12 research outputs found


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    Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh penyakit penyebab kematian di dunia dengan angka kejadian 10,0 juta (kisaran, 9,0–11,1 juta) penderita TB pada tahun 2018.1 Dalam pengelolaannya, kasus TB yang ditemukan harus dicatat dan dilaporkan oleh setiap fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan sesuai format yang ditentukan. Upaya pemberdayaan secara aktif untuk pelaporan kasus dilakukan dokter dengan bantuan teknologi menggunakan aplikasi WifiTB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor kendala yang mempengaruhi minat dokter tidak menggunakan aplikasi WifiTB di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang. Data diperoleh lewat kuesioner dengan skala linkert yang diisi oleh dokter sebagai pemakai aplikasi sebanyak 129 kuesioner dengan mengolah 77 kuesionar dokter yang belum menggunakan aplikasi. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis faktor, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  persepsi negatif 86,2%, smartphone 79,5% dan kesiapan 78,5% paling mempengaruhi minat dokter dalam menggunakan aplikasi WifiTB. Sehingga dengan demikian upaya pendekatan persuasif perlu ditingkatkan guna menambah keyakinan dan kesiapan para dokter dalam menggunaan aplikasi WifiTB


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    In maximizing the growth and development of children, the medical record data processing needs to be done optimally. This study aims to improve the quality of Posyandu cadres and KMS literacy through optimization of Posyandu medical record data processing. The research design used is quantitative research. The population is the cadres of Posyandu and the community in Kedungori Village, Dempet Demak as many as 78 people. Research variables include: Quality of Posyandu cadres (X) and KMS Literacy in mothers of children under five (Y). Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and Wilcoxon test for variables X and Y. The results showed that optimization of medical record data processing was able to improve the quality of posyandu cadre services and KMS literacy in mothers. The most significant improvement in the quality of cadre services is active cadres providing health information on the results of measurements of baby's weight and height to the mother. The most significant increase in KMS literacy is being able to read the KMS chart and find out the meaning of the KMS chart. Keywords: Cadres, Literation, Medical Record, Posyandu, Qualit


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    Rekam medis elektronik wajib diterapkan di seluruh fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia sesuai dengan Permenkes no 24 tahun 2022. Dalam prosesnya, institusi pendidikan turut mengembangan sistem rekam medis elektronik dalam membekali mahasiswa sebelum terjun ke duia kerja. Sistem desain formulir elektronik dirancang untuk implementasi pembelajaran matakuliah manajemen dan desain formulir di era digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor utama yang mempengaruhi usability dan user experience mahasiswa dalam menggunakan sistem desain formular elektronik. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner dengan skala linkert yang diisi oleh mahasiswa D3 rekam medis dan informasi kesehatan sebagai pemakai sistem sebanyak 104 mahasiswa. Teknik analisa data dengan menggunakan analisis faktor untuk mengetahui faktor utama yang mempengaruhi usability dan user experience mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal usability faktor mudah diingat merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa dalam menggunakan sistem, sedangkan faktor kepuasan kurang berpengaruh pada usability penggunaan sistem. Dalam hal user experience faktor daya tarik merupakan faktor utama mahasiswa dalam menggunakan sistem, sedangkan faktor kebaruan kurang berpengaruh pada user experience dalam penggunaan sistem. Untuk meningkatkan usability dan user experience mahasiswa maka sistem perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal kebaruan dan kepuasan dengan melakukan perbaikan agar sistem terlihat lebih menarik dan sesuai kebutuhan pengguna


