3 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT PT. Praweda Sarana Informatika is a company in the field of technology, using the DEA method and Islamic values as reflected in the prayer values of its employees during the 2018-2022 period and seeing the influence of input and output variables on the company's growth rate. The input variables used are the Accumulated Number of New and Renewal Customers and the Number of Leads (Potential Customers) Entering. As for the output variable itself, namely Operating Income. So that its effect on the effectiveness of performance can be seen using the calculation of the reflexivity of worship. The results of the study show the effectiveness of employee performance data, it can be concluded that the increase in the effectiveness of employee performance is in line with the increase that occurs in the value of worship. The peak of the increase in reflexivity values occurs in 2022, where the effectiveness of performance is seen from the output variable (operational income) which reaches a maximum point of 100% in line with a significant increase in the worship value of employees to 90%. So it can be calculated the value of the reflexivity is at a percentage of 90%

    Kajian Perkuatan Struktur Gedung Yang Disesuaikan Dengan Sni Gempa 03-1726-2012 Kota Semarang Studi Kasus Gedung Kuliah Utama Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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    The Main Lecture Building of Engineering Faculty of Diponegoro University construction process start form June 2010 and be expected to finish at November 2010 but until October 2015 this building can not used as it planned because the construction process have some trouble. Design of this building still use the old guidence that is Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2002. This day that guidence has been updated become Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012. Because of that this building need to studied so the building can accord with the new guidence. The purpose of this study is to design the structure strengthening so the building can accord with the new guidence. The method of this study is collect the data of laboratory examination. This data will use to determine the quality of materials for calculate nominal capacity. Then redesign the structure using SAP 2000 so that we can know the forces in every element of this structure. Then compere these forces with nominal capacity of the existed structure which is manually calculate under guidence of Concrete SNI 03-1726-2013. If the forces from SAP 2000 analysis bigger than the nominal capacity then the element need strengthening. The reviewed element are beam, column, joint and caisson foundation with strengthening use fiber reinforced polymer under guidence of ACI 440 and concrete jacketing. The result of analysis based on Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012 show that some element in this building can not hold the forces. Beam can not hold the shear forces. Because of that, beam need the FRP shear strengthening to increase the nominal capacity. Beside beam, column also can hold the forces there are axial and moment. Because of this column need to use the concrete jacketing method to increase the nominal capacity. Concrete jacketing method more efficient than FRP strengthening for column

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Teknologi Data Storage dalam Mendukung Ketersediaaan Data Penginderaan Jauh untuk Memberikan Pelayanan kepada Pengguna (Studi Kasus: Data Storage di Lingkungan Satuan Kerja Pusfatja LAPAN) = Analysis of The Data Storage System Technology Utilization in Support Of The Availability Of Remote Sensing Data to Provide Services To Stakeholders (Case Study: Networking in The Pusfatja LAPAN Work Unit

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    Kemajuan teknologi informasi yang sangat cepat, memberikan dampak perubahan pola pikir dalam bekerja. Perubahan tersebut tampak pada pelayanan ketersediaan data berbasis penginderaan jauh di lingkungan satuan kerja Pusat Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh (Pusfatja) LAPAN. Pemanfaatan teknologi data storage dengan baik harus diwujudkan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pengguna. Dalam makalah ini menggunakan metode deduksi dan induktif, yakni melakukan analisa terhadap sumber daya teknologi informasi yang dimiliki, sesuai dengan permasalahan yang dianalisis. dari hasil analisis diperoleh dual solusi sesuai dengan kondisi analisa yang telah diperoleh, yakni melakukan proses pengembangan/upgrading dan pengadaan sistem baru/procurement of new equipment. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa metode yang digunakan dapat mendukung pelayanan ketersediaan data penginderaan jauh untuk penelitian, pengembangan, pelayanan jasa dan pemanfaatan quick response kebencanaan di wilayah Indonesia. Selain itu juga dapat mendukung sharing storage data Kelompok Penelitian litbangyasa di lingkungan Pusat Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh. diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan ini akan memberikan infrastruktur teknologi informasi/data storage sistem beserta prosedur operasionalnya, dapat berbagi data penginderaan jauh dengan berbagai macam aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (tidak Redudancy), Efektifitas dalam waktu ketersediaan data dari pustekdata sampaikepada pengguna di lingkungan Pusfatja, sehingga tidak melalui administrator data lagi. namun perlu diperhatikan tingkat privelege datanya/akses data, dan efisiensi dalam penggunaan perangkat removable/storage, agar lebih handalpenggunaan sistem komunikasi data.Rapid Advances in information technology give impacts on mindset change in the working system. These changes appear in service-based remote sensing data availability in Remote Sensing Application Center (Pusfatja) LAPAN. Utilization of data storage technology must be realized in providing services to users. This paper uses deductive and inductive method, which is doing an analysis of the information technology resources, according to the problems analyzed. The analysis results in two solutions, that is development/upgrading and procurement of new systems / equipment. The results indicate that the analytical methods used to support the availability of remote sensing data services to the research, development, utilization of services and quick response disaster in Indonesia. but it also can support the sharing of data storage for internal Research Group in Pusfatja LAPAN. This activity is expected to provide infrastructure of information technology and data storage system with its operational procedure, and share remote sensing data with a wide range of Geographic Information Systems applications. Effectiveness of data availability from Pustekdata to Pusfatja will improve, without going through the data administrator. However, the privilege level in the data access must be managed, and the efficiency in the use of removable devices/storage, to get more reliable data communication systems.hlm. 500-51