39 research outputs found

    Korea's economic management for structural adjustment in the 1980s

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    노트 : Presented at the Korea Development Institute, International Forum on Structural Change and Trade Policies, Seoul, Korea, May 12-21, 1987 행사명 : International Forum on Structural Change and Trade Policie

    Strategies for economic development in Korea

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    노트 : Presented at the Seminar on Industrial Development Strategies in Korea, Seoul, Korea, April 4-14, 1987. 행사명 : Industrial Development Strategies in Kore

    Social development in action

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    Government Commitment to Rural Development in Korea

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    Rural development involves a system-wide change in rural communities which naturally requires a strong commitment by government to rural development on the one hand and the positive participation of rural people in the planning and implementation of rural prjects on the other. This paper considers govern­ment commitment as especially crucial to the process of project implementa­tion. This includes the activation of local government machinery, the execution of government tasks in support of rural projects and the monitoring of project performance. This case study analyses the critical role of political leadership in stimulating farmers, village leaders and government officials at the local level. It also de­monstrates that personal concern and the human aspect of the political system made the political system quite effective and functional in allorating resources, and facilitating institutional/legal rearrangement in favor of rural.development in Korea. This case study also analyzes the specific measures and steps taken by the government as part of its political commitment. These include organizational and institutional reforms, reorientation of the local government system to in­tegrated rural development, financial and budgetary commitment, extensive training of personnel outside and inside the government, suitable strategies in support of village enlightenment activities, and supporting policies and programs such as the high rice price policy and the agricultural research and development program. It should be borne in mind, however, that this study is concerned only with government commitment, which could not be effective without the positive response of the people, that is, without the people's active participation in self­help development projects at the grass-root level

    Korean national family planning program

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/The Korean Family Planning Program is evaluated for the ten-year period from 1962 to 1971. Judged to be among the more successful of such programs in developing countries, it was established in 1961 as the principal means for implementing national population policy in the Korean Government's first Five-Year Economic Development Plan. This guided change approach must, however, share credit for the demonstrated decline in the nation's birth rate with two other factors, each operating independently--induced abortion and marriage at a later age. The medical emphasis upon contraceptive controls, evidenced in the design phase of the Family Planning Program, is weighed against the social, cultural, and political forces operating in client communities, where communication and education toward attitudinal and behavioral change demanded more attention. Certain phenomena are identified as contributing critical input for planning and implementation in this program, with implications for other operations of like nature. For example, the program's integration with economic development planning by the central government is seen as complementing a later involvement with the nationwide community development movement at the rural or village level. Similarly, the centralization of responsibility among national planners for target definition and budgetary allocation is viewed as balancing the decentralization of specific program execution among local governments. The operational effectiveness of linkages between government offices and private organizations achieved at every level is characterized as vital to the program's success

    The role of government in Korea's industrial development

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    노트 : Presented at the International Seminar on the process of Korea's Industrialization, Seoul, Korea, March 8-21, 1985 행사명 : International Seminar on the process of Korea's Industrializatio

    The role of government and extent of planning in economic development of Korea

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    노트 : Seminar material for KDI/EDI Seminar on Korea's Experience in Trade and Industry Development: Its Relevance for Latin Ameria, Seoul, Korea, November 24 - December 2, 1986. 행사명 : Korea's Experience in Trade and Industry Developmen

    Etite change and program change in the Korean government, 1955-1967

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    Korea's economic growth was sluggish in the 1950's. But it becomes faster since 1962. The average annual growth rate of GNP has been 8.3% during the period of 1962-66. It was merely 4.8% during the period of 1955-61. The question now arises: Why was the economic growth of Korea more rapid in the 1960's than in the 1950's? In this respect, it is valuable to look at the interplay between two distinct factors. The economic growth of the 1950's was associated with a large amount of foreign aid granted. However, the declining trend of aid received suggests that the post economic growth is little related with foreign aid itself. Associated with the rapid economic growth of the 1962-66 period has been concerted effort of Korea undertaking economic planning. The planing has been a dominant character of the administration after the student uprising of 1960 and the military coup detat of 1961. In other words, economic development in Korea does not rest solely on the matter of capital but is related to many other, economic and non-economic, factors. This study is focused on elite change concerned with economic planning because it is motivated by the question of why the administratively planned growth has been more rapid than the administratively neutral growth