143 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Pencatatan Stock Dengan Menggunakan Barcode Pada Android

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    Stock opname merupakan penghitungan dan penyesuaian stok barang dan aset yang dimiliki oleh toko atau Perusahaan di gudang atau etalase dengan data stok yang terdapat pada database sistem Perusahaan. Selama stock opname dilakukan, kegiatan masuk dan keluarnya barang tidak dapat dilakukan. Hal ini menyebabkan Perusahaan tidak teratur dalam melakukan stock opname. Selain itu kesalahan pencatatan yang dilakukan oleh pegawai juga rawan terjadi jika barang yang dicatat cukup banyak.Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah tersebut, maka dibuatlah aplikasi untuk melakukan pencatatan stock dengan menggunakan barcode. Aplikasi ini dibuat pada mobile device berbasis Android karena selain kegunaannya sebagai telepon genggam, mobile device juga memiliki fasilitas yang modern seperti kamera dan koneksi internet menggunakan wifi sehingga dapat pula dijadikan sebagai barcode reader yang dapat terhubung dengan server Perusahaan.Hasil dari aplikasi yang telah dibuat antara lain, dapat melakukan download data stock barang dan aset dari server tergantung otorisasi, dapat memindai barcode dengan menggunakan kamera yang terdapat pada mobile device untuk melakukan pencataan barang, dapat melakukan pencatatan jumlah stok barang dan aset pada periode tertentu,dan terdapat laporan pencatatan stock barang dan aset pada periode tertent

    Stabilisasi Tanah Gambut dengan Kapur dan Abu Terbang untuk Mengurangi Kebakaran Lahan

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    Fires in peat land in Riau Province commonly happened in the dry season and the water level of peat land was low. To reduce the risk of fires in peat soil can be implemented with the solidification and stabilization. Stabilization of peat soil by used additive ingredients such as chalk (CaCo3) and fly ash was one method of soil stabilization. The Additive ingridients could improve the technical properties and filled the voids in the peat soil was reduced. This research was aimed to determine the optimal composition content of chalk and fly ash to the stabilization of burning peat soil. The optimum water content for compaction was range between 100% and 160%, Hadijah (2006) in Ilyas (2008). Based on literature, this research using 100% water content for compaction. The pure peat soil was burned at the optimum water content and temperature obtained burning point at 72 °C within 4 minutes. After peat stabilization with fly ash 15% and 5% CaCO3, burning point was much longer to 94 °C within 34 minutes. Higest point of ash happened on peat soil with fly ash 15% and CaCo3 5% with a temperature of 206 °C and within 59 minutes. Meanwhile, ingredient content such as peat soil+ 5% CaCo3 + 10% fly ash, peat soil + 5% caco3 + 5% fly ash, and on pure peat soil has a short time. It was because the fly ash and chalk can be reduced the burning process time

    Desain Ruang Luar Ditinjau dari Pola Aktivitas dalam Optimalisasi Lahan pada Rusunawa

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    Desain Ruang Luar Ditinjau Dari Pola Aktivitas Dalam Optimalisasi Lahan Pada Rusunawa Ardhiana muhsin, triana zahara, muhamad azhar wibisono, Mochamad reidina keisya Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur - Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : [email protected] Abstrak Tumbuhnya kantong-kantong kumuh baru perkotaan. Hal ini telah mendorong pemerintah terutama pemerintah daerah agar dapat memanfaatkan lahan seoptimal mungkin untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan Perumahan berupa pembangunan Perumahan secara vertikal bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah yaitu Rumah Susun. Seperti halnya pada Kelurahan Cigugur Tengah Kota Cimahi yang merupakan salah satu wilayah padat dan kumuh. Penelitian ini bertempat di Rusunawa Cigugur-Cimahi bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan bagaimana mengoptimalkan ruang luar seperti pemanfaatan lahan-lahan kosong yang tersedia agar dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan sesuai dengan pola aktifitas penghuni rumah susun tersebut. Data dikumpulkan dari satu sampel rumah susun di Rusunawa Cigugur Tengah. Kajian dengan metoda analisis deskriptif terhadap data lapangan yang diperoleh dan literatur terkait, menunjukan bahwa desain ruang luar yang optimal dapat digunakan sebagai sarana sosial seperti tempat anak-anak bermain, tempat berkumpul warga, dsb. Kata kunci: bangunan rumah susun, ruang luar, pola aktifitas penghuni rumah susun. Abstract The increasing number of new slums in urban area had encourage the government, especially local government to optimize the land for fulfill housing needs by built vertical housing for low-income people such as in Middle District of Cimahi, West Java which is dense and lot of slums area. This research placed in Rusunawa Cigugur-Cimahi is aim to discuss optimizing open space area and its uses and match as well as the occupant activities. All data were collected from one building that act as a sample in Rusunawa Cigugur-Cimahi. The method of this research is using a descriptive analysis from field data, obtained and related literature, to indicates that the optimal design for open spaces can be used as social facilities such as a children's playground, a gathering place for the resident, etc

    Pengaruh Penerapan Sistem Informasi Database Riset Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Sidr) Di Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia

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    Sistem Informasi Database Riset dan Pengmas (SIDR) is an information system that saves the reseach and community service data in Universitas Indonesia. To evaluate the effectiveness of SIDR, it is ideal to gather data about the SIDR user's responses. Consequently, in the present study, questionnaire method uses a 6-point Likert scale is applied to obtain that kind of information. In general, the results show that SIDR provides an effective means of creating and centralizing research and community service data for whole faculties in Universitas Indonesia

    Manfaat Datawarehouse pada Rumah Sakit ABC

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    This study is objected to analyze the current system to find the problems being faced by ABC Hospital and propose alternative solutions. Additionally, it aims to generate information needed by the hospital management to design a data warehouse according to the information needs. The research method used is the analysis and design of data warehouse by Kimball and Ross cited by Connolly and Begg, known as Nine-Step Methodology. The result obtained is a data warehouse application with a multidimensional historical data that can assist the hospital management in decision making. Designing data warehouse at ABC Hospital makes enterprise data into concise and can be viewed from several dimensions that help users analyze data for strategic decision quickly and accurately

    Sistem Informasi Rawat Inap Berbasis Web pada Klinik Medis Citra Husada

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    Citra Husada Medical Clinic is a premier medical clinic which also provides inpatient services. In this clinic has 2 floors with a capacity of 15 patients consisting of 8 room rooms and 7 chambers, where to register the hospitalization is done on the 1st floor and inpatient services on the 2nd floor. In the business process so far there are problems where the absence of information on the 1st floor administration of vacant rooms and to complete the administrative registration takes up to 20 minutes, the calculation of the cost of payment is still done manually causing the risk of mistakes and the time to complete up to 10 minutes, and still no detailed reporting to the management about the activities on the care in which the reporting is still limited to the written notes on the book by the administrative floor 2. Based on these problems, Citra Husada Medical Clinic requires inpatient information system to to reduce the time required to know the availability of empty rooms, accelerate the calculations performed ol eh the administration floor 2, and produce detailed reports to the management. The result of this research is inpatient information system which can show empty room and speed up administration registration to 9 minutes, accelerate the cost of hospitalization to 30 seconds and reduce the occurrence of errors in the calculation, and produce detailed reports to the management
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