206 research outputs found

    IPC two-color analysis of x ray galaxy clusters

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    The mass distributions were determined of several clusters of galaxies by using X ray surface brightness data from the Einstein Observatory Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC). Determining cluster mass distributions is important for constraining the nature of the dark matter which dominates the mass of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the Universe. Galaxy clusters are permeated with hot gas in hydrostatic equilibrium with the gravitational potentials of the clusters. Cluster mass distributions can be determined from x ray observations of cluster gas by using the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium and knowledge of the density and temperature structure of the gas. The x ray surface brightness at some distance from the cluster is the result of the volume x ray emissivity being integrated along the line of sight in the cluster

    Non-isothermal X-ray Emitting Gas in Clusters of Galaxies

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    We have analyzed X-ray spectra from six galaxy clusters which contain cooling flows: A85, A478, A1795, A2142, A2147, & A2199. The X-ray spectra were taken with the HEAO1-A2 Medium and High Energy Detectors and the Einstein Solid State Spectrometer. For each cluster, we simultaneously fit the spectra from these three detectors with models incorporating one or more emission components comprised of either thermal or cooling flow models. Five of the clusters (all but A2142) are better fit by a multi-component model (a cooling flow plus one or two thermal components or a two thermal component model) than by isothermal models. In four of the clusters (A85, A1795, A2147, & A2199), we find evidence for cool gas outside of the canonical cooling flow region. These latter four clusters can be characterized by three temperature components: a temperature inversion in the central region, a hotter region with an emission-weighted temperature which is higher than that of an isothermal model fit to the entire cluster, and a cooler region with an emission-weighted temperature of ~1 keV. The cool component outside the cooling flow region has a large minimum emission measure which we attribute, in part, to diffuse cool gas in the outer cluster atmosphere. If at least some of the cool exterior gas is virialized, this would imply a radially decreasing temperature profile. Together with the density profiles we have found, this leads to a baryon fraction in gas which increases with radius and is larger than that for an isothermal cluster atmosphere. Consequently, if clusters of galaxies trace the mass distribution in the Universe, the gas mass fraction we have calculated for an isothermal gas (which is ~15%) together with the nominal galaxy contribution (~5%) gives a baryon fraction of ~20%. Using the upper limit to the baryon density derived from BigComment: gzipped tar file of 26 PostScript pages, including 2 figures, 7 tables. Also available at http://www.astr.ua.edu/preprints/white/INDEX_READ_ME_1st.htm

    Accounting for the dispersion in the x ray properties of early-type galaxies

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    The x ray luminosities of early-type galaxies are correlated with their optical (e.g., blue) luminosities (L sub X approx. L sub B exp 1.6), but the x ray luminosities exhibit considerable scatter for a given optical luminosity L sub B. This dispersion in x ray luminosity is much greater than the dispersion of other properties of early-type galaxies (for a given L sub B), such as luminosity scale-length, velocity dispersion, color, and metallicity. Here, researchers consider several possible sources for the dispersion in x ray luminosity. Some of the scatter in x ray luminosity may result from stellar population variations between galaxies with similar L sub B. Since the x ray emitting gas is from accumulated stellar mass loss, the L sub X dispersion may be due to variations in integrated stellar mass loss rates. Another possible cause of the L sub X dispersion may be variations in the amount of cool material in the galaxies; cool gas may act as an energy sink for the hot gas. Infrared emission may be used to trace such cool material, so researchers look for a correlation between the infrared emission and the x ray emission of early-type galaxies at fixed L sub B. Velocity dispersion variations between galaxies of similar L sub B may also contribute to the L sub X dispersion. The most likely a priori source of the dispersion in L sub X is probably the varying amount of ram-pressure stripping in a range of galaxy environments. The hot gaseous halos of early-type galaxies can be stripped in encounters with other galaxies or with ambient cluster gas if the intracluster gas is sufficiently dense. Researchers find that the most likely cause of dispersion in the x ray properties of early type galaxies is probably the ram-pressure stripping of gaseous halos from galaxies. For a sample of 81 early-type galaxies with x ray luminosities or upper limits derived from Einstein Observatory observations (CFT) researchers calculated the cumulative distribution of angular distances between the x ray sample members and bright galaxies from the Revised Shapley - Ames catalog. Collectively, galaxies with low x ray luminosities (for a given L sub B) tend to be in denser environments than galaxies with higher x ray luminosities

    X-ray Binaries and Globular Clusters in Elliptical Galaxies

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    The X-ray emission from normal elliptical galaxies has two major components: soft emission from diffuse gas and harder emission from populations of accreting (low-mass) stellar X-ray binaries (LMXB). If LMXB populations are tied to the field stellar populations in galaxies, their total X-ray luminosities should be proportional to the optical luminosities of galaxies. However, recent ASCA and Chandra X-ray observations show that the global luminosities of LMXB components in ellipticals exhibit significant scatter at a given optical luminosity. This scatter may reflect a range of evolutionary stages among LMXB populations in ellipticals of different ages. If so, the ratio of the global LMXB X-ray luminosity to the galactic optical luminosity, L_LMXB/L_opt, may be used to determine when the bulk of stars were formed in individual ellipticals. To test this, we compare variations in L_LMXB/L_opt for LMXB populations in ellipticals to optically-derived estimates of stellar ages in the same galaxies. We find no correlation, implying that L_LMXB/L_opt variations are not good age indicators for ellipticals. Alternatively, LMXBs may be formed primarily in globular clusters (through stellar tidal interactions), rather than in the stellar fields of galaxies. Since elliptical galaxies exhibit a wide range of globular cluster populations for a given galaxian luminosity, this may induce a dispersion in the LMXB populations of ellipticals with similar optical luminosities. Indeed, we find that L_LMXB/L_opt ratios for LMXB populations are strongly correlated with the specific globular cluster frequencies in elliptical galaxies. This suggests that most LMXBs were formed in globular clusters.Comment: 5 pages, emulateapj5 style, 2 embedded EPS figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Cooling Flow Spectra in Ginga Galaxy Clusters

