261 research outputs found

    Press release: Chrysler Workforce Expansion

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    A method is presented for determining paths of anatomical connection between regions of the brain using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor information. Level set theory, applied using fast marching methods, is used to generate three-dimensional time of arrival maps, from which connection paths between brain regions may be identified. The method is demonstrated in the normal brain and it is shown that major white matter tracts may be elucidated and that multiple connections and tract branching are allowed. Maps of connectivity between brain regions are also determined. Four options are described for estimating the degree of connectivity between regions

    Default Mode Network Structural Integrity and Cerebellar Connectivity Predict Information Processing Speed Deficit in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Cognitive impairment affects about 50% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, but the mechanisms underlying this remain unclear. The default mode network (DMN) has been linked with cognition, but in MS its role is still poorly understood. Moreover, within an extended DMN network including the cerebellum (CBL-DMN), the contribution of cortico-cerebellar connectivity to MS cognitive performance remains unexplored. The present study investigated associations of DMN and CBL-DMN structural connectivity with cognitive processing speed in MS, in both cognitively impaired (CIMS) and cognitively preserved (CPMS) MS patients. 68 MS patients and 22 healthy controls (HCs) completed a symbol digit modalities test (SDMT) and had 3T brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans that included a diffusion weighted imaging protocol. DMN and CBL-DMN tracts were reconstructed with probabilistic tractography. These networks (DMN and CBL-DMN) and the cortico-cerebellar tracts alone were modeled using a graph theoretical approach with fractional anisotropy (FA) as the weighting factor. Brain parenchymal fraction (BPF) was also calculated. In CIMS SDMT scores strongly correlated with the FA-weighted global efficiency (GE) of the network [GE(CBL-DMN): ρ = 0.87, R2 = 0.76, p < 0.001; GE(DMN): ρ = 0.82, R2 = 0.67, p < 0.001; GE(CBL): ρ = 0.80, R2 = 0.64, p < 0.001]. In CPMS the correlation between these measures was significantly lower [GE(CBL-DMN): ρ = 0.51, R2 = 0.26, p < 0.001; GE(DMN): ρ = 0.48, R2 = 0.23, p = 0.001; GE(CBL): ρ = 0.52, R2 = 0.27, p < 0.001] and SDMT scores correlated most with BPF (ρ = 0.57, R2 = 0.33, p < 0.001). In a multivariable regression model where SDMT was the independent variable, FA-weighted GE was the only significant explanatory variable in CIMS, while in CPMS BPF and expanded disability status scale were significant. No significant correlation was found in HC between SDMT scores, MRI or network measures. DMN structural GE is related to cognitive performance in MS, and results of CBL-DMN suggest that the cerebellum structural connectivity to the DMN plays an important role in information processing speed decline

    Prominent Changes in Cerebro-Cerebellar Functional Connectivity During Continuous Cognitive Processing

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    While task-dependent responses of specific brain areas during cognitive tasks are well established, much less is known about the changes occurring in resting state networks (RSNs) in relation to continuous cognitive processing. In particular, the functional involvement of cerebro-cerebellar loops connecting the posterior cerebellum to associative cortices, remains unclear. In this study, 22 healthy volunteers underwent a multi-session functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) protocol composed of four consecutive 8-min resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI) scans. After a first control scan, participants listened to a narrated story for the entire duration of the second rs-fMRI scan; two further rs-fMRI scans followed the end of story listening. The story plot was purposely designed to stimulate specific cognitive processes that are known to involve the cerebro-cerebellar loops. Almost all of the identified 15 RSNs showed changes in functional connectivity (FC) during and for several minutes after the story. The FC changes mainly occurred in the frontal and prefrontal cortices and in the posterior cerebellum, especially in Crus I-II and lobule VI. The FC changes occurred in cerebellar clusters belonging to different RSNs, including the cerebellar network (CBLN), sensory networks (lateral visual network, LVN; medial visual network, MVN) and cognitive networks (default mode network, DMN; executive control network, ECN; right and left ventral attention networks, RVAN and LVAN; salience network, SN; language network, LN; and working memory network, WMN). Interestingly, a k-means analysis of FC changes revealed clustering of FCN, ECN, and WMN, which are all involved in working memory functions, CBLN, DMN, and SN, which play a key-role in attention switching, and RSNs involved in visual imagery. These results show that the cerebellum is deeply entrained in well-structured network clusters, which reflect multiple aspects of cognitive processing, during and beyond the conclusion of auditory stimulation

