181 research outputs found

    Decomposing cross-country differences in quality adjusted life expectancy: the impact of value sets

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    Background: The validity, reliability and cross-country comparability of summary measures of population health (SMPH) have been persistently debated. In this debate, the measurement and valuation of nonfatal health outcomes have been defined as key issues. Our goal was to quantify and decompose international differences in health expectancy based on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). We focused on the impact of value set choice on cross-country variation. Methods: We calculated Quality Adjusted Life Expectancy (QALE) at age 20 for 15 countries in which EQ-5D population surveys had been conducted. We applied the Sullivan approach to combine the EQ 5D based HRQoL data with life tables from the Human Mortality Database. Mean HRQoL by country gender-age was estimated using a parametric model. We used nonparametric bootstrap techniques to compute confidence intervals. QALE was then compared across the six country-specific time trade-off value sets that were available. Finally, three counterfactual estimates were generated in order to assess the contribution of mortality, health states and healthstate values to cross-country differences in QALE. Results: QALE at age 20 ranged from 33 years in Armenia to almost 61 years in Japan, using the UK value set. The value sets of the other five countries generated different estimates, up to seven years higher. The relative impact of choosing a different value set differed across country-gender strata between 2% and 20%. In 50% of the countrygender strata the ranking changed by two or more positions across value sets. The decomposition demonstrated a varying impact of health states, health-state values, and mortality on QALE differences across countries. Conclusions: The choice of the value set in SMPH may seriously affect cross country comparisons of health expectancy, even across populations of similar levels of wealth and education. In our opinion, it is essential to get more insight into the drivers of differences in health-state values across populations. This will enhance the usefulness of health-expectancy measures.Technology, Policy and Managemen

    Measuring mental health of the Dutch population: a comparison of the GHQ-12 and the MHI-5

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    BACKGROUD: The objective is to compare the performance of the MHI-5 and GHQ-12, both measures of general mental health. Therefore, we studied the relationship of the GHQ-12 and MHI-5 with sociodemographic characteristics, self-reported visits to general practice and mental health care, and with diagnoses made by the general practitioner. METHODS: Data were used from the Second Dutch National Survey of General Practice, which was carried out in 104 practices. This study combines data from a representative sample of the Dutch population with data from general practice. RESULTS: The agreement between the GHQ-12 and MHI-5 is only moderate. Both instruments are however similarly associated with demographic characteristics (except age), self-reported health care use, and psychological and social diagnoses in general practice. CONCLUSIONS: The performance of the MHI-5 and GHQ-12 in terms of predicting mental health problems and related help seeking behaviour is similar. An advantage of the MHI-5 is that it has been widely used, not only in surveys of mental health, but also in surveys of general health and quality of life, and it is shorter. A disadvantage of the MHI-5 is that there is no cut-off point. We recommend a study to establish a valid, internationally comparable cut-off point

    Current Guidelines Have Limited Applicability to Patients with Comorbid Conditions: A Systematic Analysis of Evidence-Based Guidelines

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    Guidelines traditionally focus on the diagnosis and treatment of single diseases. As almost half of the patients with a chronic disease have more than one disease, the applicability of guidelines may be limited. The aim of this study was to assess the extent that guidelines address comorbidity and to assess the supporting evidence of recommendations related to comorbidity.We conducted a systematic analysis of evidence-based guidelines focusing on four highly prevalent chronic conditions with a high impact on quality of life: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depressive disorder, diabetes mellitus type 2, and osteoarthritis. Data were abstracted from each guideline on the extent that comorbidity was addressed (general comments, specific recommendations), the type of comorbidity discussed (concordant, discordant), and the supporting evidence of the comorbidity-related recommendations (level of evidence, translation of evidence). Of the 20 guidelines, 17 (85%) addressed the issue of comorbidity and 14 (70%) provided specific recommendations on comorbidity. In general, the guidelines included few recommendations on patients with comorbidity (mean 3 recommendations per guideline, range 0 to 26). Of the 59 comorbidity-related recommendations provided, 46 (78%) addressed concordant comorbidities, 8 (14%) discordant comorbidities, and for 5 (8%) the type of comorbidity was not specified. The strength of the supporting evidence was moderate for 25% (15/59) and low for 37% (22/59) of the recommendations. In addition, for 73% (43/59) of the recommendations the evidence was not adequately translated into the guidelines.Our study showed that the applicability of current evidence-based guidelines to patients with comorbid conditions is limited. Most guidelines do not provide explicit guidance on treatment of patients with comorbidity, particularly for discordant combinations. Guidelines should be more explicit about the applicability of their recommendations to patients with comorbidity. Future clinical trials should also include patients with the most prevalent combinations of chronic conditions

