10 research outputs found

    International Space Station (ISS) Plasma Contactor Unit (PCU) Utilization Plan Assessment Update

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    The International Space Station (ISS) vehicle undergoes spacecraft charging as it interacts with Earth's ionosphere and magnetic field. The interaction can result in a large potential difference developing between the ISS metal chassis and the local ionosphere plasma environment. If an astronaut conducting extravehicular activities (EVA) is exposed to the potential difference, then a possible electrical shock hazard arises. The control of this hazard was addressed by a number of documents within the ISS Program (ISSP) including Catastrophic Safety Hazard for Astronauts on EVA (ISS-EVA-312-4A_revE). The safety hazard identified the risk for an astronaut to experience an electrical shock in the event an arc was generated on an extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) surface. A catastrophic safety hazard, by the ISS requirements, necessitates mitigation by a two-fault tolerant system of hazard controls. Traditionally, the plasma contactor units (PCUs) on the ISS have been used to limit the charging and serve as a "ground strap" between the ISS structure and the surrounding ionospheric plasma. In 2009, a previous NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) team evaluated the PCU utilization plan (NESC Request #07-054-E) with the objective to assess whether leaving PCUs off during non-EVA time periods presented risk to the ISS through assembly completion. For this study, in situ measurements of ISS charging, covering the installation of three of the four photovoltaic arrays, and laboratory testing results provided key data to underpin the assessment. The conclusion stated, "there appears to be no significant risk of damage to critical equipment nor excessive ISS thermal coating damage as a result of eliminating PCU operations during non- EVA times." In 2013, the ISSP was presented with recommendations from Boeing Space Environments for the "Conditional" Marginalization of Plasma Hazard. These recommendations include a plan that would keep the PCUs off during EVAs when the space environment forecast input to the ISS charging model indicates floating potentials (FP) within specified limits. These recommendations were based on the persistence of conditions in the space environment due to the current low solar cycle and belief in the accuracy and completeness of the ISS charging model. Subsequently, a Noncompliance Report (NCR), ISS-NCR-232G, Lack of Two-fault Tolerance to EVA Crew Shock in the Low Earth Orbit Plasma Environment, was signed in September 2013 specifying new guidelines for the use of shock hazard controls based on a forecast of the space environment from ISS plasma measurements taken prior to the EVA [ISS-EVA-312-AC, 2012]. This NESC assessment re-evaluates EVA charging hazards through a process that is based on over 14 years of ISS operations, charging measurements, laboratory tests, EMU studies and modifications, and safety reports. The assessment seeks an objective review of the plasma charging hazards associated with EVA operations to determine if any of the present hazard controls can safely change the PCU utilization plan to allow more flexibility in ISS operations during EVA preparation and execution

    International Space Station (ISS) Plasma Contactor Unit (PCU) Utilization Plan Assessment Update

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    The NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) received a request to support the Assessment of the International Space Station (ISS) Plasma Contactor Unit (PCU) Utilization Update. The NESC conducted an earlier assessment of the use of the PCU in 2009. This document contains the outcome of the assessment update

    ESCAPADE: unveiling Mars' hybrid magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats

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    International audienceMulti-spacecraft missions after 2000 (Cluster II, THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, and MMS) have revolutionized our understanding of the causes, patterns and variability of a wide array of plasma phenomena in the terrestrial magnetospheric environment. ESCAPADE is a twin-spacecraft Mars mission concept that will similarly revolutionize our understanding of how solar wind momentum and energy flows throughout Mars' magnetosphere to drive ion and sputtering escape, two processes which have helped shape Mars' climate evolution over solar system history.ESCAPADE will measure magnetic field strength and topology, ion plasma distributions as well as suprathermal electron flows and thermal electron and ion densities, from precessing elliptical 150 x ~8500 km orbits. ESCAPADE are small spacecraft (<125 kg dry mass), following ballistic Hohmann transfers to Mars. Our strategically-designed 1-year, 2-part scientific campaign of temporally and spatially-separated multipoint measurements in different regions of Mars' diverse plasma environment, will allow the cause-and-effect of solar wind control of ion and sputtering escape to be unraveled for the first time.ESCAPADE is a Category 3 Class D Tailored small satellite mission selected under the SIMPLEX program and funded by NASA's Heliophysics division, with a PI-managed cost cap of <$60 million. Designing, developing, and operating two spacecraft at Mars for this budget necessarily entails a combination of high heritage instrumentation, streamlined processes, a higher risk tolerance than is common for many scientific missions, and an innovative approach to rideshare. ESCAPADE is due to launch on a VADR (Venture-class Acquisition of Dedicated Rideshare)-procured vehicle in mid to late 2024. This presentation will focus on lessons learned by NASA and the ESCAPADE team that may be applied to future low-cost deep space missions

    Fiduciary Law and Economic Development: Attorneys As Trusted Agents in Nineteenth Century American Commerce

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    Towards a humanistic political geography

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