176 research outputs found

    Translational Nanomedicine

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    Translational Medicine and Nanoscience PanelThe goal of Nanomedicine is to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic agents derived from fundamental discoveries in nanotechnology that can be applied safely and efficaciously in the treatment of human diseases. We have developed a number of platforms that meet these goals that have now progressed to clinical trials. In particular, emulsion based nanoparticle comprising perfluorocarbon cores and lipid-surfactant shells can be functionalized with imaging agents, drugs, genes, and targeting moieties to bind to specific molecular epitopes for both sensitive image-based detection and drug delivery at high local concentrations. Novel methods for the use of MRI, ultrasound, CT, optical and nuclear diagnostics have been developed. Drug delivery through unique mechanistic pathways involving fusional complexation of soft nanoparticles with cell membranes transports drugs (small molecules, cytolytic peptides, oligonucleotides, etc.) to cytoplasm for immediate effect. Novel pharmacokinetic approaches allow quantification of local drug delivery based on noninvasive imaging readouts. These and other innovations promise to alter the traditional paradigm for delivery and monitoring of therapeutic agents by taking advantage of targeted delivery at low serum concentrations that should reduce side effects while improving selective deposition of agents at greater concentrations than can be achieved by traditional diffusional mechanisms

    Peptide-based nanoparticles for systemic extrahepatic delivery of therapeutic nucleotides

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    Peptide-based nanoparticles (PBN) for nucleotide complexation and targeting of extrahepatic diseases are gaining recognition as potent pharmaceutical vehicles for fine-tuned control of protein production (up- and/or down-regulation) and for gene delivery. Herein, we review the principles and mechanisms underpinning self-assembled formation of PBN, cellular uptake, endosomal release, and delivery to extrahepatic disease sites after systemic administration. Selected examples of PBN that have demonstrated recent proof of concept in disease models in vivo are summarized to offer the reader a comparative view of the field and the possibilities for clinical application

    Peptide-siRNA nanotherapeutics in arthritis

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a process that involves the delivery of small single stranded RNA molecules into mammalian cells, resulting in the sequence-specific cleavage of complementary mRNA and the silencing of specific gene expression. These small RNA molecules called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are the focus of intense research due to their potential therapeutic uses in various disease processes ranging from cancer to autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. However, critical barriers to the delivery of siRNAs in vivo remain. “Off-target ” effects due to the suppression of closely related or unrelated genes might lead to unintended and potentially harmful host responses. Additionally, unprotected siRNAs are highly unstable once introduced into the circulation, with half-life of less than ten minutes

    Induction of WNT16 via peptide-mRNA nanoparticle-based delivery maintains cartilage homeostasis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive joint disease that causes significant disability and pain and for which there are limited treatment options. We posit that delivery of anabolic factors that protect and maintain cartilage homeostasis will halt or retard OA progression. We employ a peptide-based nanoplatform to deliver Wingless and the name Int-1 (WNT) 16 messenger RNA (mRNA) to human cartilage explants. The peptide forms a self-assembled nanocomplex of approximately 65 nm in size when incubated with WNT16 mRNA. The complex is further stabilized with hyaluronic acid (HA) for enhanced cellular uptake. Delivery of peptide-WNT16 mRNA nanocomplex to human cartilage explants antagonizes canonical β-catenin/WNT3a signaling, leading to increased lubricin production and decreased chondrocyte apoptosis. This is a proof-of-concept study showing that mRNA can be efficiently delivered to articular cartilage, an avascular tissue that is poorly accessible even when drugs are intra-articularly (IA) administered. The ability to accommodate a wide range of oligonucleotides suggests that this platform may find use in a broad range of clinical applications

    Detection and quantification of angiogenesis in experimental valve disease with integrin-targeted nanoparticles and 19-fluorine MRI/MRS

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Angiogenesis is a critical early feature of atherosclerotic plaque development and may also feature prominently in the pathogenesis of aortic valve stenosis. It has been shown that MRI can detect and quantify specific molecules of interest expressed in cardiovascular disease and cancer by measuring the unique fluorine signature of appropriately targeted perfluorocarbon (PFC) nanoparticles. In this study, we demonstrated specific binding of ι<sub>ν</sub>β<sub>3 </sub>integrin targeted nanoparticles to neovasculature in a rabbit model of aortic valve disease. We also showed that fluorine MRI could be used to detect and quantify the development of neovasculature in the excised aortic valve leaflets.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>New Zealand White rabbits consumed a cholesterol diet for ~180 days and developed aortic valve thickening, inflammation, and angiogenesis mimicking early human aortic valve disease. Rabbits (n = 7) were treated with ι<sub>ν</sub>β<sub>3 </sub>integrin targeted PFC nanoparticles or control untargeted PFC nanoparticles (n = 6). Competitive inhibition <it>in vivo </it>of nanoparticle binding (n = 4) was tested by pretreatment with targeted nonfluorinated nanoparticles followed 2 hours later by targeted PFC nanoparticles. 2 hours after treatment, aortic valves were excised and <sup>19</sup>F MRS was performed at 11.7T. Integrated <sup>19</sup>F spectral peaks were compared using a one-way ANOVA and Hsu's MCB (multiple comparisons with the best) post hoc t test. In 3 additional rabbits treated with ι<sub>ν</sub>β<sub>3 </sub>integrin targeted PFC nanoparticles, <sup>19</sup>F spectroscopy was performed on a 3.0T clinical scanner. The presence of angiogenesis was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Valves of rabbits treated with targeted PFC nanoparticles had 220% more fluorine signal than valves of rabbits treated with untargeted PFC nanoparticles (p < 0.001). Pretreatment of rabbits with targeted oil-based nonsignaling nanoparticles reduced the fluorine signal by 42% due to competitive inhibition, to a level not significantly different from control animals. Nanoparticles were successfully detected in all samples scanned at 3.0T. PECAM endothelial staining and ι<sub>ν</sub>β<sub>3 </sub>integrin staining revealed the presence of neovasculature within the valve leaflets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Integrin-targeted PFC nanoparticles specifically detect early angiogenesis in sclerotic aortic valves of cholesterol fed rabbits. These techniques may be useful for assessing atherosclerotic components of preclinical aortic valve disease in patients and could assist in defining efficacy of medical therapies.</p

