225 research outputs found
The Rigidity of Spherical Frameworks: Swapping Blocks and Holes
A significant range of geometric structures whose rigidity is explored for
both practical and theoretical purposes are formed by modifying generically
isostatic triangulated spheres. In the block and hole structures (P, p), some
edges are removed to make holes, and other edges are added to create rigid
sub-structures called blocks. Previous work noted a combinatorial analogy in
which blocks and holes played equivalent roles. In this paper, we connect
stresses in such a structure (P, p) to first-order motions in a swapped
structure (P', p), where holes become blocks and blocks become holes. When the
initial structure is geometrically isostatic, this shows that the swapped
structure is also geometrically isostatic, giving the strongest possible
correspondence. We use a projective geometric presentation of the statics and
the motions, to make the key underlying correspondences transparent.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figure
Finite motions from periodic frameworks with added symmetry
Recent work from authors across disciplines has made substantial
contributions to counting rules (Maxwell type theorems) which predict when an
infinite periodic structure would be rigid or flexible while preserving the
periodic pattern, as an engineering type framework, or equivalently, as an
idealized molecular framework. Other work has shown that for finite frameworks,
introducing symmetry modifies the previous general counts, and under some
circumstances this symmetrized Maxwell type count can predict added finite
flexibility in the structure.
In this paper we combine these approaches to present new Maxwell type counts
for the columns and rows of a modified orbit matrix for structures that have
both a periodic structure and additional symmetry within the periodic cells. In
a number of cases, this count for the combined group of symmetry operations
demonstrates there is added finite flexibility in what would have been rigid
when realized without the symmetry. Given that many crystal structures have
these added symmetries, and that their flexibility may be key to their physical
and chemical properties, we present a summary of the results as a way to
generate further developments of both a practical and theoretic interest.Comment: 45 pages, 13 figure
La Division de Sommet dans les Charpentes Isostatiques
On dĂ©montre que des divisions de sommet le long de 0, 1 ou 2 arĂȘtes d'une charpente de barres et de joints dans I'espace tridimensionnel respectent I'indĂ©pendance pour p resque toutes les positions du nouveau sommet. On dĂ©montre, en corollaire, que les divisions de sommet le long de 2 arĂȘtes d'une charpente dans I'espace tridimensionnel prĂ©servent la rigiditĂ© stati que pour presque toutes les positions du nouveau sommet. On applique cette technique Ă la rigiditĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rique des surfaces triangu lĂ©es dans I'espace tridimensionnel, incluant toutes les sphĂšres et les plans projectifs. Des analogues sont Ă©noncĂ©s pour les espaces Ă n dimensionsWe show that vertex splits on 0, 1, or 2 edges of a bar and joint framework in 3-space preserve independence for almost all positions of the new vertex. As a corollary, we show that vertex splits on 2 edges of a framework in 3-space preserve static rigidity for almost all positions of the new vertex. This technique is applied to the generic rigidity of triangulated surfaces in 3-space, including all spheres and projective planes. Analogues for n-space are given for all n.Peer Reviewe
Symmetry adapted Assur decompositions
Assur graphs are a tool originally developed by mechanical engineers to
decompose mechanisms for simpler analysis and synthesis. Recent work has
connected these graphs to strongly directed graphs, and decompositions of the
pinned rigidity matrix. Many mechanisms have initial configurations which are
symmetric, and other recent work has exploited the orbit matrix as a symmetry
adapted form of the rigidity matrix. This paper explores how the decomposition
and analysis of symmetric frameworks and their symmetric motions can be
supported by the new symmetry adapted tools.Comment: 40 pages, 22 figure
Rigidity of frameworks on expanding spheres
A rigidity theory is developed for bar-joint frameworks in
whose vertices are constrained to lie on concentric -spheres with
independently variable radii. In particular, combinatorial characterisations
are established for the rigidity of generic frameworks for with an
arbitrary number of independently variable radii, and for with at most
two variable radii. This includes a characterisation of the rigidity or
flexibility of uniformly expanding spherical frameworks in .
Due to the equivalence of the generic rigidity between Euclidean space and
spherical space, these results interpolate between rigidity in 1D and 2D and to
some extent between rigidity in 2D and 3D. Symmetry-adapted counts for the
detection of symmetry-induced continuous flexibility in frameworks on spheres
with variable radii are also provided.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, updated reference
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