530 research outputs found

    Transport through two-level quantum dots weakly coupled to ferromagnetic leads

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    Spin-dependent transport through a two-level quantum dot in the sequential tunneling regime is analyzed theoretically by means of a real-time diagrammatic technique. It is shown that the current, tunnel magnetoresistance, and shot noise (Fano factor) strongly depend on the transport regime, providing a detailed information on the electronic structure of quantum dots and their coupling to external leads. When the dot is asymmetrically coupled to the leads, a negative differential conductance may occur in certain bias regions, which is associated with a super-Poissonian shot noise. In the case of a quantum dot coupled to one half-metallic and one nonmagnetic lead, one finds characteristic Pauli spin blockade effects. Transport may be also suppressed when the dot levels are coupled to the leads with different coupling strengths. The influence of an external magnetic field on transport properties is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Interplay of the Kondo Effect and Spin-Polarized Transport in Magnetic Molecules, Adatoms and Quantum Dots

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    We study the interplay of the Kondo effect and spin-polarized tunneling in a class of systems exhibiting uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, such as magnetic molecules, magnetic adatoms, or quantum dots coupled to a single localized magnetic moment. Using the numerical renormalization group method we calculate the spectral functions and linear conductance in the Kondo regime. We show that the exchange coupling between conducting electrons and localized magnetic core generally leads to suppression of the Kondo effect. We also predict a nontrivial dependence of the tunnel magnetoresistance on the strength of exchange coupling and on the anisotropy constant.Comment: 4 pages with 4 EPS figures (version as accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters

    Phase diagram and excitations of a Shiba molecule

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    We analyze the phase diagram associated with a pair of magnetic impurities trapped in a superconducting host. The natural interplay between Kondo screening, superconductivity and exchange interactions leads to a rich array of competing phases, whose transitions are characterized by discontinuous changes of the total spin. Our analysis is based on a combination of numerical renormalization group techniques as well as semi-classical analytics. In addition to the expected screened and unscreened phases, we observe a new molecular doublet phase where the impurity spins are only partially screened by a single extended quasiparticle. Direct signatures of the various Shiba molecule states can be observed via RF spectroscopy.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Effects of different geometries on the conductance, shot noise and tunnel magnetoresistance of double quantum dots

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    The spin-polarized transport through a coherent strongly coupled double quantum dot (DQD) system is analyzed theoretically in the sequential and cotunneling regimes. Using the real-time diagrammatic technique, we analyze the current, differential conductance, shot noise and tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) as a function of both the bias and gate voltages for double quantum dots coupled in series, in parallel as well as for T-shaped systems. For DQDs coupled in series, we find a strong dependence of the TMR on the number of electrons occupying the double dot, and super-Poissonian shot noise in the Coulomb blockade regime. In addition, for asymmetric DQDs, we analyze transport in the Pauli spin blockade regime and explain the existence of the leakage current in terms of cotunneling and spin-flip cotunneling-assisted sequential tunneling. For DQDs coupled in parallel, we show that the transport characteristics in the weak coupling regime are qualitatively similar to those of DQDs coupled in series. On the other hand, in the case of T-shaped quantum dots we predict a large super-Poissonian shot noise and TMR enhanced above the Julliere value due to increased occupation of the decoupled quantum dot. We also discuss the possibility of determining the geometry of the double dot from transport characteristics. Furthermore, where possible, we compare our results with existing experimental data on nonmagnetic systems and find qualitative agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Underscreened Kondo effect in S=1 magnetic quantum dots: Exchange, anisotropy and temperature effects

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the effects of uniaxial magnetic anisotropy and contact-induced exchange field on the underscreened Kondo effect in S=1 magnetic quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads. First, by using the second-order perturbation theory we show that the coupling to spin-polarized electrode results in an effective exchange field BeffB_{\rm eff} and an effective magnetic anisotropy DeffD_{\rm eff}. Second, we confirm these findings by using the numerical renormalization group method, which is employed to study the dependence of the quantum dot spectral functions, as well as quantum dot spin, on various parameters of the system. We show that the underscreened Kondo effect is generally suppressed due to the presence of effective exchange field and can be restored by tuning the anisotropy constant, when Deff=Beff|D_{\rm eff}| = |B_{\rm eff}|. The Kondo effect can also be restored by sweeping an external magnetic field, and the restoration occurs twice in a single sweep. From the distance between the restored Kondo resonances one can extract the information about both the exchange field and the effective anisotropy. Finally, we calculate the temperature dependence of linear conductance for the parameters where the Kondo effect is restored and show that the restored Kondo resonances display a universal scaling of S=1/2S=1/2 Kondo effect.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures (version as accepted for publication in Physical Review B

    Spin-polarized transport through weakly coupled double quantum dots in the Coulomb-blockade regime

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    We analyze cotunneling transport through two quantum dots in series weakly coupled to external ferromagnetic leads. In the Coulomb blockade regime the electric current flows due to third-order tunneling, while the second-order single-barrier processes have indirect impact on the current by changing the occupation probabilities of the double dot system. We predict a zero-bias maximum in the differential conductance, whose magnitude is conditioned by the value of the inter-dot Coulomb interaction. This maximum is present in both magnetic configurations of the system and results from asymmetry in cotunneling through different virtual states. Furthermore, we show that tunnel magnetoresistance exhibits a distinctively different behavior depending on temperature, being rather independent of the value of inter-dot correlation. Moreover, we find negative TMR in some range of the bias voltage.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    The Influence of Magnetic Anisotropy on the Kondo Effect and Spin-Polarized Transport through Magnetic Molecules, Adatoms and Quantum Dots

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    Transport properties in the Kondo regime of a nanosystem displaying uniaxial magnetic anisotropy (such as a magnetic molecule, magnetic adatom or quantum dot coupled to a localized magnetic moment) are analyzed theoretically. In particular, the influence of spin-polarized transport through a local orbital of the system and exchange coupling of conduction electrons to the system's magnetic core on the Kondo effect is discussed. The numerical renormalization group method is applied to calculate the spectral functions and linear conductance in the case of the parallel and antiparallel configurations of the electrodes' magnetic moments. It is shown that both the magnetic anisotropy as well as the exchange coupling between electrons tunneling through the conducting orbital and magnetic core play an important role in formation of the Kondo resonance, leading generally to its suppression. Specific transport properties of such a system appear also as a nontrivial behavior of tunnel magnetoresistance. It is also shown that the Kondo effect can be restored by an external magnetic field in both the parallel and antiparallel magnetic configurations.Comment: 14 pages with 10 EPS figures (version as accepted for publication in Physical Review B