56 research outputs found

    Transcriptomic approaches in the brain at cell type resolution : Analysis of neuron-glia interaction in Plp1 and Cnp1 null-mutant mice

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    Global gene expression profiling is a powerful tool to obtain deep insights into physiological and pathological cellular mechanisms. The enormous cellular complexity of the mammalian brain, however, is a major obstacle for gene expression profiling. Physiologically relevant changes of transcription that occur in specific cell populations are likely to remain undetected in cellularly complex samples. The purification of single populations of neural cell types eliminates these difficulties. We have approached this problem in transgenic mice by labelling genetically-defined neural cell types that express variants of GFP. When combined with isolation techniques such as fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) or laser capture microdissection (LCM), the isolation of intact RNA from unfixed cells for global transcriptome analysis is possible. In this study we applied FACS and LCM to isolate neurons and glia to gain insight into cell type specific gene expression. We profiled glial precursor cells, microglia and oligodendrocytes using FACS and generated a transcriptome database for glial cell types. LCM was used to study single isolated callosal projection neurons from the cortex of mouse models, which develop adult onset axonal degeneration a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases such as parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The identification of molecular mechanisms underlying axonal degeneration is critical to design rational therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore we profiled wild type controls, Cnp1 and Plp1 null mutant mice (myelin specific genes) at 4 different time points during adulthood. Cnp1 and Plp1 null mutants show axonal swellings and with age severe neurodegeneration, although CNS myelin seems ultra structural not affected. In summary, we have shown the feasibility to "snapshot" gene expression profiles of genetically defined neuronal subtypes in vivo and to compare morphologically similar neurons at a given time in pathological conditions. We followed gene expression changes starting from early disease states until stages of severe pathological signs, focusing on cells known to be susceptible to a genetic predisposition. Our analysis revealed several known and novel candidate genes and mechanisms that likely play a role in the early adaptive responses of cortical projection neurons to cope with axonal stress

    P2X1 and P2X5 subunits form the functional P2X receptor in mouse cortical astrocytes

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    ATP plays an important role in signal transduction between neuronal and glial circuits and within glial networks. Here we describe currents activated by ATP in astrocytes acutely isolated from cortical brain slices by non-enzymatic mechanical dissociation. Brain slices were prepared from transgenic mice that express enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of the human glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter. Astrocytes were studied by whole-cell voltage clamp. Exogenous ATP evoked inward currents in 75 of 81 astrocytes. In the majority (~65%) of cells, ATP-induced responses comprising a fast and delayed component; in the remaining subpopulation of astrocytes, ATP triggered a smoother response with rapid peak and slowly decaying plateau phase. The fast component of the response was sensitive to low concentrations of ATP (with EC50 of ~40 nM). All ATP-induced currents were blocked by pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonate (PPADS); they were insensitive to ivermectin. Quantitative real-time PCR demonstrated strong expression of P2X1 and P2X5 receptor subunits and some expression of P2X2 subunit mRNAs. The main properties of the ATP-induced response in cortical astrocytes (high sensitivity to ATP, biphasic kinetics, and sensitivity to PPADS) were very similar to those reported for P2X1/5 heteromeric receptors studied previously in heterologous expression systems

    Multiplexed profiling of GPCR activities by combining split TEV assays and EXT-based barcoded readouts

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest class of cell surface receptors and are implicated in the physiological regulation of many biological processes. The high diversity of GPCRs and their physiological functions make them primary targets for therapeutic drugs. For the generation of novel compounds, however, selectivity towards a given target is a critical issue in drug development as structural similarities between members of GPCR subfamilies exist. Therefore, the activities of multiple GPCRs that are both closely and distantly related to assess compound selectivity need to be tested simultaneously. Here, we present a cell-based multiplexed GPCR activity assay, termed GPCRprofiler, which uses a beta-arrestin recruitment strategy and combines split TEV protein-protein interaction and EXT-based barcode technologies. This approach enables simultaneous measurements of receptor activities of multiple GPCR-ligand combinations by applying massively parallelized reporter assays. In proof-of-principle experiments covering 19 different GPCRs, both the specificity of endogenous agonists and the polypharmacological effects of two known antipsychotics on GPCR activities were demonstrated. Technically, normalization of barcode reporters across individual assays allows quantitative pharmacological assays in a parallelized manner. In summary, the GPCRprofiler technique constitutes a flexible and scalable approach, which enables simultaneous profiling of compound actions on multiple receptor activities in living cells

