kelurahan Medono Kota Pekalongan

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    Background: The number of elderly people has been increasing from 6.8% in 2002 to 7.15% in 2003 in Medono village Pekalongan. Nearly 98% of them are still living with their own family. Therefore, the role of family members in maintaining and motivating positive value of life as well as improving positive health behaviour of their elderly has been increasingly important. This study examines the factors of the elderly value of life, their independency and their family supports which influence their positive health behaviour in Medono village.Method : A survey method using a structured-scheduled questionnaire and a face to face interview which involved 60 sample has been employed in this study. Likewise, an observation method using a check list technique has also been used to observe the independency and personal hygine behaviour factors of the respondents. The data was analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate (particularly logistic regression) analyses.Results : The study found that there were significant correlations between age, education level, value of life and family support factors of the elderly and their positive health behaviour since Chi-square test shows p<0.05. However, there was no correlation between gender and the elderly behaviour. Likewise, multivariate analysis also shows that positive value of life is a dominant factor which predict the elderly positive health behaviour

    Antioxidant Activity of Metanol Extract of Sea Weeds Obtained from North Sulawesi

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    In Vitro antioxidant activity of four sea weeds from North Sulawesi –viz., Gracillaria salicornia, Sargasum olygocystum, Turbinaria decurens,  Halimeda macroloba and H. durvilae were evaluated. Total phenol content (TPC) and activity antioxidant of 30%,50%, 70% aqueous  were study. TPC  using follin Ciocalteu method,  while  1,1-diphenyl-2pycrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, Ferric reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and ferrous ion Chelating (FIC) assay  were used to study their AOC(Antioxidant Capacity) . The total phenol content of different metanol concentration of sea weed varied from 3.02±0.68% to 18.83±0.77 g gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 gr dried sample, All sea weed  were determined to have highest TPC, DPPH and FRAP  in  70 % aqueous metanol . H durvilae displayed highest in TPC and DPPH. G.salicornia showed highst in FRAP. 42.95±2.24 g GAE/100 g ekstrak. Brown alga T. decurens and S. olygocystum have FIC activity higher then another seaweeds in 30% metanol consentration. Keywords: Antioxidant Activity, Metanol Extract , Sea Weed

    Pengaruh Perilaku Menggosok Gigi Terhadap Plak Gigi Pada Siswa Kelas IV Dan V Di SDN Wilayah Kecamatan Gajahmungkur Semarang

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    Effect of tooth brushing behavior toward Dental Plaque In Class IV and V on SDN Gajahmungkur Regency of Semarang; dental plaque was the primary agent of dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Prevention of dental caries by mechanically plaque cleaning the brush. Research purposes to analyze what factors were related to the behavior of brushing teeth with dental plaque on Class IV and V students at State Elementary School of Gajahmungkur District Region. This type of research was the survey method and analytic cross-sectional design. A sample of 400 students conducted by proportional random sampling. Data collection methods are interviews, examinations and observations. Bivariate data analysis using Chi square test and multivariate Logistic Regression Test. The results Dental Plaque score classes IV and V students in elementary Gajahmungkur District of Semarang was still bad. Bivariate analysis there was a relation with plaque score of knowledge about brushing your teeth (p=0,001), attitudes about brushing your teeth (p=0,001), practice brushing (p=0,001), the parent's role (p=0,001) (p=0,001), means brushing your teeth (p=0,001), and pH of saliva >6,8 (p=0,001). Logistic regression test result performed on six potential variables obtained one variable which affect to plaque score was knowledge about brushing teeth OR= 7.88 ( 95% CI: 4.39 to 14.14)

    Analisis Determinan Perilaku Pimpinan Industri Kecil Tahu – Tempe dalam Mengolah Air Limbah di Wilayah Kecamatan Candisari, Kota Semarang

