5,664 research outputs found

    Temperature effects on mass-scaling exponents in colonial animals: a manipulative test

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.All data and code necessary to reproduce this paper, its analyses, tables and figures can be obtained on GitHub https://github.com/dbarneche/MTRBrEs (Barneche et al. 2016a, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.159736)Body size and temperature are fundamental drivers of ecological processes because they determine metabolic rates at the individual level. Whether these drivers act independently on individualā€level metabolic rates remains uncertain. Most studies of intraspecific scaling of unitary organisms must rely on preexisting differences in size to examine its relationship with metabolic rate, thereby potentially confounding sizeā€correlated traits (e.g., age, nutrition) with size, which can affect metabolic rate. Here, we use a size manipulation approach to test whether metabolic mass scaling and temperature dependence interact in four species (two phyla) of colonial marine invertebrates. Size manipulation in colonial organisms allows tests of how ecological processes (e.g., predation) affect individual physiology and consequently populationā€ and communityā€level energy flux. Body mass and temperature interacted in two species, with one species exhibiting decreased and the other increased massā€scaling exponents with increasing temperature. The allometric scaling of metabolic rate that we observe in three species contrasts with the isometric scaling of ingestion rates observed in some colonial marine invertebrates. Thus, we suggest that the often observed competitive superiority of colonial over unitary organisms may arise because the difference between energy intake and expenditure increases more strongly with size in colonial organisms.Australian Research Counci

    Fish reproductive-energy output increases disproportionately with body size

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Association for the Advancement of Science via the DOI in this recordā€ÆAll data, metadata, and R code can be downloaded and cited as ā€œD. R. Barneche, D. R. Robertson, C. R. White, D. J. Marshall, Data and code from: Fish reproductive-energy output increases disproportionately with body size. Zenodo (available at https:// github.com/dbarneche/fishFecundity), doi:10.5281/zenodo.1213118.ā€Body size determines total reproductive-energy output. Most theories assume reproductive output is a fixed proportion of size, with respect to mass, but formal macroecological tests are lacking. Management based on that assumption risks underestimating the contribution of larger mothers to replenishment, hindering sustainable harvesting. We test this assumption in marine fishes with a phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis of the intraspecific mass scaling of reproductive-energy output. We show that larger mothers reproduce disproportionately more than smaller mothers in not only fecundity but also total reproductive energy. Our results reset much of the theory on how reproduction scales with size and suggest that larger mothers contribute disproportionately to population replenishment. Global change and overharvesting cause fish sizes to decline; our results provide quantitative estimates of how these declines affect fisheries and ecosystem-level productivity.Centre for Geometric Biology, Monash Universit

    Why lose weight? Reasons for seeking weight loss by overweight but otherwise healthy men

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the reasons for seeking weight loss in overweight or obese but otherwise healthy men. DESIGN: Interviews, prior to intervention, with subjects who had volunteered to participate in a work-site-based weight loss study. SUBJECTS: Ninety-one overweight=obese male workers. Mean age 41, range 18 ā€“ 55 y, mean body mass index (BMI) 31.0, range 26.2 ā€“ 41.6 kg=m2. MEASUREMENTS: Anthropometric measurements; body weight and height. Body mass index calculated. A short interview using open questions to determine the individuals reason for seeking weight loss. RESULTS: The message that weight loss is beneficial to health for the overweight was recognized by all subjects regardless of BMI, and was reported as the main factor for attempting weight loss. Improved fitness and effects on appearance and well-being were reported half as often as the primary reason for weight loss. CONCLUSION: Overweight lay members of the public have accepted the health education message that weight loss can improve health. Overweight but otherwise healthy men who responded, of their own accord, to an electronic mail message offering help to lose weight did not regard obesity and overweight as primarily a cosmetic issue. This is still, however, important, especially to younger people

    Genetic variation for tuber mineral concentrations in accessions of the Commonwealth Potato Collection