    Warship wrecks and their munition cargos as a threat to the marine environment and humans: The V 1302 “JOHN MAHN” from World War II

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    In addition to endangering sea traffic, cable routes, and wind farms, sunken warship wrecks with dangerous cargo, fuel, or munitions on board may emerge as point sources for environmental damage. Energetic compounds such as TNT (which could leak from these munitions) are known for their toxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity. These compounds may cause potential adverse effects on marine life via contamination of the marine ecosystem, and their entry into the marine and human food chain could directly affect human health. To ascertain the impending danger of an environmental catastrophe posed by sunken warships, the North Sea Wrecks (NSW) project (funded by the Interreg North Sea Region Program) was launched in 2018. Based on historical data (derived from military archives) including the calculated amount of munitions still on board, its known location and accessibility, the German World War II ship “Vorpostenboot 1302” (former civilian name - “JOHN MAHN”) was selected as a case study to investigate the leakage and distribution of toxic explosives in the marine environment. The wreck site and surrounding areas were mapped in great detail by scientific divers and a multibeam echosounder. Water and sediment samples were taken in a cross-shaped pattern around the wreck. To assess a possible entry into the marine food chain, aged mussels were exposed at the wreck, and wild fish (pouting), a sedentary species that stays locally at the wreck, were caught. All samples were analyzed for the presence of TNT and derivatives thereof by GC–MS/MS analysis. As a result, we could provide evidence that sunken warship wrecks emerge as a point source of contamination with nitroaromatic energetic compounds leaking from corroding munitions cargo still on board. Not only did we find these explosive substances in bottom water and sediment samples around the wreck, but also in the caged mussels as well as in wild fish living at the wreck. Fortunately so far, the concentrations found in mussel meat and fish filet were only in the one-digit ng per gram range thus indicating no current concern for the human seafood consumer. However, in the future the situation mayworsen as the corrosion continues. Fromour study, it is proposed that wrecks should not only be ranked according to critical infrastructure and human activities at sea, but also to the threats they pose to the environment and the human seafood consumer

    Risk assessment of war wrecks – a comprehensive approach investigating four wrecks containing munitions in the German Bight/North Sea

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    Shipwrecks and dumped munition continue to be a major hazard, both in the North Sea but also on a global scale. Research within the EU Interreg project North Sea Wrecks (NSW), in cooperation with the German Aerospace Centre, Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures (DLR), is generating new insights into the status of wrecks, the potential leakage of pollutants from remaining munitions loads and the effects of contamination on exposed marine organisms in the North Sea environment. Further, historical documents are generated from archives to describe ship’s history and sinking scenario. These historical findings were compared to models and images of the visual inspections of the wrecks. Further, samples of water, sediment and organisms are being analysed for traces of explosives. Combining the results of these different fields of research allows for a better understanding of the environmental risks deriving from these wrecks. This process is shown below by focusing on the wreck of the German light cruiser SMS MAINZ, which sank in 1914. Data were compared to three additional wrecks situated also within the southern German Bight. Available data about the wrecks were preliminary assessed using a wreck risk model. Finally, wrecks were ranked according to their potential environmental risk

    Profiling of ERBB receptors and downstream pathways reveals selectivity and hidden properties of ERBB4 antagonists

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    ERBB receptor tyrosine kinases are involved in development and diseases like cancer, cardiovascular, neu rodevelopmental, and mental disorders. Although existing drugs target ERBB receptors, the next gener ation of drugs requires enhanced selectivity and understanding of physiological pathway responses to improve efficiency and reduce side effects. To address this, we developed a multilevel barcoded reporter profiling assay, termed ‘ERBBprofiler’, in living cells to monitor the activity of all ERBB targets and key physiological pathways simultaneously. This assay helps differentiate on-target therapeutic effects from off-target and off-pathway side effects of ERBB antagonists. To challenge the assay, eight estab lished ERBB antagonists were profiled. Known effects were confirmed, and previously uncharacterized properties were discovered, such as pyrotinib’s preference for ERBB4 over EGFR. Additionally, two lead compounds selectively targeting ERBB4 were profiled, showing promise for clinical trials. Taken together, this multiparametric profiling approach can guide early-stage drug development and lead to improved future therapeutic interventions

    Mice Lacking the Circadian Modulators SHARP1 and SHARP2 Display Altered Sleep and Mixed State Endophenotypes of Psychiatric Disorders

