46 research outputs found

    The Algorithms for FPGA Implementation of Sparse Matrices Multiplication

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    In comparison to dense matrices multiplication, sparse matrices multiplication real performance for CPU is roughly 5--100 times lower when expressed in GFLOPs. For sparse matrices, microprocessors spend most of the time on comparing matrices indices rather than performing floating-point multiply and add operations. For 16-bit integer operations, like indices comparisons, computational power of the FPGA significantly surpasses that of CPU. Consequently, this paper presents a novel theoretical study how matrices sparsity factor influences the indices comparison to floating-point operation workload ratio. As a result, a novel FPGAs architecture for sparse matrix-matrix multiplication is presented for which indices comparison and floating-point operations are separated. We also verified our idea in practice, and the initial implementations results are very promising. To further decrease hardware resources required by the floating-point multiplier, a reduced width multiplication is proposed in the case when IEEE-754 standard compliance is not required

    Reduction in the level of antibodies against heat shock proteins 60 during different hormonal protocols in postmenopausal women

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    Introduction: In current literature, the immune-inflammatory theory of atherosclerosis is widely discussed. The role of how heat shock proteins 60 (HSP60) lead to the development of the atheromatous plaque is especially underlined. The aim of the study is to estimate the influence of three hormonal protocols on behavior of antibodies against HSP60. It determines the state of endothelium in postmenopausal women. Material and methods: The study was carried out on 90 women between 2007 and 2012. All the women were in their menopausal age (51 ± 3 years), from the south region of Poland, with a follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level above 25 mIU/ml, and with menopausal symptoms disturbing their normal daily activity. The study was done for a period of 6 months. Three groups of 30 randomized patients were formed. In the first group we used transdermal estrogen therapy in a 37.5 µg/24 h dose combined with a 10 mg dose of dydrogesterone. In the second group we applied transdermal estrogen therapy in a 50 µg/24 h dose with 2.5 mg of oral medroxyprogesterone. In both these groups, gestagens were administered continuously. In the third group, we prescribed continuous, oral, low-dose combined estrogen-gestagen therapy with 1 mg of ethinyl estradiol and 0.5 mg of norethisterone acetate. The control group consisted of 30 volunteers who were also from the south region of Poland, in good health, with menopausal symptoms, no menstrual period for the last 12 months, selected considering their age and weight, with an FSH level above 25 mIU/ml and with normal levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin. All patients treated and in the control group were seronegative to Chlamydia pneumonia for the entire duration of the study. In the analysis conducted, nonparametric tests were used (Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon test, Kruskal-Wallis test - ANOVA). Results: After 6 months of hormonal therapy, we found that all schemes of treatment promote a significant reduction in antibodies against HSP60 in all treated groups vs. the control group. Conclusions: All of the investigated estrogen protocols have a favorable impact on the blood level of HSP60 antibodies in early postmenopausal women who have no cardiovascular risk factors. It triggers a better condition of endothelium

    High live birth rate after conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy with Methotrexate

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess fertility in patients diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy and treated with methotrexate, as well as safety and efficacy of conservative treatment. Also, risk factors of recurrent ectopic pregnancies were determined. Material and methods: The study included 86 female patients with ectopic pregnancy, hospitalized and treated in the clinic of Gynecological Endocrinology, UJCM, Cracow, between 2007 and 2011. A total of 73 patients received a single dose of MTX in the amount of 50mg/m2 of body surface area. Serum b-hCG concentration was measured on days 4 and 7. The treatment was considered successful when b-hCG concentrations dropped to less than 0.2mIU/ml without surgery. Results: Among 34 patients on follow-up, 8 (23.5%) did not attempt to conceive again, whereas 26 patients declared their wish to conceive again. The attempt proved to be successful in case of 16 women (61.53%), and they gave birth to healthy children. Average time to pregnancy was 14.9 months (S