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    Healthy life behavior is closely related to the stunting impact on toddlers making the government to establish an impact prevention intervention program to toddler’s parents by Posyandu personnel. The intervention by using therapeutic communications are assessed as effective in delivering such information interventions. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of therapeutic communication towards healthy life behavior improvement of toddler parents in Demak. Study used descriptive design with a quantitative approach. Study's population were all parents (mother or father) of toddlers in Demak District, Dempet subdistrict, Kedungori village from December 2019 to February 2020, amounting to 78 people. Samples were equal to the number of population taken using the saturated sample technique amounted to 32 respondents. The structured questionnaire instrument is used to obtain the healthy life behaviour change data of the toddler's parents by using therapeutic communication through Pre Test (X) and Post Test (Y) results. The result of using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test is known as ? < 0.05, which means there was a difference in the results of Pre Test value with Post Test. So, there is an increase in healthy living behavior towards the toddler's parents by using therapeutic communication". Keywords: healthy living behavior, therapeutic communication, toodler's parent


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    Background: School from Home and Work from Home were activities carried out by students and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities aimed to comply with health protocols and social distancing to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Students and employees who studied and worked from home had one health risk, muscle disorders complaints caused by the use of equipment or facilities that were not ergonomic. Muscle complaints, when not handled properly, would reduce productivity in studying and working. The purpose of this study was to find out a description of the location and types of muscle pain complaints experienced by students and workers during the pandemic. Methods:this study used a Nordic Body Map questionnaire and an online questionnaire.The study design used cross-sectional descriptive approach respondents with 25 students and 25 employees. Results: Complaints of neck pain were the most common complaints experienced by students and workers who implemented SFH and WFH.Keywords: Musculoskeletal, School From Home, Work From Hom


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    AbstractBackground. Hospital statistical indicators during the Covid-19 pandemic will be different from normal conditions before covid-19, One of the indicators for inpatient services is BOR which is the percentage of bed usage with Barber Johnson's ideal standard of 75-85%. During a pandemic, BOR information is needed to assist hospitals in terms of speed of service and policies in the use of beds and rooms. The purpose of this research is to predict the bed at Tlogorejo Hospital in 2021-2022. Method. This type of research is quantitative descriptive and uses secondary data, the data used is from March 2020 - June 2021 by way of observation. Result. The study results from the Barber Johnson chart with linear bed predictions are not efficient from July 2021 - May 2022 and efficient from July 2021 - May 2022. June 2021 - Dec 2022 while the results of the barber johnson chart predict beds with a BOR of 75% that all wards from July 2021-Dec 2022 are efficient. Conclusion. Therefore it is recommended to Tlogorejo hospital to add beds according to the predicted results of beds BOR 75 % or predicted results of bed Linier.Keywords: Predictions, beds, barber johnson charts and BOR.


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    Background: Toddlers and children under 12 are still easily sick, particularly during the COVID-19 epidemic. The high number of COVID-19 cases in toddlers and children in Central Java Province must be monitored to prevent transmission to toddlers and children still susceptible to the disease. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to map the spread of COVID-19 cases in toddlers aged 0-5 years and children aged 6-11 years in the province of Central Java using the K-means cluster Methods: This was a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional design. Data on COVID-19 cases in children 6-11 years and toddlers 0-5 years from 35 cities in Central Java in 2020-2021 were analyzed using the K-means cluster. The K-means cluster was used to cluster low, medium, and high cases and then map the spread of COVID-19. Results: Semarang, Semarang Regency, Boyolali, Klaten, Surakarta, and Banyumas became high cluster areas in cases of COVID-19 toddlers and children in 2021. Based on the mapping data, COVID-19 spread in young children and toddlers in 2020 and 2021 followed a nearly identical pattern. The high zone of COVID-19 in toddlers and children mostly had a higher total population, healthcare facilities, and population density than the medium and low zones. Conclusion: Semarang City, Semarang Regency, Boyolali, Klaten, Surakarta, and Banyumas should be looking for COVID-19 cases in toddlers and young children


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    The elderly are more likely to be infected with COVID-19. The presence of underlying diseases can make patient's prognosis worse. The goal of this research was to identify elderly patients based on age, gender, LoS, 10 most common underlying diseases, and 10 most frequent procedures dan treatment that has a risk of recovery and mortality. Samples were taken from patients aged 60-90 years old at RS X(n=266). The study relied on secondary data from April 2020 to February 2021, and descriptive data analysis was used to analyze the results. According to the result, 44.7% were 60-64 years old, 61.3% were male, 42.9%, had LoS of > 7 days. The most common underlying diseases were coagulation defects (61.3%), essential hypertension (44.7%), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (39.5 %). The most frequent treatments and procedures were chest X-Ray (94.7%), RT-PCR swab (91%), and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (32.7%). Since many elderly patients have underlying diseases and medical measures are required during treatment, elderly patients should be closely monitored during the treatment

