10 research outputs found

    Quickscan opbrengsten en efficiĆ«ntie in de gangbare en biologische akkerbouw, melkveehouderij , varkenshouderij en pluimveehouderij : deelstudie van project ā€˜Duurzame Eiwitvoorzieningā€™

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    De centrale onderzoeksvraag van onderhavige studie is als volgt geformuleerd: ā€œWat zijn de gemiddelde verschillen in gewasopbrengsten en in dierlijke productie (kg per ha per jaar) tussen gangbare en biologische landbouw, en waardoor worden deze verschillen veroorzaakt?ā€ Het blijkt niet eenvoudig te zijn om een zuivere vergelijking te maken, omdat er verschillen zijn in soorten en ā€“ variĆ«teiten, in bouwplannen en voorvruchten, in doelstellingen en in bedrijfssystemen tussen biologische en gangbare landbouw. Een vergelijking tussen opbrengsten en efficiĆ«ntie van biologische en gangbare landbouw kan daarom gekarakteriseerd worden als een vergelijking tussen appels en peren

    Nitrogen use and food production in European regions from a global perspective

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    Current production systems for crops, meat, dairy and bioenergy in the European Union (EU) rely strongly on the external input of nitrogen (N). These systems show a high productivity per unit of land. However, the drawback is a complex web of N pollution problems contributing in a major way to degradation of ecosystems. European Union Directives and national policies have improved nutrient management and reduced fertilizer N use in most European countries, which has curbed the N pollution trends particularly in regions with high stocking rates of animals. However, improvement is slowing down and environmental targets for N are not within reach. Building on the 2011 European Nitrogen Assessment, the current paper reviews key features of the complex relationships between N use and food production in Europe in order to develop novel options for a more N-efficient, less N-polluting and secure European food system. One option is to relocate feed and livestock production from Northwestern to Central and Eastern Europe. This would allow a reduction of N rates and N pollution in cereal production in Northwest Europe by 30% (50 kg N/ha), while increasing total cereal production in Europe. Another option is a change towards legume-based cropping systems to produce animal feed, in order to decrease dependence on N fertilizer and feed imports. The greatest challenge for Europe is to decrease the demand for feed commodities, and thus for land and N, by a shift to more balanced (and healthier) diets with less animal protein. These drastic changes can be stimulated by targeted publicā€“private research funding, while the actual implementation can be enhanced by smart payment schemes using, for example money from the Common Agricultural Policy, certification and agreements between stakeholders and players in the food and energy chain. Involving networks of consumers, producers and non-governmental organizations is critical. An effective strategy starts with convincing consumers with aWestern diet to eat less meat and dairy by communicating the associated health benefits and smaller ecological footprints. Internalizing the cost of N pollution leading to increased prices for N-intensive food products may also enhance involvement of consumers and provide financial resources to compensate farmers for loss of income and extra costs for stricter N measures

    Adviesbasis bemesting grasland en voedergewassen

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    De laatste uitgave van het themaboek Adviesbasis bemesting grasland en voedergewassen dateert uit 1994; de ontwikkelingen sindsdien geven alle aanleiding tot het uitbrengen van deze geheel herziene en geactualiseerde uitgave. In deze uitgave vindt u de nieuwe stikstofbemestingsadviezen voor grasland en maĆÆs uit 1998. Het fosfaatbemestingsadvies voor grasland is in 1996 herzien en is ook in deze uitgave opgenomen. Daarnaast zijn er in deze uitgave nog enkele minder in het oog springende, maar voor betrokkenen wel belangrijke wijzigingen doorgevoerd. Daar valt de omzetting van slib naar lutum voor een aantal adviezen onder

    Greenhouse gas emission profiles of European livestock sectors

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    There are increasing concerns about the ecological footprint of global animal production. Expanding livestock sectors worldwide contribute to expansion of agricultural land and associated deforestation, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), eutrophication of surface waters and nutrient imbalances. Farm based studies indicate that there are large differences among farms in animal productivity and environmental performance. Here, we report on regional variations in dairy, beef, pork, poultry and egg production, and related GHG emissions in the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU-27), based on 2003ā€“2005 data. Analyses were made with the MITERRA-Europe model which calculates annual nutrient flows and GHG emissions from agriculture in the EU-27. Main input data were derived from CAPRI (i.e., crop areas, livestock distribution, feed inputs), GAINS (i.e., animal numbers, excretion factors, NH3 emission factors), FAO statistics (i.e., crop yields, fertilizer consumption, animal production) and IPCC (i.e., CH4, N2O, CO2 emission factors). Sources of GHG emissions included were enteric fermentation, manure management, direct and indirect N2O soil emissions, cultivation of organic soils, liming, fossil fuel use and fertilizer production. The dairy sector had the highest GHG emission in the EU-27, with annual emission of 195 Tg CO2-eq, followed by the beef sector with 192 Tg CO2-eq. Enteric fermentation was the main source of GHG emissions in the European livestock sector (36%) followed by N2O soil emissions (28%). On a per kg product basis, beef had by far the highest GHG emission with 22.6 kg CO2-eq/kg, milk had an emission of 1.3 kg CO2-eq/kg, pork 3.5 kg CO2-eq/kg, poultry 1.6 kg CO2-eq/kg, and eggs 1.7 kg CO2-eq/kg. However large variations in GHG emissions per unit product exist among EU countries, which are due to differences in animal production systems, feed types and nutrient use efficiencies. There are, however, substantial uncertainties in the base data and applied methodology such as assumptions surrounding allocation of feeds to livestock species. Our results provide insight into differences in GHG sources and emissions among animal production sectors for the various regions of Europe

    Adviesbasis bemesting grasland en voedergewassen

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    De laatste uitgave van het themaboek Adviesbasis bemesting grasland en voedergewassen dateert uit 1994; de ontwikkelingen sindsdien geven alle aanleiding tot het uitbrengen van deze geheel herziene en geactualiseerde uitgave. In deze uitgave vindt u de nieuwe stikstofbemestingsadviezen voor grasland en maĆÆs uit 1998. Het fosfaatbemestingsadvies voor grasland is in 1996 herzien en is ook in deze uitgave opgenomen. Daarnaast zijn er in deze uitgave nog enkele minder in het oog springende, maar voor betrokkenen wel belangrijke wijzigingen doorgevoerd. Daar valt de omzetting van slib naar lutum voor een aantal adviezen onder

    Livestock and greenhouse gas emissions: The importance of getting the numbers right

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    Estimates of global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions attributable to livestock range from 8 to 51%. This variability creates confusion among policy makers and the public as it suggests that there is a lack of consensus among scientists with regard to the contribution of livestock to global GHG emissions. In reality, estimates of international scientific organizations such as the International Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are in close agreement, with variation mainly arising on how GHG emissions are allocated to land use and land use change. Other estimates involve major deviations from international protocols, such as estimated global warming potential of CH4 or including respired CO2 in GHG emissions. These approaches also fail to differentiate short-term CO2 arising from oxidation of plant C by ruminants from CO2 released from fixed fossil C through combustion. These deviances from internationally accepted protocols create confusion and direct attention from anthropomorphic practices which have the most important contribution to global GHG emissions. Global estimates of livestock GHG emissions are most reliable when they are generated by internationally recognized scientific panels with expertise across a range of disciplines, and with no preconceived bias to particular outcome

    Outlook on agricultural change and its drivers

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    In McIntyre, B. D.; Herren, H. R.; Wakhungu, J.; Watson, R. T. (Eds.). International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD): Agriculture at a Crossroads, global report. Washington, DC, USA: Island Pres