6,005 research outputs found

    Thermal emission from interstellar dust in and near the Pleiades

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    IRAS survey coadds for a 8.7 deg x 4.3 deg field near the Pleiades provide evidence for dynamical interaction between the cluster and the surrounding interstellar medium. The far-infrared images show large region of faint emission with bright rims east of the cluster, suggestive of a wake. Images of the far-infrared color temperature and 100 micron optical depth reveal temperature maxima and optical depth minima near the bright cluster stars, as well as a strong optical depth peak at the core of the adjacent CO cloud. Models for thermal dust emission near the stars indicate that most of the apparent optical depth minima near stars are illusory, but also provide indirect evidence for small interaction between the stars and the encroaching dust cloud

    Four New Eastern Species of Drug-Store and Death-Watch Beetles (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)

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    Author Institution: Department of Zoology and Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1

    A Genus of Anobiidae Unrecorded from the United States (Coleoptera)

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    Author Institution: Department of Zoology and Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1

    Fossil Fuel and Food Security

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    Flexible correction processes in social judgment: implications for persuasion

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    Journal ArticleTwo experiments were conducted to examine correction for perceived bias in persuasion situations. Study 1 showed that, although a manipulation of source likability had an impact on attitudes when no instruction to remove bias was present, when people were asked to remove any bias from their judgments, the effect of the source likability manipulation disappeared. The fact that the correction instruction did not increase the impact of an argument quality manipulation on attitudes suggested that effort aimed at correction is conceptually distinct from effort aimed at processing a message in general. Study 2 showed that a correction for source likability took place under low elaboration conditions--where a manipulation of source likability had an impact when no correction instructions were provided, and under high elaboration conditions--where a manipulation of source likability had no impact when no correction instructions were provided. In the high elaboration conditions, correcting for an impact that was not actually present led a dislikable source to be more influential than a likable source

    Warranties and Remedies on Breach: Proposed Revision of Article 2 and Related Proposals Concerning Products Liability Law

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    The following materials contain (1) the warranty provisions, §§2-313 through 2-318, from the October, 1995 Draft of Revised Article 2, Sales, with selected Reporter\u27s Notes; (2) Discussion questions on warranties; and (3) A comparison of Revised Article 2 and the ALl\u27s Products Liability Restatement (Tent. Draft #2, March 13, 1995), with discussion problems

    Adult zebrafish as advanced models of human disease

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    Modelling adult diseases to understand their aetiology and progression, and to develop new therapies, is a major challenge for medical biology. We are excited by new efforts in the zebrafish community to develop models of adult diseases that range from cancer to heart, infectious and age-related diseases, and those that relate to toxicology and complex social behaviours. Here, we discuss some of the advances in the field of zebrafish models of adult disease, and where we see opportunities and challenges ahead

    The Emerging Article 2: Remedies for Breach of the Contract for Sale

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    Article 2, Sales is being revised by a Drafting Committee of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. To date, the Drafting Committee has held eight meetings and two more are scheduled for early 1995 . The first reading of revised Article 2 occurred at the annual meeting of NCCUSL in August, 1994. A target completion date for the Article 2 project is August, 1996

    The Intersections of Articles 2 and 9: Recommendations for Clarification and Revisions

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    Both Article 2, Sales and Article 9, Secured Transactions are under revision. The process of coordination is underway, but there is still much work to do. The following materials identify the major issues at the intersections and some tentative solutions. All references are to the 1990 Official Text of the Uniform Commercial Code unless otherwise stated. When stated, references are to the October, 1995 Draft of Article 2 and the July, 1995 Draft of Article 9