3,014 research outputs found

    Infrared and microwave measurements across the ITC

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    Analysis is presented of data obtained from Nimbus 3 infrared measurements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITC) over the tropical oceans. The ITC is characterized by a cloud belt with a varied structure of single to double lines or clusters along latitudes O to 10N depending on the season. The infrared radiometers in the Nimbus satellite provided data for interpreting relative cloud heights and fields of vertical motions in the ITC. Supplementary aircraft measurements with infrared and microwave radiometers during the Nimbus 3 overpass are also analyzed

    Albedo climatology analysis and the determination of fractional cloud cover

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    Monthly and zonally averaged surface cover climatology data are presented which are used to construct monthly and zonally averaged surface albedos. The albedo transformations are then applied to the surface albedos, using solar zenith angles characteristic of the Nimbus 6 satellite local sampling times, to obtain albedos at the top of clear and totally cloud covered atmospheres. These albedos are then combined with measured albedo data to solve for the monthly and zonally averaged fractional cloud cover. The measured albedo data were obtained from the wide field of view channels of the Nimbus 6 Earth Radiation Budget experiment, and consequently the fractional cloud cover results are representative of the local sampling times. These fractional cloud cover results are compared with recent studies. The cloud cover results not only show peaks near the intertropical convergence zone, but the monthly migration of the position of these peaks follows general predictions of atmospheric circulation studies

    The feasibility of sea surface temperature determination using satellite infrared data

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    Sea surface temperature determination feasibility using satellite infrared dat

    Evaluation of omniweave reinforcement for composite fabrication

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    Molded composites made from type-2 Morganite and/or boron are suitable for structural skins. Layered-in-depth omniweave construction yields higher in-plane strength characteristics than fiber-pitch angle construction, and strength and moduli data vary with fiber orientation

    Remote sensing of the atmosphere from environmental satellites

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    Various applications of satellite remote sensing of the earth are reviewed, including (1) the use of meteorological satellites to obtain photographic and radiometric data for determining weather conditions; (2) determination of the earth radiation budget from measurements of reflected solar radiation and emitted long wave terrestrial radiation; (3) the use of microwave imagery for measuring ice and snow cover; (4) LANDSAT visual and near infrared observation of floods and crop growth; and (5) the use of the Nimbus 4 backscatter ultraviolet instrument to measure total ozone and vertical ozone distribution. Plans for future activities are also discussed

    Creating and Maintaining a Shared Organizational Vision Through Effective Communication

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    As organizations face rapidly changing and increasingly complex issues, it is critical they take advantage of potential opportunities to maintain their impact over time. This paper explores the discursive methods that support the co-construction, evolution, and transmission of organizational values and vision. It was theorized that if Large Group Design (LGD) principles are applied as an organization goes about its everyday work, it would be possible to develop a shared understanding and generational enculturation of organizational values and vision. Two large-scale interventions were conducted with the Bureau of Autism Services, PA Department of Public Welfare, through an action research project designed to test the effectiveness of the approach. It was determined that consistently applying large-scale principles throughout the planning and implementation process has an impact on the outcome of an intervention effort. Even when implemented imperfectly, the application of large-scale intervention principles to an organization’s everyday work is an effective approach for systems looking to inculcate values and maintain their impact over time. This research has considerations for organizations designing Large Scale Meetings (LSM) for their own unique purposes

    Beauty is Beneficial: An Examination of Candidate Facial Attractiveness, Gender, Qualification, and Customer Visibility on Online Recruitment Intentions

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    The present study examined the effects of information included in candidates’ online networking profiles on recruiters’ perceptions and ratings of their likelihood of inviting the candidate for a job interview. Specifically, this study used a status generalization theory perspective to examine the weighting of information related to candidate physical attractiveness, gender, and qualification to predict perceived expectations for intellectual competence, likability, and social skills. These expectations then predicted whether the candidate should be recommended for a job interview. While participants relied almost exclusively on qualification information when making judgments of intellectual competence, candidates placed increased weight on attractiveness when rating likability and social skills. Using a unique policy-capturing HLM framework, these relationships were examined within high- and low-customer visibility positions and within both masculine- and feminine-typed jobs. The degree of in-person versus face-to-face customer contact required for the position did not affect participants’ reliance on attractiveness, and participants did not exhibit gender bias even when the position was described as stereotypically masculine or stereotypically feminine. Finally, this study examined the moderating effects of implicit and explicit attractiveness attitudes on expectations and found that more biased explicit, but not implicit, attitudes strengthened the degree to which participants relied on attractiveness information in making recruitment decisions. Because physical attractiveness discrimination is not directly covered under current employment law, it is important to examine attractiveness biases in organizational contexts to determine if recruitment and selection methods are functioning at the highest degree of validity possible. This has particular implications for training interventions that can be implemented to both reduce attractiveness biases and to increase the validity and fairness of selection systems

    Evaluation of the cardiovascular system during various circulatory stresses Progress report, 1 Sep. 1968 - 1 May 1969

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    Cardiac response to chemotherapy after myocardial infraction and diagnostic methods of heart disease in man and animal

    Monte Carlo simulation method for Laughlin-like states in a disk geometry

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    We discuss an alternative accurate Monte Carlo method to calculate the ground-state energy and related quantities for Laughlin states of the fractional quantum Hall effect in a disk geometry. This alternative approach allows us to obtain accurate bulk regime (thermodynamic limit) values for various quantities from Monte Carlo simulations with a small number of particles (much smaller than that needed with standard Monte Carlo approaches).Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 2 table
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