9 research outputs found

    Multi Layer Spatial Analysis for Demersal Shrimp Fishery and Sst Warming in the Semarang Coastal Waters

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    Semarang coastal waters is part of coastal zone at the north coast of Java that is still has their characters for coastal demersal fishery. It was known for a long time before, that Semarang coastal water is a very good fishing ground especially for some valuable demersal species, such as white shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis), (Metapeneus.sp); flat fishes (3 species); Gastropods : Tiger snails (Babylonia.sp) and Bivalves : Anadara.sp. Some study that had been developed earlier in transforming from individual station data at coastal and seas, into visual-spatial layer in order to give more accurate spatial analysis of multiple parameters in the invisible coastal waters. This study present further development in the analysis of multi-layer spatial analysis. The samples of demersal coastal shrimp fishery and its closely related ecosystem parameters (depth; sediment; salinity) were taken randomly to represent the area of Semarang coastal zone. Field ecosystem and fishery samples data then processed using spatial method known as Kriging, and overlaid on a Landsat_TM satellite data. The study develops especially a multi layer of the field variables approach in order to analyze possible spatial multiple correlations between ecosystem parameter, such as type of bottom sediment, depth, and salinity to spatial distribution of shrimps spatial distribution as to represent demersal coastal fishery. This benthic fishery resources is regarded as the most vulnerable fishery due it\u27s sensitive character ie. sedentary and limited movement, is a good example to be used to monitor the impact of the environmental changes such global warming and climate change, such as seawater temperature anomaly in Semarang Coastal water (was found 1.39 ºC in March 1983) for the adaptation strategy in the future coastal resources management

    Korelasi Luas Area Wharton\u27s Jelly Dengan Luaran Berat Lahir Bayi Pada Kehamilan Cukup Bulan

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    Latar Belakang Berat lahir bayi merupakan salah satu indikator penting yang berkaitan dengan angka mortalitas dan morbiditas bayi. Berat lahir bayi sangat bergantung dengan asupan nutrisi dari tali pusat pada masa kehamilan. Wharton\u27s jelly adalah komponen penyusun terbesar dari tali pusat.Tujuan Mengetahui korelasi luas area Wharton\u27s jelly dengan luaran berat lahir bayi pada kehamilan cukup bulan.Metode Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah studi observasional analitik dengan rancangan belah lintang. Sampel penelitian adalah tali pusat dari bayi dengan kehamilan tunggal dan memiliki usia kehamilan cukup bulan. Data diambil dengan cara purposive sampling kemudian pembacaan dan pengukuran luas area Wharton\u27s jelly dilakukan secara mikroskopis. Uji statistik menggunakan uji Pearson.Hasil Dari 35 data dan sampel talipusat yang terkumpul, 29 data dan sampel memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Rerata luas area Wharton\u27s jelly pada kehamilan cukup bulan dengan berat lahir normal adalah 56,077 ± 19,537 mm2. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan secara statistik antara luas area Wharton\u27s jelly dengan luaran berat lahir bayi pada kehamilan cukup bulan (p=0,041).Kesimpulan Terdapat korelasi antara luas area Wharton\u27s jelly dengan luaran berat lahir bayi pada kehamilan cukup bulan

    Analisis Musim Penangkapan Dan Tingkat Pemanfaatan Ikan Layur (Trichiurus SP) Di Perairan Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

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    The commonly activity of hairtail fish catching in waters of Palabuhanratu is used handline. The average of hairtail fish production in this area reaches 174 tonnes per year. One of the things that supported the succesfully of hairtail fish capture is knowledge the fishing season of hairtail fish This research aimed to understand the potential of sustainable resources, the fishing season of hairtail fish, as well as exploitation rate of hairtail fish. This research was used descriptif methods with kind of case study research. Data analysis was used statistic methods, moving average methods and surplus production model with logistic growth function. Management model of trichiurus fish resources based on maximum economic yield, maximum sustainable yield and open access section. Result showed that EMSY was 8710 trips/year while CMSY was 294,92 ton/year, in actually effort was 8370 trips/ year and C was 176 ton/ year . Based on the index was known that the peak fishing season fishing occurs in April. The highest utilization rate during the last 9 years in 2007 which is 109%

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Perbedaan Konstruksi Mata Pancing Dan Jenis Umpan Pada Pancing Ulur Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Di Kawasan Zona Pemanfaatan Perikanan Tradisional Taman Nasional Karimunjawa

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the use of construction of the originally hook with the hook kirbed 30o angle, and the influence of different types of bait is natural bait of meat squid (Loligo sp.) with artificial bait, as well as for determining whether or not the effect of interaction between the form of construction the hook and type of the bait on the catch of hand line in the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The research was conducted in May-April 2012 at the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The material used in this study were the hook used to use squid bait, the hook used to use artificial bait, hook angle of 30 ⁰ with experimental fishing methods. Six times the number of repeat tests. Methods of data analysis begins by looking for the hook rate, the data was processed using a statistical test with SPSS 17 software at 95% level tests with tests of normality, homogeneity test, and two way ANOVA test. The results showed that different types of bait is not so affect the catch, the hook construction differences affect the catch Hand line and interaction between the bait the hook with the use of different constructs had no effect on the catch Hand line. Species of fish caught by fishing gear hand line overall during the study based on the percentage of the amount (kg), namely: Badong, pompano slim, large splotch trevally, pompano gargahing, but there were also fish the sergeant fish Badong fish were the most species of fish caught during the research that is equal to 64% of the 54 tail of the total catch

