55 research outputs found

    Caries inhibitory effect of fluoridated sugar in a trial in Indonesia

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the Australian Dental Association. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Background: In some regional areas of Indonesia, caries prevalence is increasing rapidly. As water, salt or milk fluoridation were not considered suitable for use throughout Indonesia, and fluoridated tooth paste is mostly too expensive, a fluoride cocrystallised sugar containing 10ppm fluoride was prepared. Its efficacy in inhibiting caries development was tested in a field trial. Methods: The field trial was established in Medan, Sumatera. All dietary background data necessary to ensure the safety of a trial were collected. Subjects chosen were 176 children who were residents of two orphanages and a boarding school for children of poor rural families. The trial used a double-blind format. Close monitoring of fluoride consumption was maintained, and fluoride excretion rates were assessed six monthly by urinary fluoride analysis. Results: Records of total tooth surface caries present initially and after 18 months of sugar supply showed that the children using fluoridated sugar had significantly fewer carious lesions than those who used normal sugar. Conclusion: This result indicates that sugar might be considered as a further vehicle for supplementary dietary fluoride in communities where there is a high caries prevalence or high caries risk and little exposure to fluoride.Mulyani, J McIntyr

    Resultados auditivos com o implante coclear multicanal em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Auditory results with multicanal cochlear implant in patients submitted to cochlear implant surgery at University of São Paulo Medical School - Hospital das Clínicas

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    A surdez profunda é uma deficiência que afeta a personalidade, o relacionamento e todo o estilo de vida do paciente. Incapacita os indivíduos de escutarem sons ambientes como sirenes e alarmes que constituem alerta em situações da vida diária e não permite a modulação vocal, tornando a voz esteticamente ruim. A prótese auditiva convencional é eficiente no tratamento de grande parte das deficiências auditivas, porém existem pacientes que não conseguem obter discriminação de palavras e sentenças mesmo com uma prótese auditiva potente. O implante coclear é a alternativa atual para estes pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado auditivo dos pacientes adultos implantados com o implante coclear multicanal pelo Grupo de Implante Coclear da Disciplina de Otorrinolaringologia da Faculdade de medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de série. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 61 pacientes com surdez profunda bilateral que utilizam o implante coclear multicanal por pelo menos seis meses e estudados os resultados auditivos através de testes de reconhecimento de palavras e sentenças. RESULTADOS: O PTA médio obtido pelos pacientes foi 38.7 dB NPS. A média em reconhecimento de sentenças em formato aberto foi de 71.3%, vogais em 86.5%, monossílabos em 52.60% e consoante medial em 52.6%. A maioria dos pacientes está apta ao uso do telefone. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação auditiva obtida seis meses após a primeira programação do implante demonstra que pacientes de língua portuguesa obtêm excelentes resultados em testes de reconhecimento de palavras e sentenças em apresentação aberta, readquirindo uma audição útil.<br>Complete hearing loss is a very important handicap resulting in sensory deprivation and affecting an individual's personality, relationships and life style. Individuals with profound deafness are unable to hear environmental sounds as doorbells, telephones, traffic noises and sirens that are an important alert for dangerous situations in the daily life. They are also unable to hear their own voices and for this people with profound deaf do not modulate their voices. The hearing aids are the first choice to treat deafness, but there are patients with severe damage of the auditory systems who cannot receive a useful hearing from normal hearing aids. The cochlear implant is the alternative for patients that cannot have good discriminatory ability wearing a powerful hearing aid and wish or need a better hearing. AIM: To study the hearing results of the adult patients who are using a multichannel cochlear implant system at the Department of Otolaryngology - University of Sao Paulo. STUDY DESIGN: Series study. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We selected 61 patients with a severe bilateral hearing loss that have been using the cochlear implant for at least six months. The hearing evaluation performed after using the device for six months included word and sentence recognition tests. RESULTS: The PTA of four patients reached 38.7 dB. Speech perception tests showed 713% recognition of open set sentences, 86.5% of vowels and 52.60% of monosyllabic. Most of our patients are able to speak on the telephone. CONCLUSION: Most of patients showed excellent results in open-set sentence and word tests

    Serologic response of SPF chickens to live vaccines and other strains of Mycoplasma gallisepticum

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    False positive serologic reactions and difficulties in the diagnosis of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) in chickens have increased lately as a result of infection by low virulent MG strains and the use of live MG vaccines in poultry. The objective of this study was to evaluate the serologic responses of SPF chickens exposed to the three commercially available live MG vaccines, and one low virulent MG strain (MG-70), contributing to the diagnosis and monitoring of MG infection in birds. Six groups of SPF chickens were used. The control group was not infected nor challenged; one group was infected with the low virulent strain MG-70 (MG-70); three groups were immunized and named after the MG vaccine used, i.e., MG-6/85, MG-ts11, and MG-F; and finally one group was infected with the virulent MG standard strain, MGR. Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPDPCR) was used to compare the strains to each other, to the standard MG-A5969, and to MGR. All strains were found to be genetically distinguishable from each other. Birds in the control group showed negative results throughout the experiment and showed no cross-reaction with M. synoviae in any serologic test. ELISA tests at 21 days post first exposure (P1E) and seven days after the second exposure (P2E), evidenced that 25% of the MG70 birds were positive, whereas vaccine groups yielded higher positivity rate, i.e., 57%, 43% and 29% for MG-6/85, MG-ts11 and MG-F, respectively. Serum plate agglutination (SPA) evidenced the first positive results at 35 days P1E on birds in the MG-F group at the rate of 100%; followed by 40% of birds in the MG-70 group at 63 days P1E. Chickens in MG-ts11 and MG 6/85 groups had identical behavior and yielded 100% positive SPA at 77 days P1E. In regard to hemagglutination inhibition (HI), 14 % of the birds in MG-F and MG-ts11 reacted at 42 days P1E, while MG-70 and MG-6/85 groups yielded positive results only after challenge; MG-70 birds reacted at 56 days P1E at the rate of 17% against 63 days P1E for 100% of MG-6/85 birds. The time lag for positive serologic response was monitored on a weekly basis and was statistically different among groups (p<0.05) by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). No clinical signs or gross lesions were seen in the control, vaccinated or MG-70 infected birds. Tracheitis and airsaculitis were observed in birds in the MG-R group. MG was isolated from all studied groups