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    Increasing evidence suggests that clock genes may be implicated in a spectrum of psychiatric diseases, including sleep and mood related disorders as well as schizophrenia. The bHLH transcription factors SHARP1/DEC2/BHLHE41 and SHARP2/DEC1/ BHLHE40 are modulators of the circadian system and SHARP1/DEC2/BHLHE40 has been shown to regulate homeostatic sleep drive in humans. In this study, we characterized Sharp1 and Sharp2 double mutant mice (S1/2(-/-)) using online EEG recordings in living animals, behavioral assays and global gene expression profiling. EEG recordings revealed attenuated sleep/wake amplitudes and alterations of theta oscillations. Increased sleep in the dark phase is paralleled by reduced voluntary activity and cortical gene expression signatures reveal associations with psychiatric diseases. S1/2(-/-) mice display alterations in novelty induced activity, anxiety and curiosity. Moreover, mutant mice exhibit impaired working memory and deficits in prepulse inhibition resembling symptoms of psychiatric diseases. Network modeling indicates a connection between neural plasticity and clock genes, particularly for SHARP1 and PER1. Our findings support the hypothesis that abnormal sleep and certain (endo) phenotypes of psychiatric diseases may be caused by common mechanisms involving components of the molecular clock including SHARP1 and SHARP2

    Pathway sensor-based functional genomics screening identifies modulators of neuronal activity

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    Neuronal signal transduction shapes brain function and malfunction may cause mental disorders. Despite the existence of functional genomics screens for proliferation and toxicity, neuronal signalling has been difficult to address so far. To overcome this limitation, we developed a pooled screening assay which combines barcoded activity reporters with pooled genetic perturbation in a dual-expression adeno-associated virus (AAV) library. With this approach, termed pathScreener, we comprehensively dissect signalling pathways in postmitotic neurons. This overcomes several limitations of lentiviral-based screens. By applying first a barcoded and multiplexed reporter assay, termed cisProfiler, we identified the synaptic-activity responsive element (SARE) as top performance sensor of neuronal activity. Next, we targeted more than 4,400 genes and screened for modulatory effects on SARE activity in primary cortical neurons. We identified with high replicability many known genes involved in glutamatergic synapse-to-nucleus signalling of which a subset was validated in orthogonal assays. Several others have not yet been associated with the regulation of neuronal activity such as the hedgehog signalling members Ptch2 and Ift57. This assay thus enhances the toolbox for analysing regulatory processes during neuronal signalling and may help identifying novel targets for brain disorders

    Dietary habits, traveling and the living situation potentially influence the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection: results from healthcare workers participating in the RisCoin Study.

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    PURPOSE To explore occupational and non-occupational risk and protective factors for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in healthcare workers (HCWs). METHODS Serum specimens and questionnaire data were obtained between October 7 and December 16, 2021 from COVID-19-vaccinated HCWs at a quaternary care hospital in Munich, Germany, and were analyzed in the RisCoin Study. RESULTS Of 3,696 participants evaluated, 6.6% have had COVID-19 at least once. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified working in patient care occupations (7.3% had COVID-19, 95% CI 6.4-8.3, Pr = 0.0002), especially as nurses, to be a potential occupation-related COVID-19 risk factor. Non-occupational factors significantly associated with high rates of the disease were contacts to COVID-19 cases in the community (12.8% had COVID-19, 95% CI 10.3-15.8, Pr < 0.0001), being obese (9.9% had COVID-19, 95% CI 7.1-13.5, Pr = 0.0014), and frequent traveling abroad (9.4% had COVID-19, 95% CI 7.1-12.3, Pr = 0.0088). On the contrary, receiving the basic COVID-19 immunization early during the pandemic (5.9% had COVID-19, 95% CI 5.1-6.8, Pr < 0.0001), regular smoking (3.6% had COVID-19, 95% CI 2.1-6.0, Pr = 0.0088), living with the elderly (3.0% had COVID-19, 95% CI 1.0-8.0, Pr = 0.0475), and frequent consumption of ready-to-eat meals (2.6% had COVID-19, 95% CI 1.1-5.4, Pr = 0.0045) were non-occupational factors potentially protecting study participants against COVID-19. CONCLUSION The newly discovered associations between the living situation, traveling as well as dietary habits and altered COVID-19 risk can potentially help refine containment measures and, furthermore, contribute to new mechanistic insights that may aid the protection of risk groups and vulnerable individuals