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    ABSTRACK Background : Industrial sector has a big role in performing standard of health. The environmental quality decresed mostly happened in several places, notably in big cities, because of the bad behavior of industrial-waste banishment. The district of Candisari is one of nine districts in the City of Semarang, where 70 small industries crushed-soybeans and fermented- soybeans products exits; the most are in the city. The result of the preliminary study revealed that the waste water volume from each industry ranges from 800 liters to 1000 liters per day. Generally, these amounts of waste-water were wasted directly into the river of Kalibajak without pre treatment. Mean while, reviewing toward several member of society, who lived around the river, revealed that there were complaints of unpleasant smell and river shallowness supposed to result from the sedimentation of Industrial waste of crushed-soybeans and fermented-soybeans products. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the factors affected the practice of waste-water processing by the performers of small industry of crushed-soybeans products. Methods : This is an explanatory study using survey method with Cross Sectional design. The study took place in the district of Candisari, Semarang. The subjects of the study were all of the performers of small industry of crushed-soybeans and fermented-soybeans products in the district, which were 70 persons. As for crosscheck, Deep-seated interviews were carried out in triangulation manner towards 12 public figures, one health officer, and one officer of the Regional Body of Environmental Impact Control (Bapedalda), City of Semarang. The data would be analyzed using Chi-Square technique, and multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression test. Results : The results of the logistic regression with backward stepwise method study reveals that the effect of the level of education on practice is 2.297 times, the effect of social environment on practice is more than 3.109 times. Mean while, level of knowledge, the cost consideration and attitude in this study have no effects on the practice of waste-water processing by the performers of small industry. Conclusion : The social environment is the most dominant variable on the practice of waste-water processing by the performers of small industry of crushed-soybeans and fermented-soybeans products and its effect is 3.109 times. The recommendation of this study suggest that support from public figures, the health Government Office of Semarang City (the continuous guidance toward the small industry to perform the clean and healthy environment

    Pengaruh insektisida nabati terhadap populasi hama ulat daun Plutella xylostella L pada tanaman kubis Brassica oleracea L

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    Tanaman kubis (Brassica oleracea.,L) mempunyai peran yang penting dalam kesehatan manusia, karena banyak mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang diperlukan tubuh. Salah satu masalah penting yang selalu dihadapi dalam budidaya kubis adalah kerusakan tanaman oleh serangan hama. Hama utama yang sangat berbahaya adalah ulat daun Plutella xylostella L., . Pengendalian dengan insektisida telah membawa dampak pada residu bahan kimia pada sayuran kubis, pencemaran lingkungan dan beban biaya produksi yang meningkat. Salah satu cara alternative yang banyak digunakan untuk pengendalian serangan hama ulat daun pada tanaman kubis adalah insektisida nabati yang terbuat dari estrak biji mimba( Azdirachta indica) yang mengandung toksin Azadirachtin, ekstrak daun Krisan (Chrysanthemum cenerafolium) yang mengandung toksin Piretroid, dan ekstrak daun Tegetas (Tegetes erecta) yang mengandung toksin Tiofen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai ekstrak insektisida nabati terhadap populasi ulat daun Pxylostella pada tanaman kubis serta dampak penggunaan insektisida nabati terhadap produksi kubis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan Metode sampling. Sample tanaman kubis dibagi dalam empat (4) bagian dan masing-masing disemprot dengan 50 gr/lt ekstrak biji mimba, 50 gr/lt ekstrak daun Tegetes dan control dengan insektisida Curacron. Interval penyemprotan satu minggu sekali, dimulai minggu ke 3 setelah tanam sampai minggu ke 8 setelah tanam . Data hasil penelitian diuji dengan Uji T (T test) dan Analisis (Anava) dari software Microstat. Hasil Uji T dan Anava antara sample perlakuan insektisida nabati dengan sample control terhadap populasi ulat daun tidak berbeda secara nyata pada taraf 5% (@=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan insektisida nabati dapat menggantikan fungsi dari insektisida kimia dalam pengendalian ulat daun, serta dalam hal menyelamatkan produksi dari serangan ulat daun