10 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Sitotoksik pada Sel MCF-7 dari Tumbuhan Indonesia untuk Pengobatan Tradisional Kanker Payudara

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    Indonesia is rich in a variety of potential plants as research materials based on local wisdom in the discovery of new medicinal compound. The research results have been documented in the research office of plant and herbal medicine (Ristoja) 2012. This research is a further assessment of Ristoja 2012, aims to test the cytotoxic activity of 20 parts of plants that are used for traditional treatment of cancer in Indonesia. The extraction was carried out by the infuse method using water solvent then dried in 40o C oven to obtain a dry extracts. The cytotoxicity activity test was performed on MCF-7 breast cancer cell model using MTT method, and cell profile with flow cytometry method. The results of cytotoxic test showed that 19 extracts had cytotoxic activity with IC50 100-300 μg/ml. One plant showed strong activity i.e. Gerrardanthus macrorhizus Harv. ex Benth. & Hook.f. tuber with IC50 value 73.5 μg/mL. Root tuber extract did not affect the MCF-7 cell cycle profile but increased cell population in sub G1 indicating apoptosis induction, potentially developed as chemopreventive agent

    Pengaruh Terapi Musik Untuk Mengurangi Intensitas Nyeri Saat Perawatan Luka Post Op Laparatomy Hari Ke 2 Di RSUD Dr. Moewardi

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    Latar Belakang : Laparatomi merupakan pembedahan Perut, membuka selaput Perut dengan operasi yang dilakukan untuk memeriksa organ-organ Perut dan membantu diagnosis masalah termasuk menyembuhkan penyakit-penyakit pada Perut (Mansjoer, 2007). Pasca perawatan luka post op laparatomy hari ke 2 pasien merasakan nyeri hebat dan 75% penderita mempunyai pengalaman yang kurang menyenangkan akibat pengelolaan nyeri yang tidak adekuat. Hal tersebut merupakan stressor bagi pasien dan akan menambah kecemasan serta keteganggan yang berarti pula menambah rasa nyeri karena rasa nyeri menjadi pusat perhatiannya. Bila pasien mengeluh nyeri maka menjadi pengalaman yang kurang menyenangkan akibat pengelolaan nyeri yang tidak adekuat. Tingkat dan keparahan nyeri pasca perawatan luka tergantung pada fisiologis dan psikologis individu dan toleransi yang ditimbulkan nyeri. Mendengarkan musik dapat memproduksi zat endorphins (substansi sejenis morfin yang disuplai tubuh yang dapat mengurangi rasasakit/ nyeri) yang dapat menghambat transmisi impuls nyeri di sistem sarafpusat, sehingga sensasi nyeri menstruasi dapat berkurang. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik untuk mengurangi intensitas nyeri saat perawatan luka Post Op Laparatomy hari ke 2 di RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Metode Penelitian : Metode penelitian adalah metode quasi eksperimental design. Rancangan Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan one design prestest posttest only. Dalam penelitian ini teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik accidental sampling yaitu Responden yang kebetulan ada atau tersedia di suatu tempat sesuai dengan konteks penelitian, jumlah responden 25 orang. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner NRS. Menggunakan analisa bivariat dengan uji Willcoxon Hasil : Setelah dilakukan terapi music dari 25 responden 19 (76%) mengalami nyeri ringan, 6 (24%) mengalami nyeri sedang. Ada pengaruh dan perbedaan berbanding terbalik setelah dilakukan terapi musik, dengan nilai p <0,05 dan p = 0,000 pada signifikasi 95%. Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh terapi musik terhadap intensitas nyeri pada perawatan luka pasien post operasi laparatomy hari ke dua di RS Dr. Moeward

