3 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Unit Produksi Akuntansi Untuk Pembentukan Karakter Lulusan Yang Siap Menghadapi Mea

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    The economic crisis that hit the Southeast Asian region encouraged the Heads of member of ASEAN countries to establish the ASEAN Community approving Asean Charter. One of the ASEAN Economic Community pillars is building ASEAN Economic Community with the purpose of cooperation and integrity of the ASEAN region, commonly called ASEAN Economic Community. MEA will be applied at the end of 2015, one important thing should be well prepared is the quality of Indonesian human resources so they can compete with other ASEAN countries. Education in schools is one way to improve the quality of human resources. The school is an appropriate institution to form the character of graduates ready to face MEA, then teachers need to find methods, models, infrastructure, and form of activity or appropriate business unit. Graduates of Vocational school Accounting Program must also be ready to face the MEA. Accounting vocational school graduates are not only skilled as junior accountants, but also have to own a reliable and strong character enabling to compete with foreign labors. Through the accounting production units in the form of mini bank, fully managed and utilized by teachers and students can shape the character of graduates of vocational school Accounting program. Activities in the mini bank include preparing the workplace, serving consumers, offering service products of mini bank, performing transaction process from making proof of the transaction to preparing financial statements. Through all these activities, learners are expected to directly apply the knowledge of accounting, to practice of serving customers, to communicate with customers, to collaborate, and as a means of forming the values of character education consisting training the feeling, the hearth, the thought and physical

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Perilaku Anggota Koperasi dalam Memakai Produk Simpanan (Studi pada Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Baitul Maal Wa Tanwil Amanah Ummah Kartasura Sukoharjo)

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    The objective of this research are to knows: 1) a simultaneously effect of the marketing mix on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings. 2) the effect of product on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 3) the effect of place partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 4) the effect of price partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 5) the effect of promotion partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 6) the effect of people partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 7) the effect of process partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 8) the effect of physical evidence partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings. This research used the descriptive quantitative one with the survey method. The population of the research was the members of KSKS BMT Amanah Ummah of Kartasura utilizing its product of savings. The samples of the research consisted of 80 respondents, and they were taken by using the accindental sampling technique. The data of the research were gathered through questionnaire. They were then analyzed by using multiple regression analysis, f-test, and t-test. Before the data were analyzed, the classical assumption pre-requisite tests, namely: multicolinearity test, heteroskedasticity test, and normality test had been conducted. The result of the research are: 1) there is a simultaneously effect of the marketing mix on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (63,525>2,71), 2) product partially have a effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (2,590<2,00), 3) place partially do not have a significant effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (1,848<2,00), 4) price partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings ( 2,702 >2,00), 5) promotion is partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (3,204>2,00), 6) people partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (2,787>2,00), 7) process partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (2,227>2,00), 8) physical evidence partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (1,147<2,00)

    Respon Solanum Melongena terhadap Paparan Nacl pada Fase Perkecambahan

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    Respon perkecambahan yang berbeda pada tiap tanaman pangan merupakan fase krusial tanaman dalam merespon kondisi margin lingkungannya, termasuk kondisi berkadar garam. Kajian untuk mengetahui respon Solanum melongena pada fase perkecambahan terhadap paparan NaCl telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Botani, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Februari-Maret 2012, dengan desain RAL. Paparan NaCl diberikan pada konsentrasi 0% (kontrol), 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% dan data diambil pada 13 hst secara destruktif untuk diamati dan dianalisis dengan Anova One Way dilanjutkan uji Duncan 5%. Biji koleksi ditanam pada media liat berpasir steril dan disiram tiap 2 hari sekali (50 mL/ pot), pada suhu 27-28OC, 4000-6000 lux, v-angin 0-1 m/s. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kecepatan perkecambahan tertinggi pada perlakuan % dan terendah pada 20%; (2) semua perlakuan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap panjang hipokotil, akar primer, dan biomassa kecambah; (3) rata-rata kecepatan pertumbuhan kecambah optimal pada perlakuan 5%; (4) tipe perkecambahan epigeal; (5) testa terangkat jelas dari media pada umur 3-5 hst; (6) warna kotiledon hijau dan hipokotil putih terang pada umur 13 hst pada semua perlakuan; (7) arah tumbuh erectus, tegar, kotiledon terbuka sempurna dan opposita