142 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Institusional Structures, Trust in Seller, Seller Past Performance, Perceived Risk, Dan Customer Satisfaction Terhadap Transaction Intentions Di Situs Kaskus

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    Good seller\u27s credibility in the online business will boost consumer confidence in the company, lowering the perceived risk, increase customer satisfaction and increase intention to make repeat purchases. In addition to the seller\u27s credibility in the online business, information on the performance of the seller in the future also light is information that can be used as a reference establishment of consumer confidence. The trust that consumers would be effect on consumer satisfaction when business transactions through online media.This study was conducted to determine the effect of institutional structures (buyer-driven certification, auction house escrow and credit card guarantee) and the seller the past performance of the trust in the seller, knowing the effect of trust in the seller and the seller the past performance of the perceived risk, knowing the effect of trust in seller and the seller past performance on customer satisfaction, knowing the effect of trust in the seller, perceived risk, customer satisfaction and the seller the past performance of the transaction intentions, and knowing the difference of consumer ratings on variable institutional structures (buyer-driven certification, auction house escrow and credit card guarantee), trust in the seller, perceived risk, customer satisfaction, seller past performance and transaction intentions based on different characteristics of the consumer.The results showed that the institutional structures (buyer-driven certification, auction house escrow and credit card guarantee), trust in the seller, customer satisfaction, and past performance sellers provide a positive influence on consumer purchase intentions in the online business. The perception of risk in this study had no influence on consumer purchase intentions in the online business

    Perancangan Program Aplikasi Kriptografi Menggunakan Algoritma Magenta dengan Panjang Kunci 128 Bit

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    Along with the development of computer technology, the growing crimes against the computer. Crimes against the computer makes people increasingly competing to make the algorithms-algorithms that can maintain the confidentiality of data. Algorithms algorithm Magenta is one of the many algorithms that exist today. Magenta algorithms have been developed since 1990 by using a simple and transparent technique that can be implemented in hardware and software. First time algorithms are analyzed using the butterfly structure - the structure of the butterfly which was then replaced by a Fast Hadamard Transform (FHT) shuffle structure which has the advantage of providing some structure in each level. In 1994 there was a slight change in the use of hardware that was not processed according to plan so that now the algorithm used by Deutsche Telekom Magenta for secure management of sensitive data with 128-bit key length. These algorithms break the 128-bit key length into 16 blocks with each block containing the 8-bit and one other advantage of this algorithm is the recursive part is calculated repeatedly at each iteration

    A Dominant Alarm Symptom in Eldery Patient with Gastroduodenitis Erosive NSAID

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    Alarm symptoms for dyspepsia, such as anemia, evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding, weight loss, dysphagia, odynophagia and new onset at age > 50 years are associated with an increase risk of cancer. Most guidelines for the management of dyspepsia emphasize that patients with alarm symptoms should undergo aggressive evaluation including endoscopy. We reported a case of 65 years old female with several alarm symptoms that suggesting of Malignancy, but endoscopy finding revealed gastroduodenitis erosive NSAID due to the pain killer herbal medicine use

    Authorization Entities (Legal Guarantee Review)

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    The guarantee agreement for guarantee rights is flexible to be implemented, it does not have to be carried out alone by the party that guarantees it. If represented, it is made in the form of SKMHT that must be made in a notarial deed or PPAT deed. If it follows the provisions in Article 15 of the UUHT, credit is a daily necessity for the community both in the context of meeting consumption needs and in terms of doing business in various business fields, compared also with bank credit contracts as stated by Kevin Kogin. Today's business transactions move quickly and increasingly involve all elements of society as a business. The ultimate purpose of the prohibition of the Power of Attorney Imposing Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) as a special power of attorney is to provide legal protection to creditors. SKMHT is a special power of attorney that can only be controlled by the direct power of attorney because it is only related to the power of making APHT with a creditor in the presence of PPAT. If the power of attorney is substituted, it will make creditors difficult if there is a dispute to conduct legal relations because there are too many parties to be able to connect directly with the debtor. In addition, if it is substituted, the creditor will lose his rights and position as the preferred creditor to the receivables that have been given to the debtor

    Pola Klinik Tuberkulosis Ekstra Paru Di Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang Periode Juli 2013- Agustus 2014

