6 research outputs found

    Epidemologi Molekuler Genotipe Human Immunodeficiency Virus -1 (Hiv-l) Pada Orang Dengan Hiv/aids (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) Atau Odha Di Jawa Timur Dan DKI Jakarta

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus is retrovirus that can decrease immune system in human body. There are two types of HIV which could be genetically specified as HIV-I and HIV-2. HIV-I consists of three groups: M, N, and 0. The 'M' group is further classified as nine subtypes i. e, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I subtypes. In certain condition, two viruses from different subtypes can mix and form a hybrid virus, called Circulating Recombinant Forms (CRFs). The aim of this research is to map the distribution of HIV subtypes in all of Indonesia's provinces. Sera from HIV patients from hospitals in DKI Jakarta and East Java were taken and examined for genetic analysis. As we may already aware that DKI Jakarta and East Java are provinces that have high prevalence of HIV. All of the specimens were tested and analyzed using RT-PCR technique followed by PCR Nested and sequences confirmation. In East Java Province, HIV-I AE subtypes was the most dominant with 74%followed by Band E subtypes, each of them I3%. In DKI Jakarta province, HIV-I E subtype was the most dominant 60%, AE and B subtypes were 35%, and 5% respectivel

    Analisis Subtipe HIV-1 dan Faktor Penyebarannya pada Penderita HIV di RS. Yowari Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua

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    Acquaired immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a symptoms caused by infection with Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV). There are two types of HIV genetically distinguished as HIV-1 and HIV-2 subtype. Subtypes of HIV-1 globally have different distribution in state, where geographical factors could affected to the subtype differences. Papua is one of the provinces that have high case of HIV/AIDS. High number of people with HIV/AIDS in Papua caused by new regional area expansion and mobilization of the population in province and district area. This study was aimed to identify the sub type HIV-1 and the risk factors that correlated in the transmission of HIV-1 type. The research study was performed by cross-sectional design. There were 36 HIV patient sample respondent willing to participate in research and they were sign inform consent. Subtype HIV-1 identification was performed by used Nested-PCR, sequencing, and BLAST to found subtype HIV-1. The interview method used a questionnaires to found of  the risk factors  related to subtype HIV-1. The results of research showed that HIV-1 subtype found in people with HIV in Yowari hospital is CRF01_AE subtype (31 respondent) and subtype B ( 5 respondent). Chi-squre and Fisher exact test analysis of risk factors that influence the spread of HIV-1 subtype showed a non significant results. The research study concluded sub-type HIV-1 in patients is CRF01_AE and subtype B and  there were not correlated risk factors with HIV-1 subtype.Key words: HIV/AIDS , type HIV-1 , CRF01_AE , Sub type-B, RS Yowari

    Perbandingan Abbott Real-time High-risk HPV dan Cobas 4800 HPV Test untuk Deteksi Molekuler HPV pada Sampel Indonesia

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    Based on the results of 2013 National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2013), as many as 10.3% of female death due to cancer in Indonesia caused by cervical cancer of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) became the main risk factor that was 99.7%. The incidence of cervical cancer can be prevented through early detection of HPV infection moleculary. This study aims to evaluate the ability of Abbot Real-time High-risk HPV (AR) and Roche Cobas HPV (CB) techniques to detect HPV DNA from Indonesia‘s Stored Biology. Furthermore, the results from both techniques are confirmed by using genotyping method using Linnear Array (LA). A total of 74 speciment of stored biological materials (BBT) of cervical swabs stored in Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) media were extracted using a special isolation kit from Abbott Real-time High-risk HPV, Cobas 4800 Human Papillomavirus Test and Linear Array. Concentration and purity of HPV viral DNA extraction results were measured by spectophotometry method. The amplification of the extraction results was carried by using a specific primer segment of the L1 gene as a target for detecting HPV DNA. The quality of HPV DNA extraction results using AR technique was 10-30 ng/μL concentration in average, the result was higher when compared to the CB technique which only range from 10-20 ng/μL, but the results using the LA technique had a concentration ≥ 30 ng/μL in average. The purity of HPV DNA extraction using AR and CB technique was similar more or less. The examination of 74 samples had found HPV 16, HPV 18, and other HPV type in each technique, which were 14 positive (9, 4, and 1) in AR technique, 5 positive (3,2, and 0) in CB technique, and 14 positive (8, 4, and 2) in LA technique. AR technique is more accurate and optimal than CB technique in detecting HPV virus and identifying HPV virus types. Both AR and CB technique have their own advantages and disadvantages, although they have uses an automated system of isolation and readout results analysis. It could be concluded that AR technique has better performance in detecting HPV when compared to CB technique

    Potensi Resistensi Virus HIV-1 terhadap Terapi Anti Retroviral (ART) pada Pasien Voluntary Counseling And Testing (VCT) di Beberapa Kota di Indonesia

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that damages the immune system. The use of antiretroviraltherapy drugs combination (ARV) has demonstrated highly effective in controlling thedevelopment of the HIV virus and prolongs survival. Comprehensive coverage of antiretroviral therapy(ART) also has an impact on the incidence of mutations in the HIV virus that can lead to resistance. Ingeneral, resistance to a particular drug is the result of a mutation in a number of positions in the proteincodinggenes that are targeted by drugs. This study is aimed to find out mutations that related to ARVresistance in some cities in Indonesia. Genotypic assays are used in this study to analyze the viralresistance properties. The samples are from stored biological materials in the Center for Biomedicaland Basic Technology of Health. One hundred and eightspecimens that meet the inclusion criteriawere amplified and sequenced. Further analysis is conducted by uploading sequences to the StanfordUniversity website for the analysis of resistance mutations. Based on the results of this study there aresome mutations in the HIV virus that leads to a low potential of antiretroviral drug resistance of efavirenz(EFV) and nevirapine (NVP). These drugs are used in the first-line treatment of HIV in Indonesia.Overview of the mutations that cause viral resistance to antiretroviral drugs with genetic methods isexpected to serve as baseline data for program development of new drugs or vaccines HIV / AIDS inthe response to HIV in Indonesia

    Proportion of influenza cases in severe acute respiratory illness in Indonesia during 2008-2009

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    Aim: To access the proportion of Influenza which caused SARI casesMethods: From April 2008 until March 2009, 549 samples of nasal and throat swabs were collected from SARI patients from eight hospitals in eight provinces in Indonesia. The samples were analyzed for Influenza by real-time RT-PCR method using several specific primers for influenza A (A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and A/H5N1) and Influenza B. The sequence of these primers was provided by CDC, Atlanta.Results: We found 516 (94%) of the specimens testing results were not infl uenza A or B viruses. There was 21 (4%) cases caused by influenza A and 12 (2%) caused by influenza B. From the influenza A cases, one case of SARI was caused by A/H1N1, two cases were A/H5N1, 17 cases were A/H3N2 and one case was unsubtypeable Influenza A.Conclusion: The majority of SARI cases were not caused by influenza viruses. From this surveillance the most common influenza  A related to SARI is A/H3N2. Facts of the avian influenza virus A/H5N1 cases have been found in Indonesia and the spread of novel virus influenza A/H1N1 in 2009 raised our concern about the importance of SARI surveillance. (Med J Indones 2010; 19:264-7)Keywords: influenza, severe acute respiratory illness</p