124 research outputs found

    Massive normalization of olfactory bulb output in mice with a 'monoclonal nose'

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    Perturbations in neural circuits can provide mechanistic understanding of the neural correlates of behavior. In M71 transgenic mice with a 'monoclonal nose', glomerular input patterns in the olfactory bulb are massively perturbed and olfactory behaviors are altered. To gain insights into how olfactory circuits can process such degraded inputs we characterized odor-evoked responses of olfactory bulb mitral cells and interneurons. Surprisingly, calcium imaging experiments reveal that mitral cell responses in M71 transgenic mice are largely normal, highlighting a remarkable capacity of olfactory circuits to normalize sensory input. In vivo whole cell recordings suggest that feedforward inhibition from olfactory bulb periglomerular cells can mediate this signal normalization. Together, our results identify inhibitory circuits in the olfactory bulb as a mechanistic basis for many of the behavioral phenotypes of mice with a 'monoclonal nose' and highlight how substantially degraded odor input can be transformed to yield meaningful olfactory bulb output

    Genetic dissection of an amygdala microcircuit that gates conditioned fear

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    The role of different amygdala nuclei (neuroanatomical subdivisions) in processing Pavlovian conditioned fear has been studied extensively, but the function of the heterogeneous neuronal subtypes within these nuclei remains poorly understood. Here we use molecular genetic approaches to map the functional connectivity of a subpopulation of GABA-containing neurons, located in the lateral subdivision of the central amygdala (CEl), which express protein kinase C-δ (PKC-δ). Channelrhodopsin-2-assisted circuit mapping in amygdala slices and cell-specific viral tracing indicate that PKC-δ^+ neurons inhibit output neurons in the medial central amygdala (CEm), and also make reciprocal inhibitory synapses with PKC-δ^− neurons in CEl. Electrical silencing of PKC-δ^+ neurons in vivo suggests that they correspond to physiologically identified units that are inhibited by the conditioned stimulus, called Cel_(off) units. This correspondence, together with behavioural data, defines an inhibitory microcircuit in CEl that gates CEm output to control the level of conditioned freezing

    Compensatory remodeling of a septo-hippocampal GABAergic network in the triple transgenic Alzheimer’s mouse model

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    Abstract Background Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by a progressive loss of memory that cannot be efficiently managed by currently available AD therapeutics. So far, most treatments for AD that have the potential to improve memory target neural circuits to protect their integrity. However, the vulnerable neural circuits and their dynamic remodeling during AD progression remain largely undefined. Methods Circuit-based approaches, including anterograde and retrograde tracing, slice electrophysiology, and fiber photometry, were used to investigate the dynamic structural and functional remodeling of a GABAergic circuit projected from the medial septum (MS) to the dentate gyrus (DG) in 3xTg-AD mice during AD progression. Results We identified a long-distance GABAergic circuit that couples highly connected MS and DG GABAergic neurons during spatial memory encoding. Furthermore, we found hyperactivity of DG interneurons during early AD, which persisted into late AD stages. Interestingly, MS GABAergic projections developed a series of adaptive strategies to combat DG interneuron hyperactivity. During early-stage AD, MS-DG GABAergic projections exhibit increased inhibitory synaptic strength onto DG interneurons to inhibit their activities. During late-stage AD, MS-DG GABAergic projections form higher anatomical connectivity with DG interneurons and exhibit aberrant outgrowth to increase the inhibition onto DG interneurons. Conclusion We report the structural and functional remodeling of the MS-DG GABAergic circuit during disease progression in 3xTg-AD mice. Dynamic MS-DG GABAergic circuit remodeling represents a compensatory mechanism to combat DG interneuron hyperactivity induced by reduced GABA transmission

    Two-Photon Imaging of Calcium in Virally Transfected Striate Cortical Neurons of Behaving Monkey

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    Two-photon scanning microscopy has advanced our understanding of neural signaling in non-mammalian species and mammals. Various developments are needed to perform two-photon scanning microscopy over prolonged periods in non-human primates performing a behavioral task. In striate cortex in two macaque monkeys, cortical neurons were transfected with a genetically encoded fluorescent calcium sensor, memTNXL, using AAV1 as a viral vector. By constructing an extremely rigid and stable apparatus holding both the two-photon scanning microscope and the monkey's head, single neurons were imaged at high magnification for prolonged periods with minimal motion artifacts for up to ten months. Structural images of single neurons were obtained at high magnification. Changes in calcium during visual stimulation were measured as the monkeys performed a fixation task. Overall, functional responses and orientation tuning curves were obtained in 18.8% of the 234 labeled and imaged neurons. This demonstrated that the two-photon scanning microscopy can be successfully obtained in behaving primates

    A split horseradish peroxidase for detection of intercellular protein-protein interactions and sensitive visualization of synapses

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    Intercellular protein-protein interactions (PPIs) enable communication between cells in diverse biological processes, including cell proliferation, immune responses, infection and synaptic transmission, but they are challenging to visualize because existing techniques1,2,3 have insufficient sensitivity and/or specificity. Here we report split horseradish peroxidase (sHRP) as a sensitive and specific tool for detection of intercellular PPIs. The two sHRP fragments, engineered through screening of 17 cut sites in HRP followed by directed evolution, reconstitute into an active form when driven together by an intercellular PPI, producing bright fluorescence or contrast for electron microscopy. Fusing the sHRP fragments to the proteins neurexin (NRX) and neuroligin (NLG), which bind each other across the synaptic cleft4, enabled sensitive visualization of synapses between specific sets of neurons, including two classes of synapses in the mouse visual system. sHRP should be widely applicable for studying mechanisms of communication between a variety of cell types
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