    The Effects of Combined Medicinal Plants Infusion on Blood Glucose, Cholesterol, and Triglyceride Levels in Hyperglycemic Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Latar belakang: Kadar glukosa, kolesterol dan trigliserid darah yang tinggi dapat memicu terjadinya berbagaipenyakit sehingga diperlukan cara untuk mengontrol ketiga parameter tersebut, salah satunya dengan obattradisional. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membuktikan efek penurunan kadar glukosa, kolesterol dan trigliseriddarah tikus Sprague-Dawley (SD) dari infusa kombinasi sambiloto, salam, kayu manis, dan temulawak.Metode: Penelitian terhadap 3 kelompok uji (kontrol, perlakuan, dan metformin sebagai kontrol positif)dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Agustus 2014 di laboratorium hewan coba B2P2TOOT Jawa Tengah CentralJava. Hewan uji adalah tikus galur SD usia?. Induksi hiperglikemik tikus uji dengan pemberian highfructose diet (HFD), yaitu campuran fruktosa (36%), kuning telur (20%), dan pellet standar (44%) dalam0,36 g /200 g Berat Badan (BB) selama 70 hari. Setelah diperoleh tikus hiperglikemik pada hari ke-70, dilanjutkan pemberian infusa formula selama 7 hari. Ketiga parameter uji meliputi kadar glukosa,trigliserida, dan kolesterol total tikus uji hari ke-77 dibandingkan dengan hari ke-70. Pemeriksaanhistopatologi organ pankreas dilakukan pada di akhir percobaan.Hasil: Pemberian HFD selama 70 hari menyebabkan peningkatan signifikan kadar glukosa (p=0,0001),kolesterol (p=0,001) dan trigliserid total (p=0,006) darah. Peningkatan berat badan tikus uji dibandingkantikus kelompok kontrol tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,792). Pemberian infusa ramuan sambiloto, salam,kayu manis, dan temulawak dosis 491,4 mg/200 g BB menurunkan kadar glukosa, kolesterol, dantrigliserida darah tikus uji berurutan sebesar 37,09% 19,51%, dan 79,29%.Kesimpulan: Pemberian infusa ramuan sambiloto, salam, kayu manis, dan temulawak dosis 491,4 mg/200g BB selama 7 hari secara signifikan menurunkan kadar glokosa darah, kolesterol. dan trigliserida tikushiperglikemik. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:99-104

    Keragaman Genetik Aksesi Ekinase (Echinacea Purpurea (L.) Moench) Hasil Seleksi Massa Tahun I Melalui Analisis Rapd

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    Ekinase (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench) a medicinal plant that has immunostimulatory activity. This plant has been cultivating in Tawangmangu region by Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Office since 2002. Ten accessions of E. purpurea were found based on their morphological variation, three accessions of them are selected as promising accessions namely BH2, BHU3 dan BHU5. The objective of this research was to observe the genetic diversity of those promising accessions and 8 variants accession from mass selection year I using RAPD analysis. Those accessions were amplified using 10 RAPD primers. A total of 64 scorable fragments were generated from 9 RAPD primers, among which 48 fragments (75%) were polymorphic. The Dice coefficient was used to calculated the genetic similarity and UPGMA was used to generate the dendogram. The genetic similarity index among accessions evaluated ranged from 75,49-84,21% thus indicating that low level of genetic diversity. RAPD analysis proved to be efficient for genetic diversity of ekinase accessions from mass selection year I

    Serangan Lalat Pengorok Daun Liriomyza Chinensis Kato. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Terhadap Beberapa Varietas Dan Umur Tanaman Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum L.)

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    The aims of this research were to identify the level of tolerance of the four garlic varieties and the effect of plant age on the attack of Liriomyza chinensis. The research was carried out from October 2003 to September 2004 in the experimental garden of B2P2TO-OT (Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Office), Tawangmangu. The research design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with two factors. The factors were variety and plant age. Garlic varieties were Lumbu Hijau, Lumbu Kuning, Tawangmangu Baru, and Local Tawangmangu. The plant age of L. chinensis inoculation were 30 after dated of planting (ADP), 45 ADP, and 60 ADP. The monitoring of damaged intensity was done every week. Data was analysed by F test at level 5%, if there were significant difference, means were separated by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 5%. The result showed that the garlic varieties tolerated from the attack of Lyriomyza chinensis in Tawangmangu Baru variety, Lokal Tawangmangu, Lumbu Kuning, and Lumbu Hijau as well. The plant age was not influenced by Lyriomyza chinensis attack. There were a positive correlation between the numbers of scratch and intensity of damage

    Respon Piper Retrofractum Vahl. Terhadap Aplikasi Ekstrak Bawang Merah Dan Media

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    Piper retrofractum Vahl. propagation by cutting has been restricted by the forma­tion limitation of roots and shoot buds of cutting. The application of growth regu­lator exogenously and media might increase root and shoot formation. Exogenous growth regulator can be extracted from plant such as shallot. Suitable media for plant growth might increase plant root development. The objective of this research was to devise the combination of shallot extract and media for optimum growth of Piper retrofractum Vahl. This research was conducted at the research station of Agriculture Faculty, University of Bengkulu from July to December 2004. The elevation was 10 m above sea level. The experiment used Completely Randomized design with 2 factors. First factor was shallot extract concentration comprising of four levels, 0, 500, 1000, and 1500 g/L of water. Second factor was media consisting of soil, sugarcane pulp, water hyacinth, and peat. All the data were analyzed using ANOVA and means were separated by Orthogonal Polynomial. The results showed that peat medium combined with each of the concentration of shallot extract of 800 g/L water, 975 g/L water, 850 g/L water, 630 g/L water, and 820 g/L water produced the optimum number of roots (5.06), the longest root (13.27 cm), the longest shoot (21.52 cm), the maximum number of leaves (12.44), and the greenest leaves (55.82), respectively

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Dan Interval Pemberian Pupuk Daun Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ceplukan (Physalis Minima Linn) Di Pembibitan

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    The study of interval of application and concentration of leaves fertilizer has been conducted to stimulate the ciplukan (Physalis minima Linn.) growth on the nursery. The study carried out in the research garden of Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research Institute from July to September 2006. The research was arranged on Randomized Complete Block Design and two factors of treatment i.e. interval of application and concentration of leaves fertilizer with three replication. The result shows that concentration and interval of application of leaves fertilizer's effect to the growth of ciplukan in the nursery. Interaction of the treatments effect on the weight of root. Five days of interval application of leaves fertilization and 3 cc/l of concentration effect the growth of ciplukan seedling better than others treatments. The highest of seedling (10,78 cm), the highest number of trunk (13,3) and the highest of dry weight (14,6 g) was gain with the 2 cc/l concentration of leaves fertilizer application. The highest of root dry weight (8 gram) was gain with the 5 days of leaves fertilizer application and 2 cc/l of concentration

    Keragaman Genetik Dringo (Acorus Calamus L.) Yang Digunakan Sebagai Tumbuhan Obat Pada Beberapa Etnis Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Inter-simple Sequence Repeats (Issr)

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    Dringo (Acorus calamus L.) used as medicinal plant in Indonesian ethnic groups. Those information based on Ristoja 2012 research. The objective of Ristoja was to provide a database of local ethnomedicine knowledge, herbal formula and medicinal plant in Indonesia. Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of Dringo from 20 selected ethnic groups in Indonesia. Ten selected ISSR primers generated 82 amplified fragments with 51,2% were polymorphic. Dice coefficient was used to calculate similarity index and UPGMA was used to construct a dendogram. The genetic similarity index among accessions ranged from 76,7-100% thus indicating that low level of genetic diversity in dringo. Genetic diversity database can be useful for medicinal plant mapping and conservation especially for in situ conservation

    Pengaruh Cara Pengeringan Terhadap Perubahan Fisikokimia Daun Kumis Kucing (Orthosipon Stamineus Benth)

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    Java tea (Orthosipon stamineus Benth.) has been one of medicinal plants used for diuretic since hundreds years ago. The colour of java tea dry leaves should indicate its quality grade; green indicated better quality than brown or black colour. The colour of dry leaves were usually affected by drying method. This research was conducted to determine the effect of drying method to java tea dry leaves quality. Experiment used completely randomized design with one factor of drying method: direct sunlight (P1), room temperature (P2), foging (P3), heat flow (P4), and electrical oven (P5). The subjected observation was physicochemical changing, included organoleptis and flavonoid content determination. The result showed that the dry leaves best performance was achieved by using oven method. But it was not related with the flavonoid content. The highest level (0,88%) of flavonoid content was gained by aired method. The TLC profile presented no differences