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    The variation in tuber mineral concentrations amongst accessions of wild tuber-bearing Solanum species in the Commonwealth Potato Collection (CPC) was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Selected CPC accessions, representing the eco-geographical distribution of wild potatoes, were grown to maturity in peat-based compost under controlled conditions. Tubers from five plants of each accession were harvested, bulked and their mineral composition analysed. Among the germplasm investigated, there was a greater range in tuber concentrations of some elements of nutritional significance to both plants and animals, such as (Ca, Fe and Zn; 6.7, 3.6, and 4.5-fold respectively) than others, such as (K, P and S; all <3-fold). Significant positive correlations were found between mean altitude of the species' range and tuber P, K, Cu and Mg concentrations. The amount of diversity observed in the CPC collection indicates the existence of wide differences in tuber mineral accumulation among different potato accessions. This might be useful in breeding for nutritional improvement of potato tubers

    Weight management: a comparison of existing dietary approaches in a work-site setting

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    &lt;b&gt;OBJECTIVES:&lt;/b&gt; (1) To compare the effectiveness a 2512 kJ (600 kcal) daily energy deficit diet (ED) with a 6279 kJ (1500 kcal) generalized low-calorie diet (GLC) over a 24 week period (12 weeks weight loss plus 12 weeks weight maintenance). (2) To determine if the inclusion of lean red meat at least five times per week as part of a slimming diet is compatible with weight loss in comparison with a diet that excludes lean red meat. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. &lt;b&gt;SETTING:&lt;/b&gt; Large petrochemical work-site. &lt;b&gt;PARTICIPANTS:&lt;/b&gt; One-hundred and twenty-two men aged between 18 and 55 y. &lt;b&gt;MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:&lt;/b&gt; Weight loss and maintenance of weight loss. &lt;b&gt;INTERVENTION:&lt;/b&gt; Eligible volunteers were randomized to one of the four diet=meat combinations (ED meat, ED no meat, GLC meat, GLC no meat). One-third of subjects in each diet/meat combination were randomized to an initial control period prior to receiving dietary advice. All subjects attended for review every 2 weeks during the weight loss period. For the 12 week structured weight maintenance phase, individualized energy prescriptions were re-calculated for the ED group as 1.4 (activity factor)x basal metabolic rate. Healthy eating advice was reviewed with subjects in the GLC group. All subjects were contacted by electronic mail at 2 week intervals and anthropometric and dietary information requested. &lt;b&gt;RESULTS:&lt;/b&gt; No difference was evident between diet groups in mean weight loss at 12 weeks (4.3 (s.d. 3.4) kg ED group vs 5.0 (s.d. 3.5) kg GLC group, P=0.34). Mean weight loss was closer to the intended weight loss in the 2512 kJ (600 kcal) ED group. The dropout rate was also lower than the GLC group. The inclusion of lean red meat in the diet on at least five occasions per week did not impair weight loss. Mean weight gain following 12 weeks weight maintenance was Ć¾1.1 (s.d. 1.8) kg, P&lt;0.0001. No differences were found between groups. &lt;b&gt;CONCLUSIONS:&lt;/b&gt; This study has shown that the individualized 2512 kJ (600 kcal) ED approach was no more effective in terms of weight loss than the 6279 kJ (1500 kcal) GLC approach. However the ED approach might be considered preferable as compliance was better with this less demanding prescription. In terms of weight loss the elimination of red meat from the diet is unnecessary. The weight maintenance intervention was designed as a low-input approach, however weight regain was significant and weight maintenance strategies require further development

    Intelligence quotient in childhood and the risk of illegal drug use in middle-age: the 1958 National Child Development Survey.

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    Purpose: High childhood IQ test scores have been associated with increased alcohol dependency and use in adult life, but the relationship between childhood IQ and illegal drug use in later life is unclear. Methods: Participants were 6713 members of the 1958 National Child Development Survey whose IQ was assessed at 11 years and had their lifetime illegal drug use measured at 42 years of age. Results: In analyses adjusted for a range of covariates, a 1 SD (15-point) increase in IQ scores was associated with an increased risk of illegal drug use in women: ever using cannabis (odds ratio [OR], 1.30; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.16ā€“1.45), cocaine (OR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.21ā€“2.27), amphetamines (OR, 1.50; 95% CI, 1.22ā€“1.83), amyl nitrate (OR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.30ā€“2.46) and ā€œmagic mushroomsā€ (OR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.18ā€“1.98). Associations were of lower magnitude in men. Conclusions: In this cohort, high childhood IQ was related to illegal drug use in adulthood

    Evaluating Active U: an Internet-mediated physical activity program.

