111 research outputs found

    Harnessing radiotherapy-induced NK-cell activity by combining DNA damage-response inhibition and immune checkpoint blockade.

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    BackgroundDespite therapeutic gains from immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) in many tumor types, new strategies are needed to extend treatment benefits, especially in patients failing to mount effective antitumor T-cell responses. Radiation and drug therapies can profoundly affect the tumor immune microenvironment. Here, we aimed to identify immunotherapies to increase the antitumor response conferred by combined ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related kinase inhibition and radiotherapy.MethodsUsing the human papillomavirus (HPV)-negative murine oral squamous cell carcinoma model, MOC2, we assessed the nature of the antitumor response following ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related inhibitor (ATRi)/radiotherapy (RT) by performing RNA sequencing and detailed flow cytometry analyses in tumors. The benefit of immunotherapies based on T cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains (TIGIT) and Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) immune checkpoint blockade following ATRi/RT treatment was assessed in the MOC2 model and confirmed in another HPV-negative murine oral squamous cell carcinoma model called SCC7. Finally, immune profiling was performed by flow cytometry on blood samples in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma enrolled in the PATRIOT clinical trial of combined ATRi/RT.ResultsATRi enhances radiotherapy-induced inflammation in the tumor microenvironment, with natural killer (NK) cells playing a central role in maximizing treatment efficacy. We demonstrated that antitumor activity of NK cells can be further boosted with ICI targeting TIGIT and PD-1. Analyses of clinical samples from patients receiving ATRi (ceralasertib) confirm the translational potential of our preclinical studies.ConclusionThis work delineates a previously unrecognized role for NK cells in the antitumor immune response to radiotherapy that can be augmented by small-molecule DNA damage-response inhibitors and immune checkpoint blockade

    Comparing genotyping algorithms for Illumina's Infinium whole-genome SNP BeadChips

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    The Brassica napus 60K Illumina Infinium™ SNP array has had huge international uptake in the rapeseed community due to the revolutionary speed of acquisition and ease of analysis of this high-throughput genotyping data, particularly when coupled with the newly available reference genome sequence. However, further utilization of this valuable resource can be optimized by better understanding the promises and pitfalls of SNP arrays. We outline how best to analyze Brassica SNP marker array data for diverse applications, including linkage and association mapping, genetic diversity and genomic introgression studies. We present data on which SNPs are locus-specific in winter, semi-winter and spring B. napus germplasm pools, rather than amplifying both an A-genome and a C-genome locus or multiple loci. Common issues that arise when analyzing array data will be discussed, particularly those unique to SNP markers and how to deal with these for practical applications in Brassica breeding applications

    Genetic parameters for growth, wood density and pulp yield in Eucalyptus globulus

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    Genetic variation and co-variation among the key pulpwood selection traits for Eucalyptus globulus were estimated for a range of sites in Portugal, with the aim of improving genetic parameters used to predict breeding values and correlated response to selection. The trials comprised clonally replicated full-sib families (eight trials) and unrelated clones (17 trials), and exhibited varying levels of pedigree connectivity. The traits studied were stem diameter at breast height, Pilodyn penetration (an indirect measure of wood basic density) and near infrared reflectance predicted pulp yield. Univariate and multivariate linear mixed models were fitted within and across sites, and estimates of additive genetic, total genetic, environmental and phenotypic variances and covariances were obtained. All traits studied exhibited significant levels of additive genetic variation. The average estimated within-site narrowsense heritability was 0.19±0.03 for diameter and 0.29± 0.03 for Pilodyn penetration, and the pooled estimate for predicted pulp yield was 0.42±0.14. When they could be tested, dominance and epistatic effects were generally not statistically significant, although broad-sense heritability estimates were slightly higher than narrow-sense heritability estimates. Averaged across trials, positive additive (0.64±0.08), total genetic (0.58±0.04), environmental (0.38±0.03) and phenotypic (0.43±0.02) correlation estimates were consistently obtained between diameter and Pilodyn penetration. This data argues for at least some form of pleiotropic relationship between these two traits and that selection for fast growth will adversely affect wood density in this population. Estimates of the across-site genetic correlations for diameter and Pilodyn penetration were high, indicating that the genotype by environment interaction is low across the range of sites tested. This result supports the use of single aggregated selection criteria for growth and wood density across planting environments in Portugal, as opposed to having to select for performance in different environment

    The desmosome and pemphigus

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    Desmosomes are patch-like intercellular adhering junctions (“maculae adherentes”), which, in concert with the related adherens junctions, provide the mechanical strength to intercellular adhesion. Therefore, it is not surprising that desmosomes are abundant in tissues subjected to significant mechanical stress such as stratified epithelia and myocardium. Desmosomal adhesion is based on the Ca2+-dependent, homo- and heterophilic transinteraction of cadherin-type adhesion molecules. Desmosomal cadherins are anchored to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton by adaptor proteins of the armadillo and plakin families. Desmosomes are dynamic structures subjected to regulation and are therefore targets of signalling pathways, which control their molecular composition and adhesive properties. Moreover, evidence is emerging that desmosomal components themselves take part in outside-in signalling under physiologic and pathologic conditions. Disturbed desmosomal adhesion contributes to the pathogenesis of a number of diseases such as pemphigus, which is caused by autoantibodies against desmosomal cadherins. Beside pemphigus, desmosome-associated diseases are caused by other mechanisms such as genetic defects or bacterial toxins. Because most of these diseases affect the skin, desmosomes are interesting not only for cell biologists who are inspired by their complex structure and molecular composition, but also for clinical physicians who are confronted with patients suffering from severe blistering skin diseases such as pemphigus. To develop disease-specific therapeutic approaches, more insights into the molecular composition and regulation of desmosomes are required

    Cholesterol Metabolism Is Required for Intracellular Hedgehog Signal Transduction In Vivo

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    We describe the rudolph mouse, a mutant with striking defects in both central nervous system and skeletal development. Rudolph is an allele of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme, hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 7, which is an intriguing finding given the recent implication of oxysterols in mediating intracellular Hedgehog (Hh) signaling. We see an abnormal sterol profile and decreased Hh target gene induction in the rudolph mutant, both in vivo and in vitro. Reduced Hh signaling has been proposed to contribute to the phenotypes of congenital diseases of cholesterol metabolism. Recent in vitro and pharmacological data also indicate a requirement for intracellular cholesterol synthesis for proper regulation of Hh activity via Smoothened. The data presented here are the first in vivo genetic evidence supporting both of these hypotheses, revealing a role for embryonic cholesterol metabolism in both CNS development and normal Hh signaling

    Oldest Known Eucalyptus Macrofossils Are from South America

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    The evolutionary history of Eucalyptus and the eucalypts, the larger clade of seven genera including Eucalyptus that today have a natural distribution almost exclusively in Australasia, is poorly documented from the fossil record. Little physical evidence exists bearing on the ancient geographical distributions or morphologies of plants within the clade. Herein, we introduce fossil material of Eucalyptus from the early Eocene (ca. 51.9 Ma) Laguna del Hunco paleoflora of Chubut Province, Argentina; specimens include multiple leaves, infructescences, and dispersed capsules, several flower buds, and a single flower. Morphological similarities that relate the fossils to extant eucalypts include leaf shape, venation, and epidermal oil glands; infructescence structure; valvate capsulate fruits; and operculate flower buds. The presence of a staminophore scar on the fruits links them to Eucalyptus, and the presence of a transverse scar on the flower buds indicates a relationship to Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological data alone and combined with aligned sequence data from a prior study including 16 extant eucalypts, one outgroup, and a terminal representing the fossils indicate that the fossils are nested within Eucalyptus. These are the only illustrated Eucalyptus fossils that are definitively Eocene in age, and the only conclusively identified extant or fossil eucalypts naturally occurring outside of Australasia and adjacent Mindanao. Thus, these fossils indicate that the evolution of the eucalypt group is not constrained to a single region. Moreover, they strengthen the taxonomic connections between the Laguna del Hunco paleoflora and extant subtropical and tropical Australasia, one of the three major ecologic-geographic elements of the Laguna del Hunco paleoflora. The age and affinities of the fossils also indicate that Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus is older than previously supposed. Paleoecological data indicate that the Patagonian Eucalyptus dominated volcanically disturbed areas adjacent to standing rainforest surrounding an Eocene caldera lake

    Cancer Biomarker Discovery: The Entropic Hallmark

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    Background: It is a commonly accepted belief that cancer cells modify their transcriptional state during the progression of the disease. We propose that the progression of cancer cells towards malignant phenotypes can be efficiently tracked using high-throughput technologies that follow the gradual changes observed in the gene expression profiles by employing Shannon's mathematical theory of communication. Methods based on Information Theory can then quantify the divergence of cancer cells' transcriptional profiles from those of normally appearing cells of the originating tissues. The relevance of the proposed methods can be evaluated using microarray datasets available in the public domain but the method is in principle applicable to other high-throughput methods. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using melanoma and prostate cancer datasets we illustrate how it is possible to employ Shannon Entropy and the Jensen-Shannon divergence to trace the transcriptional changes progression of the disease. We establish how the variations of these two measures correlate with established biomarkers of cancer progression. The Information Theory measures allow us to identify novel biomarkers for both progressive and relatively more sudden transcriptional changes leading to malignant phenotypes. At the same time, the methodology was able to validate a large number of genes and processes that seem to be implicated in the progression of melanoma and prostate cancer. Conclusions/Significance: We thus present a quantitative guiding rule, a new unifying hallmark of cancer: the cancer cell's transcriptome changes lead to measurable observed transitions of Normalized Shannon Entropy values (as measured by high-throughput technologies). At the same time, tumor cells increment their divergence from the normal tissue profile increasing their disorder via creation of states that we might not directly measure. This unifying hallmark allows, via the the Jensen-Shannon divergence, to identify the arrow of time of the processes from the gene expression profiles, and helps to map the phenotypical and molecular hallmarks of specific cancer subtypes. The deep mathematical basis of the approach allows us to suggest that this principle is, hopefully, of general applicability for other diseases

    Genomic amplification of the human plakophilin 1 gene and detection of a new mutation in ectodermal dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome

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    SummaryEctodermal dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome is a recently described autosomal recessive disease affecting skin, nails, and hair (MIM 604536), that results from mutations in plakophilin 1, a structural component of desmosomes. We report a new plakophilin 1 mutation in an affected patient as well as detailing the intron–exon organization of the gene to facilitate future polymerase chain reaction-based mutation screening. Using polymerase chain reaction amplification of genomic DNA, we identified 15 exons spanning approximately 50 kb. Direct sequencing disclosed several nonpathogenic intragenic polymorphisms, as well as a homozygous splice site mutation (1233–2 A→T; GenBank Z73678) in a 17 y old affected male. The clinical features comprised skin erosions, dystrophic nails, sparse hair, and painful thickening and cracking of palms and soles. Skin biopsy showed negative immunolabeling with an anti-plakophilin 1 antibody and small desmosomes. These results expand the database of plakophilin 1 mutations and demonstrate the importance of this protein in the stabilization of desmosomal adhesion in terminally differentiating keratinocytes