    Pengaruh Umpan Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Alat Tangkap Anco (Lift Net) Di Perairan Rawa Bulung Kulon, Kabupaten Kudus

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    Anco is a very simple lift net, generally used only by small fishermans. The shape of the tool is rectangular. The shape is used because after setting and hanging, the other side of the net look like a cup. Anco is used on the edge of the river and the swamp, especially in the estuarine water stream. On that section, there are many small fish schooling because the fish like to swim on the opposing direction of the water stream. Bait is used as stimulant for the fish, so that the fish schools around the anco net. The purpose of this reseatch is to analyze the use of shrimp's natural bait, worm and cassava against the anco net catch result and to know what bait that has the biggest influence against the anco net catch result. The research method used is descriptive, this research is an experimental research to test modified bait from many kinds of bait (mashed worms, mashed shrimp, mashed cassava) against the catching result in the use of anco net to catch fish. Direct observation method, interview, documentation, and literature is used to collect data. Data is then analyzed using statistic test including testing the normality, testing the homogenity, and one way Anova testing. The results of three treatmens used in the research are shrimp bait, worm, and cassava. The bait which has the most catching result in terms of result, 928 fishes and weighing 3,193 kg, but, the most catching result in the terms of weight is the shrimp bait, weighing 6,466 kg, 840 fishes. The worm bait resulting in 758 fishes, weighing 5,285 kg

    Pemodelan dan Analisis Berdasarkan Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Modifikasi Profil Gigi terhadap Karakteristik Dinamis pada Involute Spur Gear

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    Roda gigi atau gear merupakan salah satu elemen mesin yang berfungsi untuk mentransmisikan daya. Sumber transimisi sebuah gear berasal dari kontak dan gesekan yang terjadi pada pasangan gear yang diteruskan oleh porosnya. Kontak dan gesekan yang terjadi merupakan sumber utama kegagalan pada roda gigi apabila dipadukan dengan kesalahan-kesalahan (error) dalam perancangan, assembly, dan machining roda gigi. Usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi masalah tersebut adalah dengan memodifikasi profil gigi dengan bentuk tip relief pada involute spur gear. Tip relief adalah pemotongan bagian flank pada roda gigi dengan bentuk parabolik dan linier. Material yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah S45C. Simulasi regangan dinamis dilakukan dengan analisa Transient Structure, sedangkan analisa getaran dilakukan dengan analisa Harmonic Response pada software FEA. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah terjadi reduksi nilai regangan dan getaran pada profil modifikasi parabolik dan linier. Nilai reduksi yang terjadinya selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen dan didapatkan error dari simulasi yang dilakukan. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi pada perindustrian terhadap kesalahan proses assembly dan machining yang terjadi pada pasangan roda gigi

    Membangun Pola Pikir Masyarakat dalam Upaya Optimalisasi Kearifan Lokal Melengan Klumpit Kanigoro Saptosari Gunungkidul melalui Program Kampung Wisata

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan oleh KKN UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Angkatan 96 Kelompok 211 dengan bersinergi bersama Kepala Dukuh Dusun Klumpit berupa sosialisasi Kampung Wisata di Melengan RT 08, Dusun Klumpit, Desa Kanigoro, Kecamatan Saptosari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Program Kampung Wisata difokuskan pada Melengan RT 08 dengan segala potensi yang dimiliki. Mulai dari potensi alam, budaya, sejarah, kuliner, dan kerajinan. Kesemua potensi tersebut tanpa disadari warga mampu mendongkrak perekonomian dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga. Penyelenggaraan sosialisasi Kampung Wisata bertujuan untuk menyadarkan masyarakat khususnya warga Melengan RT 08 akan kearifan lokal yang memiliki manfaat besar bagi warga. Metode yang digunakan adalah berupa pengenalan dasar Kampung Wisata dalam perkumpulan Minokaryo selanjutnya berupa penjelasan yang bersamaan dengan penayangan video-video pendek berkenaan dengan desa-desa yang telah berhasil mengembangkan kekayaan desanya menjadi objek wisata yang ramai. Hasil penulisan ini terdapat tiga kesimpulan. Pertama, partisipasi masyarakat akan program kampung wisata terlihat dari hadirnya 22 warga yang terdiri dari para bapak dan perwakilan remaja. Kedua, dalam sosialisasi Kampung Wisata, warga menyambut dengan baik dan turut mendukung program tersebut. Ketiga, warga dapat tergugah dan sadar bahwa potensi yang dimiliki daerahnya mampu menjadi objek wisata yang menguntungkan