9 research outputs found

    Software Engineering to Develop Patterns for Accumulated Values of Accounting Transactions

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    Software for accounting information systems has its own peculiarities, because the transaction data is recorded in pairs over a period of time, must be traceable and can be seen again in the future at the time period desired by the user according to the accountability of financial information systems. This research presents a prototype development technique about inter-account configuration in the accounting structure and aims to provide technical assistance on how to develop a pattern of financial transaction information presentation on a double entry record system model using financial applications. Relational data set theory and concepts are used as a scientific explanation framework on how the correlation between accounts can be constructed mathematically so that the concepts can be understood by programmers when they develop software. The result of this study has been tested by applying to the financial applications in one of the microfinance institutions and it can work properly. The prototype development techniques of this research can be applied to the software development in the business field, such as services, manufacturing and trade byimplementing in the form of the software configuration system tools. furthermore, the financial application developers are expected to utilize this prototype development technique to produce more dynamic software as a financial data processor according to the accounting rules in the business organizations

    Rekayasa Penghancur Limbah Jarum Suntik Menggunakan Metode Melting

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    Penanganan limbah medis membutuhkan cara yang tepat agar tidak menimbulkan dampak kesehatan. Penelitian ini menyajikan rekayasa mesin penanganan limbah jarum suntik agar proses dan hasil olahan limbah aman bagi  manusia dan lingkungan. Metode Yang digunakan yaitu melting. Rancangan mesin menggunakan sensor infrared dan optocoupler sebagai detektor objek untuk motor feeder dan tansformator. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode ini tidak menimbulkan polusi suara dan debu logam


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    Generally, schools in remote areas, in this case SD Muhammadiyah Maesan and SD Muhammadiyah Bangeran have few students, this could be due to several factors related to learning technology, namely: teacher competence in using ICT devices for learning is inadequate, elementary schools do not yet have software as a forum for digital learning content that can be a medium for interaction of teaching and learning activities between teachers and students via the internet, ICT infrastructure in elementary schools is not sufficient for learning. Therefore, the community service team implemented a Moodle learning management system (LMS) platform for learning in both schools. With this e learning platform, it can make it easier for teachers or teaching staff to create IT / e learning-based teaching material content. The teachers are taught the process of installing, dressing and maintaining the devices. After the implementation of community service, SD Muhammadiyah Maesan and SD Muhammadiyah Bangeran can use e-learning / moodle cloud in managing the subjects to be taught

    Automatic Wireless Nurse Caller

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    The nurse caller device is used as a special communication device between the patient and the nurse within the hospital area as a means of speeding the nurse's time response in providing immediate care to the patient. The designed wireless-based nurse caller device made installation easier and neater. The remote used a Bluetooth module MH-10 connected to the ATMega8 microcontroller as the sender and receiver. The data process using a microcontroller ATMega8 produced characters on the LCD, turned on the LED, and activated the buzzer to call the nurse. The results of the test on the device showed that the farthest distance taken by the HM-10 Bluetooth module in the open area (outdoor) was about 45 meters, and the closed area (indoor) was about 20 meters

    Pemberdayaan UMKM Tas Batik dan UMKM Pot Sabut Kelapa Dalam Menentukan Biaya Produksi

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    Usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) mayoritas dikelola sebagai usaha skala rumah tangga yang melibatkan anggota keluarga pemilik usaha. Kerajinan tas batik dan kerajinan pot sabut kelapa merupakan mitra kegiatan ini. Hasil observasi menunjukkan pihak mitra belum cermat dalam menghitung biaya produksi dan harga pokok penjualan (HPP) sehingga perlu didampingi agar terhindar dari kerugian yang tidak disadari. Langkah pendampingan dilaksanakan dengan mengajak mitra untuk mencermati kembali proses produksi dan mencatat komponen bahan baku, alat, tenaga kerja, pengemasan hingga tahap siap dipasarkan. Alur proses produksi dicermati bersama oleh tim pengabdi dan mitra menggunakan diagram proses bisnis. Selanjutnya pihak mitra diajak melakukan perhitungan konversi biaya dari sumberdaya yang digunakan pada setiap proses. Pada proses pendampingan, pihak mitra mengirimkan contoh perhitungan biaya produksi dan HPP dari salah satu produk yang siap dipasarkan berdasarkan arahan dari tim pengabdi. Hasil yang diperoleh ternyata terdapat selisih antara 3 persen hingga 5 persen dari biaya produksi yang diperkirakan oleh pemilik usaha sebelum kegiatan ini. Hasil pendampingan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kedua mitra dalam menyusun komponen biaya produksi agar seluruh nilai variabel produksi masuk dalam perhitungan

    Buku referensi cyberzone : membangun bisnis di era industri 4.0

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    Kebijakan yang relevan dan baik selalu ditopang oleh suatu kajian yang baik pula. Artinya selalu ada korelasi positif antara suatu kajian yang berbasis penelitian akademik dengan kebijakan apa yang diambil. Tentu dalam konteks ini adalah yang ada kaitannya dengan pengembangan SMK ke depannya. Kajian NSPK ini bertujuan tidak lain untuk menjawab hal tersebut. Tuntutan pembaharuan kebijakan ditengah arus dan gelombang modernisasi yang semakin dinamis sangat diperlukan terlebih perkembangan revolusi Industri sudah mencapai 4.0 yang berbasis cyber physical system ini. Revolusi industrisangat memiliki keterkaitan dengan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan salah satunya pada aspek penggunaan peralatan praktik sebagai penunjang kompetensi siswa. Inti dari praktik siswa adalah memberikan kemampuan practical dalam penguasaan penggunaan peralatan praktik, semakin alat yang dimiliki relevan dengan perkembangan zaman semakin membantu pula peserta didik dalam upgrading skill-nya

    Aroma Electric Therapy Equipment with Atmega8 -Based Heart Rate Monitoring

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    Aromatherapy is an alternative treatment method that uses essential oil vapours from various plants inhaled for health therapy. It affects mood, reduces fatigue and anxiety, and stimulates relaxation. Relaxation is the process of relieving anxiety or stress. It is interpreted as a calm state with a normal pulse. When someone is stressful and anxious, the pulse is higher. Measuring the level of anxiety is done by measuring the heart rate. The research aimed to design an electric aromatherapy device equipped with Atmega 8-based heart rate monitoring as a therapeutic tool that can help reduce various kinds of health problems, one of which is anxiety or stress disorder. The test was carried out by comparing the values of the heart rate monitoring to a pulse oximeter. The oximeter was used as a reference to get high accuracy values. The device is expected to help reduce various kinds of health problems caused by heart problems

    Application Of Web-Based Archiving Information System (E-Sip) at BPK RI Yogyakarta

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    Nowadays, almost every aspect of daily life cannot be separated from digital technology. Modern globalization has accelerated the development of information technology and information systems. Because the user has a specific need, organizations like BPK RI DIY are still resistant to manual document retrieval because they are inefficient and ineffective. This is because the user has a specific need. As such, the goal of developing the web-based application of Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pengarsipan (E-SIP) is to facilitate archiving issuance. In this application, which was created utilizing the waterfall model, the front-end and back-end frameworks were ReactJS for the front end and NetstJS for the back end, both of which are based on NodeJS for databases using MYSQL. This technique uses the Black box for the GUI of the inactive archive application. Based on test results showing that the archiving application is simple to use and understand, it can be assumed that the application can help organizations like BPK RI DIY in archiving management