4 research outputs found

    Efecto del uso de un secador solar tipo invernadero para la deshidrataci贸n de alfalfa (Medicago sativa l. var. zaino)

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto del uso de un secador solar tipo invernadero para la deshidrataci贸n de alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. var Zaino), las variables evaluadas fueron la humedad relativa y temperatura dentro y fuera del secador solar, los porcentajes de prote铆na bruta y materia seca parcial. El tama帽o de part铆cula de la alfalfa fue reducido manualmente previo a su ingreso al secador solar donde permaneci贸 durante 4 d铆as para su estudio. Se le realiz贸 a la muestra 2 ex谩menes bromatol贸gicos completos, el primero antes de ser ingresada la muestra al secador y la segunda al salir de el. La temperatura, humedad relativa y el contenido de materia seca parcial de la muestra fueron evaluadas diariamente. El secador solar tipo invernadero a pesar de alcanzar en su interior niveles de temperatura y humedad mayores a los alcanzados fuera del mismo, no es capaz de producir alfalfa deshidratada, debido a los factores clim谩ticos que afectaron el 谩rea de la ciudad de Guatemala, durante el per铆odo de evaluaci贸n


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    For extraction of road pixels from combined image and elevation data, Wegner et al. (2015) proposed classification of superpixels into road and non-road, after which a refinement of the classification results using minimum cost paths and non-local optimization methods took place. We believed that the variable set used for classification was to a certain extent suboptimal, because many variables were redundant while several features known as useful in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing are missed. This motivated us to implement a variable selection approach which builds a model for classification using portions of training data and subsets of features, evaluates this model, updates the feature set, and terminates when a stopping criterion is satisfied. The choice of classifier is flexible; however, we tested the approach with Logistic Regression and Random Forests, and taylored the evaluation module to the chosen classifier. To guarantee a fair comparison, we kept the segment-based approach and most of the variables from the related work, but we extended them by additional, mostly higher-level features. Applying these superior features, removing the redundant ones, as well as using more accurately acquired 3D data allowed to keep stable or even to reduce the misclassification error in a challenging dataset