1,787 research outputs found

    Scaling regimes in spherical shell rotating convection

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    Rayleigh-B\'enard convection in rotating spherical shells can be considered as a simplified analogue of many astrophysical and geophysical fluid flows. Here, we use three-dimensional direct numerical simulations to study this physical process. We construct a dataset of more than 200 numerical models that cover a broad parameter range with Ekman numbers spanning 3×10−7≤E≤10−13\times 10^{-7} \leq E \leq 10^{-1}, Rayleigh numbers within the range 103<Ra<2×101010^3 < Ra < 2\times 10^{10} and a Prandtl number unity. We investigate the scaling behaviours of both local (length scales, boundary layers) and global (Nusselt and Reynolds numbers) properties across various physical regimes from onset of rotating convection to weakly-rotating convection. Close to critical, the convective flow is dominated by a triple force balance between viscosity, Coriolis force and buoyancy. For larger supercriticalities, a subset of our numerical data approaches the asymptotic diffusivity-free scaling of rotating convection Nu∼Ra3/2E2Nu\sim Ra^{3/2}E^{2} in a narrow fraction of the parameter space delimited by 6 Rac≤Ra≤0.4 E−8/56\,Ra_c \leq Ra \leq 0.4\,E^{-8/5}. Using a decomposition of the viscous dissipation rate into bulk and boundary layer contributions, we establish a theoretical scaling of the flow velocity that accurately describes the numerical data. In rapidly-rotating turbulent convection, the fluid bulk is controlled by a triple force balance between Coriolis, inertia and buoyancy, while the remaining fraction of the dissipation can be attributed to the viscous friction in the Ekman layers. Beyond Ra≃E−8/5Ra \simeq E^{-8/5}, the rotational constraint on the convective flow is gradually lost and the flow properties vary to match the regime changes between rotation-dominated and non-rotating convection. The quantity RaE12/7Ra E^{12/7} provides an accurate transition parameter to separate rotating and non-rotating convection.Comment: 42 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in JF

    Turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard convection in spherical shells

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    We simulate numerically Boussinesq convection in non-rotating spherical shells for a fluid with a unity Prandtl number and Rayleigh numbers up to 10910^9. In this geometry, curvature and radial variations of the gravitationnal acceleration yield asymmetric boundary layers. A systematic parameter study for various radius ratios (from η=ri/ro=0.2\eta=r_i/r_o=0.2 to η=0.95\eta=0.95) and gravity profiles allows us to explore the dependence of the asymmetry on these parameters. We find that the average plume spacing is comparable between the spherical inner and outer bounding surfaces. An estimate of the average plume separation allows us to accurately predict the boundary layer asymmetry for the various spherical shell configurations explored here. The mean temperature and horizontal velocity profiles are in good agreement with classical Prandtl-Blasius laminar boundary layer profiles, provided the boundary layers are analysed in a dynamical frame, that fluctuates with the local and instantaneous boundary layer thicknesses. The scaling properties of the Nusselt and Reynolds numbers are investigated by separating the bulk and boundary layer contributions to the thermal and viscous dissipation rates using numerical models with η=0.6\eta=0.6 and a gravity proportional to 1/r21/r^2. We show that our spherical models are consistent with the predictions of Grossmann \& Lohse's (2000) theory and that Nu(Ra)Nu(Ra) and Re(Ra)Re(Ra) scalings are in good agreement with plane layer results.Comment: 43 pages, 25 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in JF

    Zonal flow regimes in rotating anelastic spherical shells: an application to giant planets

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    The surface zonal winds observed in the giant planets form a complex jet pattern with alternating prograde and retrograde direction. While the main equatorial band is prograde on the gas giants, both ice giants have a pronounced retrograde equatorial jet. We use three-dimensional numerical models of compressible convection in rotating spherical shells to explore the properties of zonal flows in different regimes where either rotation or buoyancy dominates the force balance. We conduct a systematic parameter study to quantify the dependence of zonal flows on the background density stratification and the driving of convection. We find that the direction of the equatorial zonal wind is controlled by the ratio of buoyancy and Coriolis force. The prograde equatorial band maintained by Reynolds stresses is found in the rotation-dominated regime. In cases where buoyancy dominates Coriolis force, the angular momentum per unit mass is homogenised and the equatorial band is retrograde, reminiscent to those observed in the ice giants. In this regime, the amplitude of the zonal jets depends on the background density contrast with strongly stratified models producing stronger jets than comparable weakly stratified cases. Furthermore, our results can help to explain the transition between solar-like and "anti-solar" differential rotations found in anelastic models of stellar convection zones. In the strongly stratified cases, we find that the leading order force balance can significantly vary with depth (rotation-dominated inside and buoyancy-dominated in a thin surface layer). This so-called "transitional regime" has a visible signature in the main equatorial jet which shows a pronounced dimple where flow amplitudes notably decay towards the equator. A similar dimple is observed on Jupiter, which suggests that convection in the planet interior could possibly operate in this regime.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Icaru

