5 research outputs found

    The Relation Between Minimum Wages and Poverty in Indonesia: an Islamic Perspective

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    This study is part of Islamic economics research that aims to determine the relationship between the minimum wage and poverty rate in Indonesia, especially case studies in West Java, Central Java, East Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta, and Banten during the period 2007-2013. In addition to the primary independent variable, there are six control variables are used, the level of education, the GDP per capita, unemployment rate, inflation rate, average wages and economic growth. The analysis technique used in this study are Arellano Bond Dynamic GMM (Generalized Method of Moment). The results of this study found that the minimum wage is not a significant effect on poverty levels in 2007-2013, especially in the districts/cities in West Java, Central Java, East Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta and Banten. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that government has responsibilities and sufficient role to reduce poverty through minimum wage standardization, the state also has responsibilities to create social security, both for those who are unable to work, informal workers and vulnerable workers, so that the level of wages (income) they can meet any basic needs according to Ibn Hazm include food, clothing, health, education and housing

    Metode Komputasi Murah Untuk Sinkronisasi Fasa Optik Pada Optical Beamforming Networks

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    Optical Beamforming Networks (OBFNs) is used to optimized the received signal power in airplane-satellite communication by controlling the signal beams towards the desired direction.  The control of these OBFNs is a difficult and very complex nonlinear problem. The complexity of OBFN can be reduced by lowering the bandwidth of the modulated optical signals at its inputs. It can be achieved by performing optical single-sideband suppressed-carrier (SSB-SC) modulation. However, there is potential problem due to the fact that the phase relation between the optical carrier and the remaining sideband is lost when the group delay response is only optimized for the sideband frequency range. Optical phase synchronization is used to correct this issue by adding extra phase shifters. However, there is not any simple yet effective method to determine the value of the extra phase shifters needed for a certain OBFN. This paper propose a simple and computationally cheap feedback approximation approach to solve this problem

    Kajian Pelelangan Konstruksi Berdasarkan Keppres 80/2003 Dan Perpres 54/2010 (Studi Kasus : Lpse Universitas Diponegoro)

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    Construction sector has an important role in increasing economic growth. To create a condition that all necessary infrastructure that can guarantee an increase in economic activity. Procurement of facilities and infrastructure as well as the government\u27s infrastructure, using the budget of income and expenditure (APBN/APBD). To supervise the use of budget, procurement regulations are arranged Keppres 80/2003 and amended by Perpres 54/2010. The tender process is expected to use electronic media (e-procurement) to be more transparent, accountable, effective and efficient, in line with efforts to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism. The method of research used descriptive research. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with data taken from Diponegoro University 2 LPSE and questionnaires to the respondents as service providers, service users, and the auction committee. A descriptive analysis of data processing and data processing using a Likert scale questionnaire on the subject of the study variables. The results of comparative analysis based on the tender for the construction of Perpres 54/2010 is better than the Keppres 80/2003.In terms of the duration of the execution of the auction package is based on Perpres 54/2010 1.76 is faster, there was the time efficiency of 50%. The cost, Perpres 54/2010 is cheaper. In the case of list requirements, both rules have the same relative terms. In terms of accuracy in the selection of service providers in the Perpres 54/2010 be better. In terms of selection of participants is more stringent Perpres 54/2010 instead of Presidential Decree 80/2003. In terms of transparency in the determination of winners, that the new regulations more transparent. General opinion of the regulation services provider 54/2010 is better