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    The primary focus of this research project has been a joint analysis of Ginga LAC and Einstein SSS X-ray spectra of the hot gas in galaxy clusters with cooling flows is reported. We studied four clusters (A496, A1795, A2142 & A2199) and found their central temperatures to be cooler than in the exterior, which is expected from their having cooling flows. More interestingly, we found central metal abundance enhancements in two of the clusters, A496 and A2142. We have been assessing whether the abundance gradients (or lack thereof) in intracluster gas is correlated with galaxy morphological gradients in the host clusters. In rich, dense galaxy clusters, elliptical and SO galaxies are generally found in the cluster cores, while spiral galaxies are found in the outskirts. If the metals observed in clusters came from proto-ellipticals and proto-S0s blowing winds, then the metal distribution in intracluster gas may still reflect the distribution of their former host galaxies. In a research project which was inspired by the success of the Ginga LAC/Einstein SSS work, we analyzed X-ray spectra from the HEAO-A2 MED and the Einstein SSS to look for temperature gradients in cluster gas. The HEAO-A2 MED was also a non-imaging detector with a large field of view compared to the SSS, so we used the differing fields of view of the two instruments to extract spatial information. We found some evidence of cool gas in the outskirts of clusters, which may indicate that the nominally isothermal mass density distributions in these clusters are steepening in the outer parts of these clusters

    Seeing Galaxies Through Thick & Thin. III. HST Imaging of the Dust in Backlit Spiral Galaxies

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    We present analysis of WFPC2 imaging of two spiral galaxies partially backlit by E/S0 systems in the pairs AM1316-241 and AM0500-620, and the spiral foreground system in NGC 1275. Images in B and I are used to determine the reddening curve of in these systems. The spiral component of AM1316-241 shows dust strongly concentrated in discrete arms, with a reddening law very close to the Milky Way mean. The dust distribution is scale-free between about 100 pc and the arm scale. The spiral in AM0500-620 shows dust concentrated in arms and interarm spurs, with measurable interarm extinction as well. Although its dust properties are less well-determined, we find evidence for a steeper extinction law here. The shape of the reddening law suggests that, at least in AM1316-241, we have resolved most of the dust structure. In AM0500-620, the slope of the fractal perimeter-scale relation steepens systematically from low to high extinction. In AM1316-241, we cannot determine a unique fractal dimension from the defining area-perimeter relation, so the projected dust distribution is best defined as fractal-like. In neither galaxy do we see regions even on single-pixel scales in spiral arms with AB > 2.5. The measurements in NGC 1275 are compromised by our lack of independent knowledge of the foreground system's light distribution, but masked sampling of the absorption suggests an effective reddening curve much flatter than the Milky Way mean (perhaps indicating that the foreground system has been affected by immersion in the hot intracluster gas).Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press. 13 figures. Full-size PostScript figures available at http://www.astr.ua.edu/preprints/kee

    X-Ray Emission from M32: X-Ray Binaries or a micro-AGN?

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    We have analysed archival {\it ROSAT} PSPC data for M32 in order to study the x-ray emission from this nearest elliptical galaxy. We fit spectra from three long exposures with Raymond-Smith, thermal bremsstrahlung, and power-law models. All models give excellent fits. The thermal fits have kT≈\approx4 keV, the Raymond-Smith iron abundance is 0.4−0.3+0.70.4^{+0.7}_{-0.3} Solar, the power-law fit has α\alpha=1.6±\pm0.1, and all fits have NHN_H consistent with the Galactic column. The source is centered on M32 to an accuracy of 9′′'', and unresolved at 27′′'' FWHM (∼\sim90 pc). M32 is x-ray variable by a factor of 3--5 on timescales of a decade down to minutes, with evidence for a possible period of ∼\sim1.3 days. There are two plausible interpretations for these results: 1) Emission due to low-mass x-ray binaries; 2) Emission due to accretion onto a massive central black hole. Both of these possibilities are supported by arguments based on previous studies of M32 and other old stellar systems; the {\it ROSAT} PSPC data do not allow us to unambiguously choose between them. Observations with the {\it ROSAT} HRI and with {\it ASCA} are required to determine which of these two very different physical models is correct.Comment: 9 pages, 5 PostScript figures, uses AASTeX style files, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Seeing Galaxies Through Thick and Thin: II. Direct Measures of Extinction in Spiral Disks Through Spectroscopy of Overlapping Galaxies

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    We use slit spectroscopy of overlapping pairs of galaxies to directly determine the extinction in disks of foreground spiral galaxies. The Doppler shifts of pair members are determined via cross-correlation and their relative correlation amplitudes are used to separate their contributions to the combined spectra in regions of overlap. This spectroscopic approach is less subject to stringent symmetry constraints than our previous purely photometric analyses. Extinctions of foreground members were obtained for 6 of the candidates in our sample of 18 mostly spiral/spiral pairs, when the signal to noise and velocity difference were suitable. In agreement with our previous imaging results, we find that the extinction in interarm regions is very modest, typically A_B=0.1 mag (corrected to face on), while spiral arms exhibit higher extinctions of 0.3 mag.Comment: 14 figures, 3 tables, Accepted to Astrophysical Journa
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