455 research outputs found

    Kinetics of the low-temperature pyrolysis of polyethene, polypropene and polystyrene modeling, experimental determination and comparison with literature models and data

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    The pyrolysis kinetics of low-density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene has been studied at temperatures below 450 C. In addition, a literature review on the low-temperature pyrolysis of these polymers has been conducted and has revealed that the scatter in the reported kinetic data is significant, which is most probably due to the use of simple first-order kinetic models to interpret the experimental data. This model type is only applicable in a small conversion range, but was used by many authors over a much wider conversion range. In this investigation the pyrolysis kinetics of the forementioned polymers and a mixture of polymers has been studied at temperatures below 450 C by performing isothermal thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) experiments. The TGA experimental data was used to determine the kinetic parameters on the basis of a simple first-order model for high conversions (70-90%) and a model developed in the present study, termed the random chain dissociation (RCD) model, for the entire conversion range. The influence of important parameters, such as molecular weight, extent of branching and -scission on the pyrolysis kinetics was studied with the RCD model. This model was also used to calculate the primary product spectrum of the pyrolysis process. The effect of the extent of branching and the initial molecular weight on the pyrolysis process was also studied experimentally. The effect of the extent of branching was found to be quite significant, but the effect of the initial molecular weight was minor. These results were found to agree quite well with the predictions obtained from the RCD model. Finally, the behavior of mixtures of the aforementioned polymers was studied and it was found that the pyrolysis kinetics of the polymers in the mixture remains unaltered in comparison with the pyrolysis kinetics of the pure polymers

    The influence of tax and expenditure policies on economic growth in The Netherlands: An empirical analysis

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    This paper explores the influence of government policies in explaining output, emploment and investment in The Netherlands during the period 1966-1989. The paper develops an empirical macroeconomic model estimated with annual data relating to the period 1958-1989. It finds that restrictive fiscal policies in the eighties have had adverse short-term effects on output and employment. Furthermore, the drop in the rate of increase in tax and social security contribution rates in this period has boosted output, employment and investment. However, the shift in public expenditure from investment to consumption has exerted a negative impact on these variables, largely offsetting the positive impact of the tax policies

    Collective versus individual pension schemes: a welfare-theoretical perspective

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    Collective pension contracts allow for intergenerational risk sharing with the unborn. They therefore imply a higher level of social welfare than individual accounts. Collective pension contracts also imply a sub-optimal allocation of consumption across time periods and states of nature however. Hence, collective pension contracts also reduce social welfare. This paper explores the welfare effects of a number of collective pension contracts, distinguishing between the two welfare effects. We find that collective schemes can be either superior or inferior to individual schemes

    Prediction of brain target site concentrations on the basis of CSF PK : impact of mechanisms of blood-to-brain transport and within brain distribution

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    In the development of drugs for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disorders, the prediction of human CNS drug action is a big challenge. Direct measurement of brain extracellular fluid (brainECF) concentrations is highly restricted in human. Therefore, unbound drug concentrations in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are used as a surrogate for human brainECF concentrations. Due to qualitative and quantitative differences in processes that govern the pharmacokinetics (PK) of drugs in the brain, a generally applicable relationship between CSF concentrations and brainECF concentrations does not exist. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to develop a preclinical brain distribution model, allowing the prediction of human brain target site concentrations on the basis of preclinical data. In order to be able to build a brain distribution model understanding of time-dependent (also non-steady state) kinetics of the unbound drug in brainECF and CSF is essential. To that end, systematic studies on the inter-relationship of plasma PK, blood-brain barrier (BBB) transport, blood-CSF barrier (BCSFB) transport and intra-brain distribution were performed in the rat by implantation of microdialysis probes at multiple brain sites in individual animals.TI PharmaUBL - phd migration 201

    Deep Near-Infrared Imaging af an Embedded Cluster in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: Census of Supernovae Triggered Star Formation

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    While conducting a near-infrared (NIR) survey of ``Digel Clouds'', which are thought to be located in the extreme outer Galaxy (EOG), Kobayashi & Tokunaga found star formation activity in ``Cloud 2'', a giant molecular cloud at the Galactic radius of ~ 20 kpc. Additional infrared imaging showed two embedded young clusters at the densest regions of the molecular cloud. Because the molecular cloud is located in the vicinity of a supernova remnant (SNR) HI shell, GSH 138-01-94, it was suggested that the star formation activity in Cloud 2 was triggered by this expanding HI shell. We obtained deep J (1.25 um), H (1.65 um) and K (2.2 um) images of one of the embedded clusters in Cloud 2 with high spatial resolution (FWHM ~0".3) and high sensitivity (K ~ 20 mag, 10 sigma). We identified 52 cluster members. The estimated stellar density (~ 10 pc^{-2}) suggests that the cluster is a T-association. This is the deepest NIR imaging of an embedded cluster in the EOG. The observed K-band luminosity function (KLF) suggests that the underlying initial mass function (IMF) of the cluster down to the detection limit of ~ 0.1 M_sun is not significantly different from the typical IMFs in the field and in the near-by star clusters. The overall characteristics of this cluster appears to be similar to those of other embedded clusters in the far outer Galaxy. The estimated age of the cluster from the KLF, which is less than 1 Myr, is consistent with the view that the star formation was triggered by the HI shell whose age was estimated at 4.3 Myr (Stil & Irwin). The 3-dimensional geometry of SNR shell, molecular cloud and the embedded cluster, which is inferred from our data, as well as the cluster age strongly suggest that the star formation in Cloud 2 was triggered by the SNR shell.Comment: 19pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted to ApJ. Full paper (pdf) with high resolution figures available at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ck_yasui/papers/Cloud2N_1.pd

    Dissociative recombination and electron-impact de-excitation in CH photon emission under ITER divertor-relevant plasma conditions

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    For understanding carbon erosion and redeposition in nuclear fusion devices, it is important to understand the transport and chemical break-up of hydrocarbon molecules in edge plasmas, often diagnosed by emission of the CH A^2\Delta - X^2\Pi Ger\"o band around 430 nm. The CH A-level can be excited either by electron-impact or by dissociative recombination (D.R.) of hydrocarbon ions. These processes were included in the 3D Monte Carlo impurity transport code ERO. A series of methane injection experiments was performed in the high-density, low-temperature linear plasma generator Pilot-PSI, and simulated emission intensity profiles were benchmarked against these experiments. It was confirmed that excitation by D.R. dominates at T_e < 1.5 eV. The results indicate that the fraction of D.R. events that lead to a CH radical in the A-level and consequent photon emission is at least 10%. Additionally, quenching of the excited CH radicals by electron impact de-excitation was included in the modeling. This quenching is shown to be significant: depending on the electron density, it reduces the effective CH emission by a factor of 1.4 at n_e=1.3*10^20 m^-3, to 2.8 at n_e=9.3*10^20 m^-3. Its inclusion significantly improved agreement between experiment and modeling

    The Radial Extent and Warp of the Ionized Galactic Disk. II. A Likelihood Analysis of Radio-Wave Scattering Toward the Anticenter

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    We use radio-wave scattering data to constrain the distribution of ionized gas in the outer Galaxy. Like previous models, our model for the H II disk includes parameters for the radial scale length and scale height of the H II, but we allow the H II disk to warp and flare. Our model also includes the Perseus arm. We use a likelihood analysis on 11 extragalactic sources and 7 pulsars. