61 research outputs found

    Bookreview: Culture, urbanism and planning. Edited by J. Monclús and M. Guàrdia. Aldershot: Ashgate 2006. ISBN 0754646238

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    521BookreviewCulture,urbanism and planning. Edited by J. Monclús and M. Guàrdia. Aldershot: Ashgate.2006. xix + 293 pp. £55.00 hardback. ISBN: 0754646238SAGE Publications, Inc.2008DOI: 10.1177/14744740080150040704AidanWhileUniversity of SheffieldCulture,urbanism and planning is an edited book that reflects its roots in a collectionof papers from an annual conference of the International Planning HistorySociety. As expected from an IPHS conference, the majority of the 15 contributionsare firmly rooted in the discipline of planning history, though most are concernedto link past, present and future, and some are predominantly about the contemporarycity. The geographical focus is wide-ranging, including chapters on LatinAmerica and South America as well as Europe and the US. Cultural geographerswill no doubt be attracted by the intriguing title. They might, however, bedisappointed by what they find inside the covers, especially as the combinationof `cul- ture', `urbanism' and `planning' is used as a loose umbrella fordisparate chapters rather than a starting point for analysis. The editors'introductory chapter has only a brief discussion of the three concepts, butit makes clear that their focus is planning for the cultural economy ratherthan the ways in which culture gets into planning. The presence of the terms`urban- ism' and `planning' in the title is seen as little more than an attempt`to delimit a more com- prehensive and fluid area of problems, than that whicheach term evokes on its own' (p. xvi). Many of the chapters take a wider viewof the culture–planning relationship, but the impli- cations tend tobe implicit rather than explicit. The chapters that rise to the challengeof link- ing culture and planning reflect the concern with planning for culturein its narrowest sense.522Thestrength of the book lies in the intriguing stories and thick descriptionsof the chap- ters, such as Margarita Gutman's discussion of the metropolis-likefuture visions for Buenos Aires from the 1920's conceptualization and widerreflection. Moreover, Steven Ward's insight- ful concluding chapter on theorigins and dissemination of the `Baltimore model' of water- front regenerationshows what might have been achieved by the other chapters in terms of linkingcase studies to broader conceptual concerns. Ultimately, however, too manycontribu- tions feel like they are conference papers rather than fully workedbook chapters. Culture, urbanism and planning will probably have limited appealfor most cultural geographers

    Major development projects: connecting people in poverty to jobs

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    This report demonstrates the opportunities for local partners to do more to ensure that unemployed people benefit from job and training opportunities created by development, setting out a framework for use by local authorities, partner organisations and employers. Development projects create valuable employment and training opportunities, but those opportunities do not automatically help to tackle unemployment and poverty

    Households in place: socio-spatial (dis)advantage in energy-carbon restructuring

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    It is unlikely that the costs and benefits of low carbon restructuring will be distributed evenly or fairly between people and places. Some households and localities will benefit from decarbonisation but others will be disproportionately affected by rising energy costs and job loss. The costs and benefits of low carbon restructuring will impact on households and localities in various ways. In this paper we use the example of England to explore different dimensions of advantage and disadvantage in low carbon restructuring and how they might be reinforced or mediated by intervention by governments, NGOs and citizens. The paper makes a distinctive contribution by linking different sites and policy areas in the distributional politics of decarbonisation from the perspective of individuals and households. Emphasis is placed on understanding just energy-carbon transitions from a households-in-place perspective. The analytical framework is exemplified through case studies of the ‘coming to ground’ of different strands of energy-carbon restructuring in England

    Attitudinal research on financial payments to reduce opposition to new homes

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    A report commissioned by the UK Department for Communities and Local Government into the role of financial payments in reducing opposition to new homes

    Zero carbon as economic restructuring: spatial divisions of labour and just transition

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    Strategies to reduce carbon emissions are set to be a powerful force of economic restructuring, creating new economic opportunities, and also disruption and divestment for some firms and sectors. A pressing issue for ‘just transitions’ is whether low carbon economic restructuring will challenge or reinforce prevailing geographies of spatial inequality and labour market (dis)advantage. In this article we return to the economic restructuring literature of the 1980s and 1990s to provide a theoretical framework for understanding ‘spatial divisions’ of low carbon work and how they might be shaped to ensure economically just transition. Our approach foregrounds questions of skills, training and pathways to employment across supply chains as key dimensions of just transition, providing a framework for analysis and intervention. The paper, therefore, brings new critical perspectives on low carbon transitions by conceptualising decarbonisation as a form of spatial economic restructuring and its potential implications in reinforcing and/or working against the existing patterns of uneven spatial development

    Tackling poverty through housing and planning policy in city regions

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    The impact of the new homes bonus on attitudes and behaviours

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    An evaluation of the impact of the New Homes Bonus on attitudes towards new house building, carried out for the Department of Communities and Local Government

    A common management framework for European smart cities? The case of the European innovation partnership for smart cities and communities six nations forum

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    To minimize market fragmentation, optimize efficiencies through compatible digital architectures, and encourage collaboration, high-level smart city harmonization efforts have been advocated across Europe. This paper critically analyzes attempts by the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities and Communities Six Nations Forum (EIP-SCC 6N) to constitute a common smart city management framework through application of a generic Blueprint. Analysis highlights how these efforts are brought to bear through four techniques: simplification, interoperability, integration, and authorization. Examining the adoption (and rejection) of these techniques underscores the importance of attending to distinctive urban contexts and alternative ways of knowing and acting in the city
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