    The Impact of Cigarette Prices, Store Displays, Covid-19, and Excise Tariffs on Cigarette Consumption

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    Indonesia was the third country with the largest number of smokers in the world after China and India. The number of smokers in Indonesia tends to increase from the population of Indonesia. Factors that have an impact on cigarette consumption were cigarette prices, store displays, the Covid-19 pandemic, and excise tariffs. This research aims to examine the impact of cigarette prices, store displays, covid-19, and excise tariffs on cigarette consumption. This study used qualitative methods. This research was conducted from October 16 to November 13, 2020. Research instrument used in-depth interviews sheet and direct with participants. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed used Haase's adaptation of Colaizzi's phenomenological. Research data analysis used content analysis with software Atlas.ti. The research results showed that cigarette prices, store displays, covid-19, and excise tariffs have no impact on cigarette consumption

    Usia, Pendidikan, dan Penggunaan Aplikasi Kesehatan Berhubungan dengan Penerimaan Penggunaan Aplikasi Deteksi Penyakit Kronis

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    The results of the examination of patients who take part in the Prolanis program are only recorded at health care facilities, while the patients themselves do not know the results of the examination. To bridge this, chronic disease detection applications are designed. There are several factors that can affect a user's willingness to use the application, one of which is the user's characteristics. This study aims to examine the relationship between respondent characteristics and acceptance of chronic disease detection applications. The type of research used is quantitative research with the location of the study, namely in health service facilities in Semarang Regency, namely Lerep Health Center, Ungaran Health Center and Niki Helti Clinic. Data were obtained through questionnaires with a linkert scale filled out by patients in health care facilities as system users as many as 131 respondents. The study will be conducted in June-August 2023. Data analysis techniques using Chi square test and Spearman Rank test. The results showed that there was a relationship between age (p value 0.001), education (p value 0.000), length of use of mobile phones (p value 0.001) and use of health applications (p value 0.012) on the acceptance of chronic disease detection applications. Gender (p value 0.051), occupation (p value 0.626) and length of work (p value 0.293) were not associated with acceptance of chronic disease detection applications. In further research, it is recommended to conduct a mix method study, apply a qualitative approach, and add variables such as digital literacy.Hasil pemeriksaan pasien yang mengikuti program Prolanis hanya tercatat di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, sedangkan pasien sendiri tidak mengetahui hasil pemeriksaannya. Untuk menjembatani hal tersebut dirancang aplikasi deteksi penyakit kronis. Ada beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kesediaan pengguna untuk menggunakan aplikasi salah satunya yaitu karakteristik pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan karakteristik responden dengan penerimaan aplikasi deteksi penyakit kronis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan lokasi penelitian yaitu di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di Kabupaten Semarang yaitu Puskesmas Lerep, Puskesmas Ungaran dan Klinik Niki Helti. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner dengan skala linkert yang diisi oleh pasien di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan sebagai pemakai sistem sebanyak 131 responden. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Juni-Agustus 2023. Teknik analisa data dengan menggunakan uji Chi square dan uji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan usia (p value 0,001), pendidikan (p value 0,000), lama menggunakan mobile phone (p value 0,001) dan penggunaan aplikasi kesehatan (p value 0,012) terhadap penerimaan aplikasi deteksi penyakit kronis. Sedangkan jenis kelamin (p value 0,051), pekerjaan (p value 0,626) dan lama bekerja (p value 0,293) tidak memiliki hubungan dengan penerimaan aplikasi deteksi penyakit kronis. Pada penelitian lanjutan disarankan melakukan studi mix method, menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif, dan menambah variabel seperti literasi digital