    Benchmarking and reducing length of stay in Dutch hospitals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To assess the development of and variation in lengths of stay in Dutch hospitals and to determine the potential reduction in hospital days if all Dutch hospitals would have an average length of stay equal to that of benchmark hospitals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The potential reduction was calculated using data obtained from 69 hospitals that participated in the National Medical Registration (LMR). For each hospital, the average length of stay was adjusted for differences in type of admission (clinical or day-care admission) and case mix (age, diagnosis and procedure). We calculated the number of hospital days that theoretically could be saved by (i) counting unnecessary clinical admissions as day cases whenever possible, and (ii) treating all remaining clinical patients with a length of stay equal to the benchmark (15<sup>th </sup>percentile length of stay hospital).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average (mean) length of stay in Dutch hospitals decreased from 14 days in 1980 to 7 days in 2006. In 2006 more than 80% of all hospitals reached an average length of stay shorter than the 15th percentile hospital in the year 2000. In 2006 the mean length of stay ranged from 5.1 to 8.7 days. If the average length of stay of the 15<sup>th </sup>percentile hospital in 2006 is identified as the standard that other hospitals can achieve, a 14% reduction of hospital days can be attained. This percentage varied substantially across medical specialties. Extrapolating the potential reduction of hospital days of the 69 hospitals to all 98 Dutch hospitals yielded a total savings of 1.8 million hospital days (2006). The average length of stay in Dutch hospitals if all hospitals were able to treat their patients as the 15<sup>th </sup>percentile hospital would be 6 days and the number of day cases would increase by 13%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hospitals in the Netherlands vary substantially in case mix adjusted length of stay. Benchmarking – using the method presented – shows the potential for efficiency improvement which can be realized by decreasing inputs (e.g. available beds for inpatient care). Future research should focus on the effect of length of stay reduction programs on outputs such as quality of care.</p

    Community wide electronic distribution of summary health care utilization data

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    BACKGROUND: In recent years, the use of digital technology has supported widespread sharing of electronic health care data. Although this approach holds considerable promise, it promises to be a complicated and expensive undertaking. This study described the development and implementation of a community wide system for electronic sharing of summary health care utilization data. METHODS: The development of the community wide data system focused on the following objectives: ongoing monitoring of the health care system, evaluation of community wide individual provider initiatives, identification and development of new initiatives. The system focused on the sharing of data related to hospital acute care, emergency medical services, long term care, and mental health. It was based on the daily distribution of reports among all health care providers related to these services. RESULTS: The development of the summary reports concerning health care utilization produced a system wide view of health care in Syracuse, New York on a daily basis. It was not possible to isolate the results of these reports because of the impact of specific projects and other factors. At the same time, the reports were associated with reduction of hospital inpatient stays, improvement of access to hospital emergency departments, reductions in stays for patients discharged to nursing homes, and increased access of mental health patients to hospital inpatient units. CONCLUSION: The implementation of the system demonstrated that summary electronic utilization data could provide daily information that would support the improvement of health care outcomes and efficiency. This approach could be implemented in a simple, direct manner with minimal expenses

    Care trajectories of chronically ill older adult patients discharged from hospital:a quantitative cross-sectional study using health insurance claims data

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    Background For older adults, a good transition from hospital to the primary or long-term care setting can decrease readmissions. This paper presents the 6-month post-discharge healthcare utilization of older adults and describes the numbers of readmissions and deaths for the most frequently occurring aftercare arrangements as a starting point in optimizing the post-discharge healthcare organization. Methods This cross-sectional study included older adults insured with the largest Dutch insurance company. We described the utilization of healthcare within 180 days after discharge from their first hospital admission of 2015 and the most frequently occurring combinations of aftercare in the form of geriatric rehabilitation, community nursing, long-term care, and short stay during the first 90 days after discharge. We calculated the proportion of older adults that was readmitted or had died in the 90-180 days after discharge for the six most frequent combinations. We performed all analyses in the total group of older adults and in a sub-group of older adults who had been hospitalized due to a hip fracture. Results A total of 31.7% of all older adults and 11.4% of the older adults with a hip fracture did not receive aftercare. Almost half of all older adults received care of a community nurse, whereas less than 5% received long-term home care. Up to 18% received care in a nursing home during the 6 months after discharge. Readmissions were lowest for older adults with a short stay and highest in the group geriatric rehabilitation + community nursing. Mortality was lowest in the total group of older aldults and subgroup with hip fracture without aftercare. Conclusions The organization of post-discharge healthcare for older adults may not be organized sufficiently to guarantee appropriate care to restore functional activity. Although receiving aftercare is not a clear predictor of readmissions in our study, the results do seem to indicate that older adults receiving community nursing in the first 90 days less often die compared to older adults with other types of aftercare or no aftercare. Future research is necessary to examine predictors of readmissions and mortality in both older adult patients discharged from hospital.</p

