20 research outputs found

    The Effect of Organizational Culture, Sharing Knowledge, and Intention to Share on Competency through Organizational Commitment As a Mediating Variable

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    Objectives: The phenomenon in this study is that the skills possessed by employees are still not optimal, as well as the lack of knowledge of banking products that must be mastered by front liners, especially in the teller department so that the impact on not achieving predetermined business targets. The existence of complaints recorded through the call center or submitted directly to the branch office indicates that the level of customer satisfaction has not been optimally achieved. The purpose of this research is to find out the significance of the influence of organizational culture, sharing knowledge, as well as the intention to share competencies through organizational commitment as an intervening variable at PT BCA South Tangerang Region.Methodology: In this study, the population of this study is permanent employees and the number of samples used is 99 respondents. Data collection techniques used interviews and questionnaires. The method of data analysis is using the PLS program.Finding: In this study, it is found that to increase organizational competence as a whole, intention to share, knowledge sharing, and organizational culture are needed. To increase customer satisfaction with bank service, it is also necessary to have a good commitment from employees to the organization. Conclusion: For further research, it is suggested to examine other private banks that face the same problem which may produce different findings; conduct research on relatively similar objects, such as leasing which also faces the same problem, and add the concept of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), motivation, engagement, work stress, and others for further research

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Turnover Intention

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    This study aims to determine the effect of compensation and organizational culture on turnover intention. The object of this study are employees of the company PT HadicoPersada with businesses engaged in outsourcing, located in Central Jakarta. This study was conducted on 47 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is saturated samples. Therefore, the analysis of the data used is the statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression tests. These results indicate that partially, the variable compensation has a negative and significant impact on the variable turnover intention. Variable organizational culture has a significant negative effect on the variable turnover intention

    The Influence of Price and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Its Influence on Customer Loyalty

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of price, service quality, on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of GrabBike in DKI Jakarta. The population in this research are consumers who use GrabBike services more than once in the DKI Jakarta area. The sample used in this research amounted to 160 respondents. Methods of data collection using survey methods with research instruments using questionnaires, methods of data analysis using Partial Least Square. This research proves that price has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality has a significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty. Keywords: Price, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/89-03 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Pengaruh Independensi Komite Audit, Efektivitas Komite Audit Dan Leverage Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba Pada Perusahaan Di Sektor Industri Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Periode 2009 - 2011

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    The aim of this research is to examine the influence of audit committee independency, audit committee effectiveness and leverage to earning management. The sample of this research are 87 data entries consisted of 29 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange at year 2009, 2010, 2011 and was extracted with non-probability sampling method. The statistical methods for examining hypothesis are simple linear regression and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS 17.0. The results of this research indicate that in partially audit committee independency and leverage have an influence to earning management, but audit committee effectiveness has no influence to earning management. The results of this research also indicate that in simultaneously audit committee independency, audit committee effectiveness and leverage altogether have influence to earning management

    The Influence of Compensation, Position Promotion and Career Development on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable in the Education Training Department

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    This study aims to examine and analyze the Effect of Compensation, Promotion, and Career Development on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable in the Education Training Department (ETD) Department. The sample used was 105 permanent employees. The sample determination used in this study used the saturated sample. The data collection method uses a survey method, with the research instrument being a questionnaire. The data analysis method uses Partial Least Square version 3.2.9 PLS. Based on the results of the research, compensation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, promotion has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, career development has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, compensation has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, promotion has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, Career Development has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, Job Satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. Keywords: Compensation, Promotion, Career Development, Turnover Intention, Job Satisfaction DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/90-07 Publication date: March 31st 202

    The Effect of Compensation, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Justice on Turnover Intention

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    This research aims to test and analyze the effect of compensation, organizational commitment, and organizational fairness on outgoing wishes on employees  in the company. The research method used in this study is descriptive method. The object of this research is a company engaged in property in Jakarta with a sample of 56 respondents. The approach used in this study is the Structural Equation Model (SEM  PLS) with Smart-PLS analysis tools. The results showed  that: (1) compensation  has a negative and significant impact on  turnover  intention; (2) komitmen organization  negative and significant impact on  turnover  intention and (3) eadiadiadi organization  negative and significant to the desire to  come out. Keywords: Compensation, Organizational commitment, organizational fairness, outgoing desire. DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/81-05 Publication date: December 31st 202


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    Konsep yang terkenal dengan sebutan e-Learning ini membawa pengaruh terjadinya proses transformasi pendidikan konvensional ke dalam bentuk digital, baik secara isi (contents) dan sistemnya. Saat ini konsep e-Learning sudah banyak diterima oleh masyarakat dunia, terbukti dengan maraknya implementasi e-Learning di Perguruan Tinggi. e-Learning memungkinkan dosen dan mahasiswa untuk mengakses informasi yang akurat dan up-to-date tanpa hambatan ruang dan waktu. Kemudahan mengakses e-Learning membuat dosen dan mahasiswa  dapat belajar dari mana saja dan kapan saja asal memiliki koneksi internet yang memadai. Kesimpulannya adalah: (1) dosen dapat memberikan model pembelajaran secara daring dengan model yang mudah diterima dan dipahami oleh mahasiswa (2) mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah mengambil matakuliah dimanapun tanpa terbatas lagi pada batasan institusi dan negara; (3) Mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah berguru dan berdiskusi dengan para tenaga ahli atau pakar di bidang yang diminatinya; (4) Materi kuliah bahkan dapat dengan mudah diambil di berbagai penjuru dunia tanpa tergantung pada perguruan tinggi dimana mahasiswa belajar

    The Influence of Brand Awareness, Brand Image, and Service Quality Inflight Catering on Saudi Consumer Satisfaction Arabian Airlines

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    This study aims to test and analyze brand awareness, brand image, and quality of Aerofood ACS catering services to the consumer satisfaction of Saudi Arabian airlines. The research method used in this research is descriptive method. The objects of this study were 171 Arab Saudi airline staff and cabin crew. The approach used in this research is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Smart-PLS analysis tools. The results showed brand awareness had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction on Saudi Arabian airlines. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction on Saudi Arabian airlines. Quality of service has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction on Saudi Arabian airlines. Keywords: Brand awareness, Brand image, Service quality, Consumer Satisfaction DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/71-01 Publication date:September 30th 202

    The Influence of Work from Home, Work Family Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Employee Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This research aims to find out and analyze the influence of work from home, work family conflict and ambiguity of the role of employee performance at PT X. This research was conducted at PT X. The population in this study is all employees of PT X. The number of samples used was 60 respondents using saturated sample techniques. The method used in this study is an associative method. The data analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that work from home had a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Work family conflict has a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Ambiguity of the role has a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Keywords: Work From Home, Work Family Conflict, Role Ambiguity, Employee Performance DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/85-05 Publication date:May 31st 2022

    The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement, Electronic Word of Mouth, and Customer Satisfaction to Purchasing Decision

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    This study aims to determine the effect of celebrity endorsement, electronic word of mouth and customer satisfaction on consumer purchasing decisions. The population in this study were Miting Lobster visitors in Jakarta, the number of samples used in the questionnaire was 140 respondents. Data collection methods using survey methods, the research instrument is a questionnaire. The data analysis method uses Partial Least Square. This research proves that there is a significant influence between celebrity endorsement on purchasing decisions, there is no influence between the electronic word of mouth with purchasing decisions and there is a significant influence between customer satisfaction with purchasing decisions. Keywords: Miting Lobster, Celebrity Endorsement, Electronic Word Of Mouth, Customer Satisfaction, Purchasing Decision DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/67-04 Publication date: April 30th 202