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    Backgrounds : Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB) is a tuberculosis which attacked organs other than lungs. Increased prevalence of EPTB worldwide was caused by difficulties to establish a proper diagnosis.Aim : To determine the clinical patterns of EPTB of hospitalized patients in Internal Medicine Ward Dr.Kariadi Hospital Semarang Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study, using 68 medical records of hospitalized patients in the Internal Medicine Ward on July 2013-August 2014 as the sample. The data was described in the form of tables and figures.Results : There were 68 patients of EPTB, 64,7% of the patients were male and mostly in 18-28 years age group. Most common location of EPTB was pleural TB (30,9%). Most clinical symptom found in pleural TB and lymphadenitis TB was cough, back pain in bone TB, abdominal pain in peritonitis TB, and headache in meningitis TB. Most clinical sign found in pleural TB was dyspnea, swelling of lymph nodes in lymphadenitis TB, weakness of extremities in bone TB, abdominal distention in peritonitis TB, and loss of consciousness in meningitis TB. Microbiology examination was performed in 72,5% patients, hematology examination was performed in 69,1% patients, biopsy was performed in 67,6% patients,and radiology examination was performed in 85,3% patients, Most common complication found in pleural TB was fibrosis, abscess in lymphadenitis TB, paraplegia in bone TB, ascites in peritonitis TB, and hydrocephalus in meningitis TB. Most length of stay of EPTB patients was > 2 weeks and 76,5% patients were recovered.Conclusions: Clinical patterns of EPTB were greatly varied and additional examinations, such as microbiology, hematology, biopsy, and radiology examination could lead to a proper diagnosis

    Pengaruh View terhadap Peningkatan Harga Jual Apartemen di Kota Malang

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    Bangunan apartemen merupakan jenis bangunan komersil sangat erat kaitannya dengan harga jual yang ditawarkan. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi perbedaan harga jual adalah pada faktor view. Setiap jenis view memiliki kualitas dan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap harga jual. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh setiap jenis view yang dimanfaatkan oleh apartemen di Kota Malang terhadap peningkatan harga jualnya. Penelitian dengan jenis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan objek studi tiga bangunan apartemen di Kota Malang dikaji menggunakan analisa studi kasus, analisa regresi linear, dan analisa regresi log-linear berdasarkan data primer data sekunder yang telah dikumpulkan. Penelitian dilakukan pada variabel view didukung dengan variabel fisik untuk memeroleh pengaruh terhadap peningkatan harga jual. Sehingga ditemukan bahwa pada apartemen di Kota Malang terdapat beberapa view yang dapat dimanfaatkan seperti pada Apartemen Malang City Point view ke arah bangunan apartemen dapat meningkatkan harga jual sebesar 0%, view kota meningkatkan 7,9%, view gunung 13,8%, view dengan tambahan fasilitas sebesar 16,6%, pada Apartemen Soekarno Hatta view ke arah makam menurunkan harga jual sebesar -2,7%, dan pada Apartemen Taman Melati variabel view tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. penerapan

    Pola Klinis Kanker Paru Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang Periode Juli 2013 – Juli 2014

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    Background : Lung cancer incidence is increasing and become a global health problem. Lung cancer in Indonesia was ranked fourth of all cancers that often found in hospitals. Many factors contribute to the incidence of lung cancer. By understanding the clinical pattern lung cancer is expected as a reference in evaluation and improvement of health service.Aim : To obtain the data related to the clinical pattern of lung cancer in patient who administred to Dr. Kariadi Semarang Hospital from July 2013 – July 2014Methods : This study is a descriptive research using secondary data from a medical record inpatient Dr. Kariadi Semarang Hospital from July 2013 – July 2014Result : During study period, there were 121 patients administred to inpatient care unit. Out of 121, 70 sample were selected according to the inclusive and exclusive criteria. Patients with age 51-60 years old and male gender werw the most prevalent patients. The most employment in sample is labourer. Cough, shortness of breath, chest pain are clinical signs and symptoms that often arise. Adenocarcinoma was the most prevalent. Ct-scan of the thorax the most found in the radiological picture with morphology tumor size <1cm. The most Staging of lung cancer is staging IIIB. Treatment that was often used is chemotherapy. The most metastase in sample is bone. Payment system in general BPJS.Anemia was the common occured complication. Patients cured or improved is higher than patients dead at treatment.Conclusion : The most common main sympton of patients with lung cancer have hospitalization in RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang is cough. The most stagging is IIIB and treatment that was often used is chemotherapy
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