    Episodic abdominal pain characteristics are not associated with clinically relevant improvement of health status after cholecystectomy

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    BACKGROUND: Cholecystectomy is the therapy of first choice in patients with uncomplicated symptomatic cholecystolithiasis, but it remains unclear which patients truly benefit in terms of health status improvement. Patients generally present with episodic abdominal pain of varying frequency, duration, and intensity. We assessed whether characteristics of abdominal pain episodes are determinants of clinically relevant improvement of health status after cholecystectomy. METHODS: In a post hoc analysis of a prospective multicenter cohort study, patients of ≥18 years of age with uncomplicated symptomatic cholecystolithiasis subjected to cholecystectomy were included. Preoperatively, patients received a structured interview and a questionnaire consisting of the visual analogue scale (VAS; range 0–100) and gastrointestinal quality of life index (GIQLI). At 12 weeks after cholecystectomy, the GIQLI was again administered. Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine significant associations. RESULTS: Questionnaires were sent to 261 and returned by 166 (63.6 %) patients (128 females, mean age at surgery 49.5 ± 13.8). A total of 131 (78.9 %) patients reported a clinically relevant improvement of health status. The median (interquartile range) frequency, duration, and intensity of abdominal pain episodes were 0.38 (0.18–0.75) a week, 4.00 (2.00–8.00) hours, and 92 (77–99), respectively. None of the characteristics was associated with a clinically relevant improvement of health status at 12 weeks after cholecystectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Characteristics of abdominal pain episodes cannot be used to inform patients with symptomatic cholecystolithiasis who are skeptic about the timing of cholecystectomy for optimal benefit. Timing of cholecystectomy should therefore be based on other characteristics and preferences

    Reducing work pressure and IT problems and facilitating IT integration and audit &amp; feedback help adherence to perioperative safety guidelines: a survey among 95 perioperative professionals

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    Background: To improve perioperative patient safety, guidelines for the preoperative, peroperative, andpostoperative phase were introduced in the Netherlands between 2010 and 2013. To help the implementation ofthese guidelines, we aimed to get a better understanding of the barriers and drivers of perioperative guidelineadherence and to explore what can be learned for future implementation projects in complex organizations.Methods: We developed a questionnaire survey based on the theoretical framework of Van Sluisveld et al. forclassifying barriers and facilitators. The questionnaire contained 57 statements derived from (a) an instrument formeasuring determinants of innovations by the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research, (b) interviewswith quality and safety policy officers and perioperative professionals, and (c) a publication of Cabana et al. Thetarget group consisted of 232 perioperative professionals in nine hospitals. In addition to rating the statements on afive-point Likert scale (which were classified into the seven categories of the framework: factors relating to theintervention, society, implementation, organization, professional, patients, and social factors), respondents wereinvited to rank their three most important barriers in a separate, extra open-ended question.Results: Ninety-five professionals (41%) completed the questionnaire. Fifteen statements (26%) were considered tobe barriers, relating to social factors (N = 5), the organization (N = 4), the professional (N = 4), the patient (N = 1),and the intervention (N = 1). An integrated information system was considered an important facilitator (70.4%) aswell as audit and feedback (41.8%). The Barriers Top-3 question resulted in 75 different barriers in nearly allcategories. The most frequently reported barriers were as follows: time pressure (16% of the total number ofbarriers), emergency patients (8%), inefficient IT structure (4%), and workload (3%).Conclusions: We identified a wide range of barriers that are believed to hinder the use of the perioperative safetyguidelines, while an integrated information system and local data collection and feedback will also be necessary toengage perioperative teams. These barriers need to be locally prioritized and addressed by tailored implementationstrategies. These results may also be of relevance for guideline implementation in general in complex organizations.Trial registration: Dutch Trial Registry: NTR3568.Keywords: Guideline adherence, Implementation, Implementation barriers, Implementation facilitators, Patientsafety, Perioperative car