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    Background: Engaging in regular physical activity can be challenging, particularly during the winter months. To promote physical activity at the University of Michigan during the winter months, an eight-week Internet-mediated program (Active U) was developed providing participants with an online physical activity log, goal setting, motivational emails, and optional team participation and competition. Methods: This study is a program evaluation of Active U. Approximately 47,000 faculty, staff, and graduate students were invited to participate in the online Active U intervention in the winter of 2007. Participants were assigned a physical activity goal and were asked to record each physical activity episode into the activity log for eight weeks. Statistics for program reach, effectiveness, adoption, and implementation were calculated using the Re-Aim framework. Multilevel regression analyses were used to assess the decline in rates of data entry and goal attainment during the program, to assess the likelihood of joining a team by demographic characteristics, to test the association between various predictors and the number of weeks an individual met his or her goal, and to analyze server load. Results: Overall, 7,483 individuals registered with the Active U website (ā‰ˆ16% of eligible), and 79% participated in the program by logging valid data at least once. Staff members, older participants, and those with a BMI < 25 were more likely to meet their weekly physical activity goals, and average rate of meeting goals was higher among participants who joined a competitive team compared to those who participated individually (IRR = 1.28, P < .001). Conclusion: Internet-mediated physical activity interventions that focus on physical activity logging and goal setting while incorporating team competition may help a significant percentage of the target population maintain their physical activity during the winter months

    The terrestrial evolution of metabolism and life ā€“ by the numbers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Allometric scaling relating body mass to metabolic rate by an exponent of the former (<it>Kleiber's Law</it>), commonly known as quarter-power scaling (QPS), is controversial for claims made on its behalf, especially that of its universality for all life. As originally formulated, Kleiber was based upon the study of heat; metabolic rate is quantified in watts (or calories per unit time). Techniques and technology for metabolic energy measurement have been refined but the math has not. QPS is susceptible to increasing deviations from theoretical predictions to data, suggesting that there is no single, universal exponent relevant to all of life. QPS's major proponents continue to fail to make good on hints of the power of the equation for understanding aging.</p> <p>Essentialist-deductivist view</p> <p>If the equation includes a term for efficiency in the exponent, thereby ruling out thermogenesis as part of metabolism, its heuristic power is greatly amplified, and testable deductive inferences are generated. If metabolic rate is measured in watts and metabolic efficiency is a redox-coupling ratio, then the equation is essentially about the energy storage capacity of organic molecules. The equation is entirely about the essentials of all life: water, salt, organic molecules, and energy. The water and salt provide an electrochemical salt bridge for the transmission of energy into and through the organic components. The equation, when graphed, treats the organic structure as battery-like, and relates its recharge rate and electrical properties to its longevity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The equation models the longevity-extending effects of caloric restriction, and shows where those effects wane. It models the immortality of some types of cells, and supports the argument for the origin of life being at submarine volcanic vents and black smokers. It clarifies how early life had to change to survive drifting to the surface, and what drove mutations in its ascent. It does not deal with cause and effect; it deals with variables in the essentials of all life, and treats life as an epiphenomenon of those variables. The equation describes how battery discharge into the body can increase muscle mass, promote fitness, and extend life span, among other issues.</p

    Energy cost and return for hunting in African wild dogs and Cheetahs

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    African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) are reported to hunt with energetically costly long chase distances. We used high-resolution GPS and inertial technology to record 1,119 high-speed chases of all members of a pack of six adult African wild dogs in northern Botswana. Dogs performed multiple short, high-speed, mostly unsuccessful chases to capture prey, while cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) undertook even shorter, higher-speed hunts. We used an energy balance model to show that the energy return from group hunting and feeding substantially outweighs the cost of multiple short chases, which indicates that African wild dogs are more energetically robust than previously believed. Comparison with cheetah illustrates the trade-off between sheer athleticism and high individual kill rate characteristic of cheetahs, and the energetic robustness of frequent opportunistic group hunting and feeding by African wild dogs
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