    High contrast ultrasonic imaging of resin-rich regions in graphite/epoxy composites using entropy

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    This study compares different approaches for imaging a near-surface resin-rich defect in a thin graphite/epoxy plate using backscattered ultrasound. The specimen was created by cutting a circular hole in the second ply; this region filled with excess resin from the graphite/epoxy sheets during the curing process. Backscat-tered waveforms were acquired using a 4 in. focal length, 5MHz center frequency broadband transducer, scanned on a 100 × 100 grid of points that were 0.03 × 0.03 in. apart. The specimen was scanned with the defect side closest to the transducer. Consequently, the reflection from the resin-rich region cannot be gated from the large front-wall echo. At each point in the grid 256 waveforms were averaged together and subsequently used to produce peak-to-peak, Signal Energy (sum of squared digitized waveform values), as well as entropy images of two different types (a Renyi entropy, and a joint entropy). As the figure shows, all of the entropy images exhibit better border delineation and defect contrast than the either the peak-to-peak or Signal Energy. The best results are obtained using the joint entropy of the backscattered waveforms with a reference function. Two different references are examined. The first is a reflection of the insonifying pulse from a stainless steel reflector. The second is an approximate optimum obtained from an iterative parametric search. The joint entropy images produced using this reference exhibit three times the contrast obtained in previous studies

    A Facile Synthesis of Novel Self-Assembled Gold Nanorods Designed for Near-Infrared Imaging

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    Molecular imaging techniques now allow recognition of early biochemical, physiological, and anatomical changes before manifestation of gross pathological changes. Photoacoustic imaging represents a novel non-ionizing detection technique that combines the advantages of optical and ultrasound imaging. Noninvasive photoacoustic tomography (PAT) imaging in combination with nanoparticle-based contrast agents show promise in improved detection and diagnosis of cardiovascular and cancer related diseases. In this report, a novel strategy is introduced to achieve self-assembled colloidal gold nanorods, which are constrained to the vasculature. Gold nanorods (2–4 nm) were incorporated into the core of self-assembled lipid-encapsulated nanoparticles (sGNR) (∼130 nm), providing more than hundreds of gold atoms per nanoparticle of 20% colloid suspension. The physico-chemical characterization in solution and anhydrous state with analytical techniques demonstrated that the particles were spherical and highly mono dispersed. In addition to the synthesis and characterization, sensitive near-infrared photoacoustic detection was impressively demonstrated in vitro

    Entropy vs. Energy Waveform Processing: A Comparison Based on the Heat Equation

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    Virtually all modern imaging devices collect electromagnetic or acoustic waves and use the energy carried by these waves to determine pixel values to create what is basically an “energy” picture. However, waves also carry “information,” as quantified by some form of entropy, and this may also be used to produce an “information” image. Numerous published studies have demonstrated the advantages of entropy, or “information imaging”, over conventional methods. The most sensitive information measure appears to be the joint entropy of the collected wave and a reference signal. The sensitivity of repeated experimental observations of a slowly-changing quantity may be defined as the mean variation (i.e., observed change) divided by mean variance (i.e., noise). Wiener integration permits computation of the required mean values and variances as solutions to the heat equation, permitting estimation of their relative magnitudes. There always exists a reference, such that joint entropy has larger variation and smaller variance than the corresponding quantities for signal energy, matching observations of several studies. Moreover, a general prescription for finding an “optimal” reference for the joint entropy emerges, which also has been validated in several studies

    Near infrared photoacoustic detection of sentinel lymph nodes with gold nanobeacons

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    Detection of sentinel lymph node (SLN) using photoacoustic imaging is an emerging technique for noninvasive axillary staging of breast cancer. Due to the absence of intrinsic contrast inside the lymph nodes, exogenous contrast agents are used for photoacoustic detection. In this work, we have demonstrated near infrared detection of SLN with gold nanobeacons (GNBs) providing the photoacoustic contrast in a rodent model. We found that size dictates the in vivo characteristics of these nanoparticles in SLN imaging. Larger nanobeacons with high payloads of gold were not as efficient as smaller size nanobeacons with lower payloads for this purpose. Colloidal GNBs were designed as a nanomedicine platform with “soft” nature that is amenable to bio-elimination, an essential feature for in vivo efficacy and safety. The GNBs were synthesized as lipid- or polymer-encapsulated colloidal particles incorporating tiny gold nanoparticles (2–4 nm) in three tunable sizes (90 nm, 150 nm and 290 nm). Smaller GNBs were noted trafficking through the lymphatic system and accumulating more efficiently in the lymph nodes in comparison to the bigger nanoagents. At 20 min, the GNBs reached the SLN and were no longer observed within the draining lymphatic vessel. Within 1 h post-injection, the contrast ratio of the lymph nodes with the surrounding blood vessels was 9:1. These findings were also supported by analytical measurements of the ex vivo tissue samples. Results indicate that cumulative nanoparticle deposition in lymph nodes is size dependent and that high payloads of gold, although offering greater contrast in vitro, may yield nanoagents with poor intradermal migration and lymphatic transport characteristics
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