    Pneumocystosis in a patient with lymphangioleiomyomatosis

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    A 47-year-old, non-smoking woman was admitted to the National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute for diagnosis of progressive exertional dyspnoea and numerous small thin-walled, air-filled cysts equally distributed throughout both lungs revealed in HRCT (high resolution computed tomography) examination. Histological assessment of specimens obtained by open lung biopsy revealed proliferation of immature smooth muscle, showing the expression of the antigen HMB45. On this basis, diagnosis of lymphangioleiomyomatosis was established. The disease caused essential ventilation damage of the lungs (FEV1 1.34 L; 39.71% pred, VC 4.02 L; 94.96% pred, FEV1/ /VC 0.33–4 1.81% pred, DLCO 3.65 mmol/min/Kpa 38.35% pred).During the observation, despite the lack of immunological disorders, the patient developed Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) that was treated with trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is a rare disease which results from a defect of TSC genes. The disease is not related to immunological defects or disorders. However, the considerable cystic destruction of the lungs can predispose the patient to opportunistic infections such as the one in the presented case.Chora, 47-letnia, nigdy niepaląca tytoniu, została przyjęta do Instytutu Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc w celu diagnostyki postępującej duszności wysiłkowej oraz stwierdzonych w badaniu tomografii komputerowej wysokiej rozdzielczości (HRCT) klatki piersiowej licznych drobnych, cienkościennych torbielek zajmujących równomiernie oba płuca. Na podstawie badania histologicznego wycinka pobranego w trakcie biopsji otwartej płuca, w którym stwierdzono obecność nisko zróżnicowanych komórek mięśniowych, wykazujących ekspresję antygenu HMB45, rozpoznano limfanogioleiomiomatozę. Choroba powodowała istotne uszkodzenie funkcji wentylacyjnych płuc (FEV1 1,34 l; 39,71 %n, VC 4,02 l; 94,96 %n, FEV1/VC 0,33–4 1.81%n, DLCO 3,65 mmol/min/Kpa 38,35%n). W okresie obserwacji, pomimo braku zaburzeń immunologicznych, wystąpiło pneumocystozowe zapalenie płuc leczone z powodzeniem sulfametoksazolem z trimetoprimem

    Study of a research and teaching project in terms of Open BIM PL – problems and methods

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    Artykuł łączy przedstawienie podstawowych problemów planowania przedsięwzięć budowlanych w ujęciu Open BIM z przedstawieniem przedsięwzięcia badawczo-dydaktycznego w ujęciu Open BIM PL realizowanego w latach 2014-2020 w Politechnice Poznańskiej przy ekstremalnym wykorzystaniu polskich rozwiązań technicznych, w tym polskiego oprogramowania komputerowego. Przedstawione podejście wychodząc od koncepcji systemu i komponentów budowlanych opiera się na integracji konstrukcja-kosztorys-harmonogram uwzględniając podejście od 2D-3D-BIM do analiz 4D-5D-6D. Cechą charakterystyczną działań jest projektowanie budowlano-wykonawcze w podstawowym poziomie szczegółowości opracowania w ujęciu LOD, jako forma opcjonalnej standaryzacji na obecnym etapie wdrażania BIM w Polsce. Częścią projektu jest wykorzystanie oprogramowania zagranicznego, głównie europejskiego w oparciu o otwarte standardy wymiany danych – zwłaszcza IFC i BCF – oraz standardy de facto, jeśli są stosowane w różnych programach.The article combines the presentation of the basic problems of construction project planning in terms of Open BIM approach with the presentation of a research and teaching project in terms of Open BIM PL implemented in 2014-2020 at the Poznań University of Technology with extremal using of Polish technical solutions, including Polish computer software. The presented approach, starting from the concept of the system and building components, is based on the design-cost estimate-schedule integration, taking into account the approach from 2D-3D-BIM, to 4D-5D-6D analyzes. Characteristic feature of the activities is the construction and executive design at the basic level of definition in the LOD approach, as a form of optional standardization at the current stage of BIM implementation in Poland. Part of the project is using of foreign software, mainly European, based on the open data exchange standards – specially IFC and BCF – and de facto standards, if they are applicable in various programs, not only in products of producer

    Modelling of construction project in 4D/5D BIM approach with LOD classes

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    Przedsięwzięcie w zaprezentowanym ujęciu to transformacja zasoby-procesy-produkt, która może być postrzegana logistycznie jako alokacja komponentów w przestrzeni 3D w fazie projektowania i jako 4D/5D w fazie wykonawstwa w ujęciu Open BIM, jeśli obiekt przedstawić jako zbiór tzw. komponentów projektowo-wykonawczych będących formą dyskretnej kwantyfikacji modelu BIM jako podstawy ujęcia logistyczno-finansowego. Artykuł prezentuje klasyfikacje LOD harmonogramów i kosztorysów w sensie BIM, klasy logistyczne komponentów i przykład rezultatu jednego z budynków w projekcie. Sednem przedstawianej części problemu jest integracja kosztorys-harmonogram w ujęciu BIM w oparciu o komponenty.The project in the presented approach is a transformation of resources-processes-product, which can be perceived logistically as the allocation of components in 3D space in the design phase and as 4D/5D in the execution phase in terms of Open BIM, if the object is presented as a set of so-called design and execution components that are a form of discreet quantification of the BIM model, as the basis for the logistics and financial approach. The article presents the LOD classifications of LOD of project schedules and estimates in the sense of BIM, logistic classes of components and example of one building of the project. The core of presented part of the problem is cost estimate-schedule integration in BIM terms based on components