    Zonal flow scaling in rapidly-rotating compressible convection

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    The surface winds of Jupiter and Saturn are primarily zonal. Each planet exhibits strong prograde equatorial flow flanked by multiple alternating zonal winds at higher latitudes. The depth to which these flows penetrate has long been debated and is still an unsolved problem. Previous rotating convection models that obtained multiple high latitude zonal jets comparable to those on the giant planets assumed an incompressible (Boussinesq) fluid, which is unrealistic for gas giant planets. Later models of compressible rotating convection obtained only few high latitude jets which were not amenable to scaling analysis. Here we present 3-D numerical simulations of compressible convection in rapidly-rotating spherical shells. To explore the formation and scaling of high-latitude zonal jets, we consider models with a strong radial density variation and a range of Ekman numbers, while maintaining a zonal flow Rossby number characteristic of Saturn. All of our simulations show a strong prograde equatorial jet outside the tangent cylinder. At low Ekman numbers several alternating jets form in each hemisphere inside the tangent cylinder. To analyse jet scaling of our numerical models and of Jupiter and Saturn, we extend Rhines scaling based on a topographic β\beta-parameter, which was previously applied to an incompressible fluid in a spherical shell, to compressible fluids. The jet-widths predicted by this modified Rhines length are found to be in relatively good agreement with our numerical model results and with cloud tracking observations of Jupiter and Saturn.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in PEP

    From solar-like to anti-solar differential rotation in cool stars

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    Stellar differential rotation can be separated into two main regimes: solar-like when the equator rotates faster than the poles and anti-solar when the polar regions rotate faster than the equator. We investigate the transition between these two regimes with 3-D numerical simulations of rotating spherical shells. We conduct a systematic parameter study which also includes models from different research groups. We find that the direction of the differential rotation is governed by the contribution of the Coriolis force in the force balance, independently of the model setup (presence of a magnetic field, thickness of the convective layer, density stratification). Rapidly-rotating cases with a small Rossby number yield solar-like differential rotation, while weakly-rotating models sustain anti-solar differential rotation. Close to the transition, the two kinds of differential rotation are two possible bistable states. This study provides theoretical support for the existence of anti-solar differential rotation in cool stars with large Rossby numbers.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Explaining Jupiter's magnetic field and equatorial jet dynamics

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    Spacecraft data reveal a very Earth-like Jovian magnetic field. This is surprising since numerical simulations have shown that the vastly different interiors of terrestrial and gas planets can strongly affect the internal dynamo process. Here we present the first numerical dynamo that manages to match the structure and strength of the observed magnetic field by embracing the newest models for Jupiter's interior. Simulated dynamo action primarily occurs in the deep high electrical conductivity region while zonal flows are dynamically constrained to a strong equatorial jet in the outer envelope of low conductivity. Our model reproduces the structure and strength of the observed global magnetic field and predicts that secondary dynamo action associated to the equatorial jet produces banded magnetic features likely observable by the Juno mission. Secular variation in our model scales to about 2000 nT per year and should also be observable during the one year nominal mission duration.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letter

    What controls the large-scale magnetic fields of M dwarfs?

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    Observations of active M dwarfs show a broad variety of large-scale magnetic fields encompassing dipole-dominated and multipolar geometries. We detail the analogy between some anelastic dynamo simulations and spectropolarimetric observations of 23 M stars. In numerical models, the relative contribution of inertia and Coriolis force in the global force balance -estimated by the so-called local Rossby number- is known to have a strong impact on the magnetic field geometry. We discuss the relevance of this parameter in setting the large-scale magnetic field of M dwarfs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference proceeding, IAUS 302 'Magnetic Fields Throughout the Stellar Evolution', (26-30 Aug 2013, Biarritz, France

    What controls the magnetic geometry of M dwarfs?

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    Context: observations of rapidly rotating M dwarfs show a broad variety of large-scale magnetic fields encompassing dipole-dominated and multipolar geometries. In dynamo models, the relative importance of inertia in the force balance -- quantified by the local Rossby number -- is known to have a strong impact on the magnetic field geometry. Aims: we aim to assess the relevance of the local Rossby number in controlling the large-scale magnetic field geometry of M dwarfs. Methods: we explore the similarities between anelastic dynamo models in spherical shells and observations of active M-dwarfs, focusing on field geometries derived from spectropolarimetric studies. To do so, we construct observation-based quantities aimed to reflect the diagnostic parameters employed in numerical models. Results: the transition between dipole-dominated and multipolar large-scale fields in early to mid M dwarfs is tentatively attributed to a Rossby number threshold. We interpret late M dwarfs magnetism to result from a dynamo bistability occurring at low Rossby number. By analogy with numerical models, we expect different amplitudes of differential rotation on the two dynamo branches.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Radiative penguin Bs decays at Belle

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    We report searches for the radiative penguin decays Bs to phi gamma and Bs to gamma gamma based on a 23.6 fb-1 data sample collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB e+e- energy-asymmetric collider operating at the Upsilon(5S) resonance.Comment: On behalf of the Belle Collaboration. To appear in the proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2007), Manchester, England, 19-25 July 2007. 3 pages, 2 figure

    Precise mass-dependent QED contributions to leptonic g-2 at order alpha^2 and alpha^3

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    Improved values for the two- and three-loop mass-dependent QED contributions to the anomalous magnetic moments of the electron, muon, and tau lepton are presented. The Standard Model prediction for the electron (g-2) is compared with its most precise recent measurement, providing a value of the fine-structure constant in agreement with a recently published determination. For the tau lepton, differences with previously published results are found and discussed. An updated value of the fine-structure constant is presented in "Note added after publication."Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. v2: New determination of alpha presented (based on the recent electron g-2 measurement). v3: New formulae added in Sec.IIB. v4: Updated value of alpha presente
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