    SENSE EPI reconstruction with 2D phase error correction and channel-wise noise removal

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    Nyquist ghost; Denoising; DiffusionFantasma de Nyquist; Eliminación de ruido; DifusiónFantasma de Nyquist; Eliminació de soroll; DifusióPurpose To develop a robust reconstruction pipeline for EPI data that enables 2D Nyquist phase error correction using sensitivity encoding without incurring major noise artifacts in low SNR data. Methods SENSE with 2D phase error correction (PEC-SENSE) was combined with channel-wise noise removal using Marcenko–Pastur principal component analysis (MPPCA) to simultaneously eliminate Nyquist ghost artifacts in EPI data and mitigate the noise amplification associated with phase correction using parallel imaging. The proposed pipeline (coined SPECTRE) was validated in phantom DW-EPI data using the accuracy and precision of diffusion metrics; ground truth values were obtained from data acquired with a spin echo readout. Results from the SPECTRE pipeline were compared against PEC-SENSE reconstructions with three alternate denoising strategies: (i) no denoising; (ii) denoising of magnitude data after image formation; (iii) denoising of complex data after image formation. SPECTRE was then tested using high -value (i.e., low SNR) diffusion data (up to  s/mm ) in four healthy subjects. Results Noise amplification associated with phase error correction incurred a 23% bias in phantom mean diffusivity (MD) measurements. Phantom MD estimates using the SPECTRE pipeline were within 8% of the ground truth value. In healthy volunteers, the SPECTRE pipeline visibly corrected Nyquist ghost artifacts and reduced associated noise amplification in high -value data. Conclusion The proposed reconstruction pipeline is effective in correcting low SNR data, and improves the accuracy and precision of derived diffusion metrics.EPSRC-funded UCL Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging, Grant/Award Number: EP/L016478/

    Non-Linear Frequency Dependence of Neurovascular Coupling in the Cerebellar Cortex Implies Vasodilation-Vasoconstriction Competition

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    Neurovascular coupling (NVC) is the process associating local cerebral blood flow (CBF) to neuronal activity (NA). Although NVC provides the basis for the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) effect used in functional MRI (fMRI), the relationship between NVC and NA is still unclear. Since recent studies reported cerebellar non-linearities in BOLD signals during motor tasks execution, we investigated the NVC/NA relationship using a range of input frequencies in acute mouse cerebellar slices of vermis and hemisphere. The capillary diameter increased in response to mossy fiber activation in the 6-300 Hz range, with a marked inflection around 50 Hz (vermis) and 100 Hz (hemisphere). The corresponding NA was recorded using high-density multi-electrode arrays and correlated to capillary dynamics through a computational model dissecting the main components of granular layer activity. Here, NVC is known to involve a balance between the NMDAR-NO pathway driving vasodilation and the mGluRs-20HETE pathway driving vasoconstriction. Simulations showed that the NMDAR-mediated component of NA was sufficient to explain the time course of the capillary dilation but not its non-linear frequency dependence, suggesting that the mGluRs-20HETE pathway plays a role at intermediate frequencies. These parallel control pathways imply a vasodilation-vasoconstriction competition hypothesis that could adapt local hemodynamics at the microscale bearing implications for fMRI signals interpretation

    A multi-layer mean-field model of the cerebellum embedding microstructure and population-specific dynamics

