9,615 research outputs found

    Easy on that trigger dad: a study of long term family photo retrieval

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    We examine the effects of new technologies for digital photography on people's longer term storage and access to collections of personal photos. We report an empirical study of parents' ability to retrieve photos related to salient family events from more than a year ago. Performance was relatively poor with people failing to find almost 40% of pictures. We analyze participants' organizational and access strategies to identify reasons for this poor performance. Possible reasons for retrieval failure include: storing too many pictures, rudimentary organization, use of multiple storage systems, failure to maintain collections and participants' false beliefs about their ability to access photos. We conclude by exploring the technical and theoretical implications of these findings

    Protecting children from faith-based abuse through accusations of witchcraft and spirit possession: understanding contexts and informing practice

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    Faith-based abuse relating to the practice of witchcraft and spirit possession is a controversial and not well-understood form of child abuse. From its ‘discovery’ in the UK as a cause of abuse, serious injury and death for children, in 2000 to the present, the recent history of witchcraft and spirit possession involves some high-profile cases, involving serious harm and death for some children, which attracted significant publicity. This article reviews research and commentary, including grey literature, and the emerging policy framework. It discusses the underpinning relationship between faith-based practices and abuse, and takes a post-colonial perspective to discuss the social explanations for the continuing practice of witchcraft and spirit possession in contemporary society. These discussions are then shown to inform practice. Practice priorities are informed assessment of suspected cases, through early and statutory interventions, care for survivors, and an important focus on community engagement to prevent this form of child abuse

    Nonexistence of an integral of the 6th degree in momenta for the Zipoy-Voorhees metric

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    We prove nonexistence of a nontrivial integral that is polynomial in momenta of degree less than 7 for the Zipoy-Voorhees spacetime with the parameter δ=2\delta=2Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Ash grains of the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption as a tracer in Rose Bengal stained deep sea agglutinated foraminifera: How old is Freddy?

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    The use of volcanic ash particles (including dark-coloured grains) by agglutinated foraminifera that survived the 1991 eruption of Mt Pinatubo volcano provides a useful tracer to help determine growth rates and longevity in the deep sea. In the case of a specimen of Cyclammina pusilla Brady, the rate of chamber addition in this Rose Bengal stained sub-adult individual is three chambers over a timespan of five and one-half years

    The Behaviour of Finely Ground Bottom Ash in Portland Cement

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    The aim of this project was to assess the effects of finely ground MSWI bottom ash in Portland cement. Mortar mixes were prepared with 10% and 40% replacement of cement by ground IBA and then tested with regards to their material composition and engineering behaviour. IBA was found not to be inert, but showed some degree of reactivity. Replacement of cement with IBA was found to have no detrimental effects at low concentrations. This was not the case for 40% replacement, where cement replacement greatly affected strength, creep and drying shrinkage

    Time evolution of the QED vacuum in a uniform electric Field: Complete analytic solution by spinorial decomposition

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    Exact analytical solutions are presented for the time evolution of the density of pairs produced in the QED vacuum by a time-independent, uniform electric field. The mathematical tool used here to describe the pair production is the Dirac-Heisenberg-Wigner function introduced before [Phys. Rev. D 44, 1825 (1991)]. The initial value problem for this function is solved by decomposing the solution into a product of spinors. The equations for spinors are much simpler and are solved analytically. These calculations are nonperturbative since pair production is due to quantum-mechanical tunneling and the explicit solutions clearly exhibit their nonanalytic behavior.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Young and Unemployed: Giving and Getting Recognition in Peer Groups and Online

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    Economists have stated that unemployment has a lasting negative effect, particularly on young people. The present research examined the experiences of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) in Scotland and the impact being NEET has on their identities. Specifically focussing on how these young people gain recognition and construct a positive sense of self. Three research questions are addressed: (1) how do young people give and receive recognition in their peer group? (2) How do young people engage with the alternative context of an online social networking site in order to give and receive recognition? (3) Are there any disagreements and/or misunderstandings between young people and employers? These questions are examined using three data sets: 16 peer group discussions with a total of 79 young people, 37 Bebo (a social networking site) profiles and questionnaires completed by 33 young people and 29 employers. Analysis of peer group discussions revealed the ways in which young people give and receive recognition and the recognition they feel they are given and denied from others. This highlights the complex transition into work for these young people and their struggle for recognition. For example, trying to balance avoiding ridicule from peers associated with certain jobs with their desire to find a job which will allow them to buy certain things and participate in adult life. Analysis of Bebo profiles revealed that young people make use of the existing structures of recognition within Bebo but also manipulate the site in order to gain further recognition in ways that could not have been predicted. Bebo offers young people the chance to gain recognition for popularity, sexual attractiveness and physical strength in ways which may not be deemed acceptable in everyday offline life. A comparison of the perspectives of young people and employers revealed a number of misunderstandings which hinder their relationship, for example the importance of qualifications. Analysis across these three data sets, and the social contexts they represent, reveals the tensions young people experience as they move between different structures of recognition. The main theoretical contribution of this research is a model of recognition in which the self is caught between different structures of recognition. This model provides an insight into what motivates young people to behave differently in different contexts, based on the perceived and actual recognition available. For example, online social networking provides a space for young people to receive recognition for how much alcohol they can drink, however this is not something they would draw attention to in a work environment. There are two applied contributions: (1) at a practical level, young people would benefit from more work experience placements and positive engagements with employers. (2) Most importantly, alternative structures of recognition are needed which recognise the knowledge and skills that young people do have. Instead of focusing on their weaknesses, we must help them build on their strengths. This would allow all young people to feel valued and more able to create a positive sense of self

    World language program in elementary schools

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    The purpose of this study was to discover and evaluate the effectiveness of a World Language Program on the elementary students of St. James Regional School using a schoolwide action research design. This study\u27s result were formulated into an evaluation to parents, teachers, and administrations on the progress of a FLES Language Program. This project took place at a small Catholic elementary school consisting of the students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. This school is small and located in an economically depressed area. There is little exposure to foreign language in the community and none has been taught in the school. The parents were asked to complete a questionnaire about previous knowledge of the Spanish language. The teachers were asked to observe students progress, and the students themselves were interviewed. The data collected from teacher, parents, and students was analyzed to learn if the students were responsive to this FLES Program. The study seems to indicate that the program had a beneficial influence on the students in the school. The students in Kindergarten through 5th grade showed a greater percentage of participation and retention of the new language skills. The students in the upper grades did learn but were not as enthusiastic

    The Population Biology and Transmission Dynamics of Loa loa

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    Endemic to Central Africa, loiasis – or African eye worm (caused by the filarial nematode Loa loa) – affects more than 10 million people. Despite causing ocular and systemic symptoms, it has typically been considered a benign condition, only of public health relevance because it impedes mass drug administration-based interventions against onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis in co-endemic areas. Recent research has challenged this conception, demonstrating excess mortality associated with high levels of infection, implying that loiasis warrants attention as an intrinsic public health problem. This review summarises available information on the key parasitological, entomological, and epidemiological characteristics of the infection and argues for the mobilisation of resources to control the disease, and the development of a mathematical transmission model to guide deployment of interventions