78 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pramuka di SD Negeri 164 Kelurahan Tuah Karya Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    Scouting is one of the compulsory extracurricular activities. This is in accordance with the regulations of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 81A Year 2013 On Implementation of Curriculum , explained that the extracurricular activities is one of the operational tools ( supplements and complements ) curriculum .Scouting is one of the extracurricular activities that could form the self and personality of students who become knowledgeable Indonesian human knowledge and can apply the high - noble noble values of the nation. This study aims to investigate the implementation extracurricular scouts of SD Negeri 164 in Pekanbaru . The method in this research is qualitative descriptive . The theory underlying this study is a component of the implementation of learning . The data collection techniques used in this research is interview , observation and documentation. Implementation of the scouts in terms of the various components, namely : (a) Interest , (b) materials , (c) Methods , (d) Media (e) Assessment. Results obtained from the data : 1) the purpose of the implementation of the scouts from the general and specific objectives .2) The material taught during a semester that lasts scout ceremonies material , material code , material and semaphore and rigging material. 3) methods are often used in learning scout is a lecture and practice . 4) The media used consisted of two kinds, namely two or three-dimensional media and media projectors

    Cara Belajar Warga Belajar Paket C Di Pkbm Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru

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    The formulation of the problem in this research whether the learning style of students group C at PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru is classified good level. And the objective of this research in order to know about learning style of students group C at PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru. This is descriptive research by quantitative approach. In addition, the researcher chose thirty people as the samples of this research that was taken from fifty people as the population of this research. The researcher took the samples by using random sampling. In collecting data, the researcher used questionnaire as the research instrument which contains forty statements. Furthermore, the alternative answer of each statement has four categories which always category is given score 4, an often category is scored 3, sometimes categories is scored 2, and never categories is scored 1. Based on the research findings, learning style of students group C at PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Pekanbaru is excellent. It was proven from the description of data recapitulation as the follows: 1) in the ways of making schedules, there are 91,2 % respondents determined always and often, 2) in the ways of reading, there is 89,6% respondents determined always and often, 3) in the ways of reviewing the material, there are 85,7% respondents stated always and often, 4) in the ways of concentrating, there are 91,4% stated always and often, 5) in the ways of doing tasks, there are 89,8 % stated always and often. Therefore, the researcher concluded that the learning style of students group C is classified excellent

    Analisis Stabilitas Lereng Tambang Nikel Kabupaten Morowali

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    Central Sulawesi Province is a province that has quite high mining activities, so an evaluation of the stability of open pit slope excavations needs to be carried out to prevent collapses during the exploration process which could result in loss of life. Analysis using the finite element method is one method that can be used to analyze slope deformation and stability during the excavation process. This research simulates excavation of a mine slope in 4 stages with a height of 5 m and a slope of 500. The analysis was carried out based on the results of the N-SPT test at three locations (GT-15617, GT-19125 and GT-19841) which are the slopes with the most extreme slopes. The analysis results show that at GT-15617 the maximum deformation occurred at stage 4 of the excavation at 0.18 m with a safety factor of 1.43, the maximum deformation at the GT-19125 location occurred at stage 4 at 0.21 m with a safety factor of 1.26 and at location GT-19841 maximum deformation occurred at stage 4 of 0.21 with a safety factor of 1.21. The overall safety factor analysis results do not meet the required minimum safety factor criteria

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Disertai Media Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Biologi di SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010

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    Problem Based learning is kind of model in learning helps students to find problem from a real situation or science have the character of theoretical. Students will be more active in the learning process and able to develope their thinking and problem solving skills. The aim of this study was to improve XI-IA2 student\u27s self directed learn in Biology. The instrument used were observation sheets, enquette, and interview. The writer found an increase in student\u27s self directed learning. Kata

    Entrepreneurship Education Grows Santri’s Entrepreneurial Spirit (Evidence from Indonesia’s Islamic Boarding School)

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    Pesantren as the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia have an authentic method to foster the entrepreneurial spirit inside of his students. To know the implementation of entrepreneurial education, this study successfully capture to an effective system of entrepreneurship education. By using a qualitative method that uses interviews as a data collection techniques, unearthed accurate information from relevant actors in order to provide similar benefits to practitioners elsewhere. Triangulation technique has also been done so that the results of this study are robust.     Keywords: antri, Entrepreneurship, Islamic Boarding Schoo

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Uap Air Panas dengan Sistem Pemanasan Terbuka terhadap Kesehatan dan Viabilitas Benih Jagung

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    The existence of seed-borne fungi could degrade the seed quality in its viability and may cause disease after planting. The aim of this research was to know the hot vapor treatment effectiveness in controlling that fungal disease and its influence to the viability of corn seed. The treatment effectiveness was measured based on the reduction of the fungal growth and sporulation on Potato DextroseAgar (PDA), the fungal infection on seed, and not reduced the seed viability significantly after treatment. Hot vapor treatment was done in 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C temperature for 20 minutes and a control. The temperature treatments cover 5 minutes of antecedent treatment in the form of appliance warm-up until the target temperature obtained, 10 minutes in the treatment drum and 5 minutes for resting time while the faucet is being shut down but the exhaust fan remain to be opened. Result of the research show that in vitro test of hot water vapor on 60oC and 70oC killed Aspergillus flavus, A. Niger, Fusarium sp., and Penicillium sp. isolates. Both of the temperatures reduced the corn seed viability significantly. Infection of A. flavus still dominant in corn seed after treated on the three temperatures.The hot vapor treatment with 50oC is good for seed treatment of 408.9 g corn seed although the seed had been stored for about 9 months. Adanya jamur terbawa benih dapat menurunkan viabilitas dan kemungkinan dapat menimbulkan penyakit setelah benih ditanam di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan perlakuan uap air panas untuk mengendalikan jamur terbawa benih dan pengaruhnya terhadap viabilitas benih jagung. Keefektifan perlakuan diukur berdasarkan kekuatan mereduksi pertumbuhan koloni dan sporulasi jamur yang ditumbuhkan pada medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), tingkat infeksi jamur pada biji dan tidak menurunkan viabilitas biji. Perlakuan ini menggunakan suhu 50o C, 60o C, dan 70o C selama 20 menit serta tanpa perlakuan sebagai kontrol. Lama perlakuan meliputi 5 menit perlakuan pendahuluan berupa pemanasan awal sampai suhu yang diinginkan, 10 menit untuk pemanasan drum perlakuan, dan 5 menit waktu istirahat yaitu kran uap air dimatikan tetapi kipas exhaust tetap dihidupkan. Hasil penelitian in vitro menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan uap air panas bersuhu 60o C dan 70o C mematikan isolat Aspergillus flavus, A. Niger, Fusarium sp. dan Penicillium sp. Kedua suhu tersebut menurunkan viabilitas benih jagung secara nyata. Infeksi A. flavus masih dominan dalam benih jagung walaupun telah diperlakukan dengan ketiga macam suhu uap air panas. Perlakuan uap air panas bersuhu 50o C pada benih jagung sebanyak 408,9 g dapat dipilih sebagai perlakuan yang baik untuk benih jagung walaupun telah disimpan sekitar 9 bula

    Digital Image Analysis Using Flatbed Scanning System For Purity Testing Of Rice Seed And Confirmation By Grow Out Test

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    The common method used for purity testing of rice seed is human visual observation. This method, however, has a high degree of subjectivity when dealing with different rice varieties which have similar morphology. Digital image analysis with flatbed scanning for purity testing of rice seed was proposed by investigating the morphology of rice seeds and confirmation by grow out test (GOT) in the field. Two extra-long seed varieties were used in this study including a red rice Aek Sibundong and an aromatic rice Sintanur. The identification on 14 parameters of morphological characteristics indicated that only six parameters were correlated, i.e. area, feret, minimum feret, aspect ratio, round, and solidity. The purity of rice seed can be effectively determined using digital image analysis of spikelet color and shape. Based on the discriminant analysis of the digital image the recognition rate of rice seed purity was higher than 99.2% for shape and 93.55% for color. The method, therefore, has a potential to be used as a complement in rice seed purity testing to increase the accuracy of human visual method and it is more sensitive than GOT
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