80 research outputs found

    Myths and misconceptions about hypnosis and suggestion: Separating fact and fiction

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    We present 21 prominent myths and misconceptions about hypnosis in order to promulgate accurate information and to highlight questions for future research. We argue that these myths and misconceptions have (a) fostered a skewed and stereotyped view of hypnosis among the lay public, (b) discouraged participant involvement in potentially helpful hypnotic interventions, and (c) impeded the exploration and application of hypnosis in scientific and practitioner communities. Myths reviewed span the view that hypnosis produces a trance or special state of consciousness and allied myths on topics related to hypnotic interventions; hypnotic responsiveness and the modification of hypnotic suggestibility; inducing hypnosis; and hypnosis and memory, awareness, and the experience of nonvolition. By demarcating myth from mystery and fact from fiction, and by highlighting what is known as well as what remains to be discovered, the science and practice of hypnosis can be advanced and grounded on a firmer empirical footing

    Clinical relevance of contextual factors as triggers of placebo and nocebo effects in musculoskeletal pain

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    Conceptualizing the relationship between Spiritual Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation in developing sustainable enterprises

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    Entrepreneurship has long been considered a critical element that contributes to economic development while encouraging new entry that is led by Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) consisting of the key dimensions of the propensity to act ‘autonomously’, a willingness to ‘innovate’ and ‘take risks’, a tendency to be ‘aggressive’ towards competitors, and ‘proactive’ relative to marketplace opportunities. To outlive and protect the capacity to form esteem over time, firms must keep up a suitable level of EO which has gotten significant conceptual and experimental consideration, speaking to one of the few ranges in enterprise inquire about where a total body of information is creating (Rauch, et al., 2009). Spirituality fortifies entrepreneurs’ commitment to creating their trade, subsequently making strides their efficiency, and empowering adaptability and imagination both in commerce arranging and its usage and will create a pro-social business with a sense of interconnectedness and community. Thus, it is with greater value to understanding the spiritual outputs of entrepreneurs since it made entrepreneurs having greater kindness, fairness, and increased awareness of other employees’ needs making people more ethical in business and improved teamwork creating a positive impact on the triple bottom line of the venture. Spiritual Orientation impacts ‘autonomy’ by providing flexibility for new ideas towards enhanced innovativeness. Competitive aggressiveness is outperformed by advancing the welfare of others with SO. A spiritual entrepreneur would focus on principles, virtues, ethics, values, emotions, wisdom, and intuition promoting proactiveness. As such, spirituality clarifies how business visionaries continue despite challenging situations by expanding their ideas of future-oriented sensemaking. This paper theorizes how a spiritually driven EO will lead to sustainable business ventures that focus on people, profit, and the planet. We assert that entrepreneurs must develop the spiritual maturity to create the right balance of EO dimensions as such, spiritual orientation and entrepreneurial orientation go hand in hand in creating a sustainable organization. Keywords: Spirituality, Spiritual orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrepreneurship, Sustainabilit
