77 research outputs found

    Heat budget observations for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region from October 9 through November 2, 1986

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    A map and concise tables are presented which show locations, pixel size, and heat budget products from the NOAA-9 satellite for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region during the period 9 October through 2 November 1986. In addition to the operational standard products, a narrowband albedo parameter is calculated and presented based on values from AVHRR band 1. This parameter is useful in identifying and/or quantifying clouds on a global basis using a polar-stereographic grid system

    ERBE/NOAA-9 observations for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region from October 14 through October 31, 1986

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    Tables are presented which show ERBE/NOAA-9 radiances, resolution size, and pixel location for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region from October 1 through October 31, l986. Also presented is an analysis of the ERBE point spread function used to estimate pixel resolution size for the scanner instrument

    GOES Satellite Observations for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin Experiment Region from October 11 Through November 2, 1986

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    A map, concise tables, and satellite images are presented which show ground-site locations, GOES visible/infrared instrument counts above each site, and cloud spatial distribution for the experiment region from 11 October through 2 November 1986. The cloud images are presented near times of the afternoon NOAA-9 satellite overpasses in order to provide a qualitative aid in the interpretation of TOVS, AVHRR, and heat budget data during the FIRE/SRB experiment

    Downwelled longwave surface irradiance data from five sites for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin Experiment from October 12 through November 2, 1986

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    Tables are presented which show data from five sites in the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment (FIRE)/Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) Wisconsin experiment regional from October 12 through November 2, 1986. A discussion of intercomparison results is also included. The field experiment was conducted for the purposes of both intensive cirrus-cloud measurements and SRB algorithm validation activities

    ISCCP CX observations during the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin Experiment from October 14 through November 2, 1986

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    Maps and tables are presented which show 45 satellite derived physical, radiation, or cloud parameters from ISCCP CX tapes during the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region from October 14 through November 2, 1986. Pixel locations selected for presentation are for an area which coincided with a 100 x 100 km array of evenly spaced ground truth sites. Area-averaged parameters derived from the ISSCP data should be consistent with area averages from the groundtruth stations

    Standard-resolution TOVS observations for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region from October 9 through November 2, 1986

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    Maps and concise tables are presented which show TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) box centroid locations, box size, and vertical sounding products from the NOAA-6 and -9 satellites for the FIRE/SRB (First ISCCP Regional Experiment/Surface Radiation Budget) Wisconsin experiment region during October 9 through November 2, 1986. In addition to the operational standard products, relative reflectance is calculated and presented based on values from HIRS/2 Band 20 measurements

    High-spatial-resolution TOVS observations for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment region from October 14 through November 2, 1986

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    Maps and concise tables are presented which show TOVS (TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) HIRS/2 (High Resolution Infrared Sounder) data products, resolution size, and sounding location for the FIRE/SRB (First ISCCP Experiment/Surface Radiation Budget) Wisconsin experiment region from October 14 through November 2, 1986. The data presented are the result of a special analysis of the HIRS/2 sounder from the NOAA-9 and -10 satellites

    The Effect of Suspension-Line Length on Viking Parachute Inflation Loads

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    Analytical calculations have considered the effect on maximum load of increasing the suspension-line length on the Viking parachute. Results indicate that unfurling time is increased to 1.85 seconds from 1.45 seconds, and that maximum loads are increased approximately 5 percent with an uncertainty of -4 percent to +3 percent

    Surface bidirectional reflectance properties of two southwestern Arizona deserts for wavelengths between 0.4 and 2.2 micrometers

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    Surface bidirectional reflectance characteristics are presented for the Sonora Desert and the Mohawk Valley at solar zenith angles of 13, 31, and 57 degs at wavelengths between 0.4 and 1.6 microns. Nadir reflectance values are presented for wavelengths between 0.4 and 2.2 microns for solar zenith angles of 13, 17.5, 27, 31, 45, 57, and 62 degs. Data were taken from a helicopter during May l985 in support of an Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), a Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment (SAGE II), and an Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite validation experiment

    Cloud fraction, layer, and direction of movement results from sky cameras during the FIRE IFO, Coffeyville, Kansas, experiment for the period Nov. 12 through Dec. 9, 1991

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    Tables and figures are presented which show local site observations of cloud fractions, the number of cloud layers, direction of movement, and precipitation data collected during the FIRE (First ISCCP Regional Experiment) Phase 2 Cirrus Intensive Field Observations (IFO) conducted in Coffeyville, Kansas during November and December, 1991. Selected data are also presented at the times of the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) satellite overpass. Several major scientific projects have used surface-based observations of clouds to compare directly with those being observed from satellites. Characterizing the physical properties of clouds is extremely useful in obtaining a more accurate analysis of the effect of clouds and their movements on weather and climate. It is the purpose of this paper to report data collected during the FIRE Phase 2 IFO experiment and to provide a brief history of such a surface-based system and the technical information required for recording local cloud parameters