12 research outputs found

    Traditional Musical Culture at the Native Canadian Centre in Toronto

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    Wendy Wickwire parle de la renaissance d e la musique traditionnelle Indien ne parmi les Ojibwa au Centre Canadien Indigène à Toronto. Un groupe de percussionnistes a développé un répertoire de chants en rapport avec différ en te s danses traditionnelles et ce groupe est d e venu le centre de nombreuses activités sociales à cet endroit

    Theories of Ethnomusicology and the North American Indian: Retrospective and Critique

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    The Contribution of a Colonial Ethnographer: Charles Hill-Tout, 1858-1944

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    Cet article étudie l'oeuvre de l'un des premiers ethnographes canadiens, publiée récemment dans un ouvrage en quatre volumes édité par Ralph Maud, The Salish People: The Local Contribution of Charles Hill-Tout. L'orientation des recherches de Hill-Tout et leur mise en question par quelques scientifiques de renom, notamment Boas, fait ici l'objet de la discussion. La comparaison avec les travaux d'autres chercheurs de son époque, tel que lames Teit, met en perspective la contribution de Hill-Tout

    Why Chinese international students gamble: behavioral decision making and its impact on identity construction

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    This article explores the decision making processes involved when Chinese international students' (CIS) decide whether or not to gamble, as well as the impact that such behavior have on the construction of their identities in a new sociocultural environment. Two waves of narrative interviews were conducted with 15 CIS who self-reported as having gambling problems at the time of interview, or at some stage in their lives but had since recovered. The findings revealed that pre-existing beliefs and experiences, and various cultural schemas were closely linked to the participants' decision making processes. The findings also showed that the participants' sense of self-worth and self-respect became compromised as a result of their problematic gambling. The participants assigned to themselves extremely negative self-images, for example, 'unfilial', 'unworthy', 'worthless', 'prisoner', 'a burden', 'hopeless' and so on, that dominated their whole sense of self