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    Mean-field (MF) models are computational formalism used to summarize in a few statistical parameters the salient biophysical properties of an inter-wired neuronal network. Their formalism normally incorporates different types of neurons and synapses along with their topological organization. MFs are crucial to efficiently implement the computational modules of large-scale models of brain function, maintaining the specificity of local cortical microcircuits. While MFs have been generated for the isocortex, they are still missing for other parts of the brain. Here we have designed and simulated a multi-layer MF of the cerebellar microcircuit (including Granule Cells, Golgi Cells, Molecular Layer Interneurons, and Purkinje Cells) and validated it against experimental data and the corresponding spiking neural network (SNN) microcircuit model. The cerebellar MF was built using a system of equations, where properties of neuronal populations and topological parameters are embedded in inter-dependent transfer functions. The model time constant was optimised using local field potentials recorded experimentally from acute mouse cerebellar slices as a template. The MF reproduced the average dynamics of different neuronal populations in response to various input patterns and predicted the modulation of the Purkinje Cells firing depending on cortical plasticity, which drives learning in associative tasks, and the level of feedforward inhibition. The cerebellar MF provides a computationally efficient tool for future investigations of the causal relationship between microscopic neuronal properties and ensemble brain activity in virtual brain models addressing both physiological and pathological conditions

    A generalized deep learning network for fractional anisotropy reconstruction: Application to epilepsy and multiple sclerosis

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    Fractional anisotropy (FA) is a quantitative map sensitive to microstructural properties of tissues in vivo and it is extensively used to study the healthy and pathological brain. This map is classically calculated by model fitting (standard method) and requires many diffusion weighted (DW) images for data quality and unbiased readings, hence needing the acquisition time of several minutes. Here, we adapted the U-net architecture to be generalized and to obtain good quality FA from DW volumes acquired in 1 minute. Our network requires 10 input DW volumes (hence fast acquisition), is robust to the direction of application of the diffusion gradients (hence generalized), and preserves/improves map quality (hence good quality maps). We trained the network on the human connectome project (HCP) data using the standard model-fitting method on the entire set of DW directions to extract FA (ground truth). We addressed the generalization problem, i.e., we trained the network to be applicable, without retraining, to clinical datasets acquired on different scanners with different DW imaging protocols. The network was applied to two different clinical datasets to assess FA quality and sensitivity to pathology in temporal lobe epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, respectively. For HCP data, when compared to the ground truth FA, the FA obtained from 10 DW volumes using the network was significantly better (p <10-4) than the FA obtained using the standard pipeline. For the clinical datasets, the network FA retained the same microstructural characteristics as the FA calculated with all DW volumes using the standard method. At the subject level, the comparison between white matter (WM) ground truth FA values and network FA showed the same distribution; at the group level, statistical differences of WM values detected in the clinical datasets with the ground truth FA were reproduced when using values from the network FA, i.e., the network retained sensitivity to pathology. In conclusion, the proposed network provides a clinically available method to obtain FA from a generic set of 10 DW volumes acquirable in 1 minute, augmenting data quality compared to direct model fitting, reducing the possibility of bias from sub-sampled data, and retaining FA pathological sensitivity, which is very attractive for clinical applications

    Axonal integrity predicts cortical reorganisation following cervical injury

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    Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to disruption of axonal architecture and macroscopic tissue loss with impaired information flow between the brain and spinal cord-the presumed basis of ensuing clinical impairment

    Measuring brain atrophy with a generalized formulation of the boundary shift integral

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    AbstractBrain atrophy measured using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been widely used as an imaging biomarker for disease diagnosis and tracking of pathologic progression in neurodegenerative diseases. In this work, we present a generalized and extended formulation of the boundary shift integral (gBSI) using probabilistic segmentations to estimate anatomic changes between 2 time points. This method adaptively estimates a non-binary exclusive OR region of interest from probabilistic brain segmentations of the baseline and repeat scans to better localize and capture the brain atrophy. We evaluate the proposed method by comparing the sample size requirements for a hypothetical clinical trial of Alzheimer's disease to that needed for the current implementation of BSI as well as a fuzzy implementation of BSI. The gBSI method results in a modest but reduced sample size, providing increased sensitivity to disease changes through the use of the probabilistic exclusive OR region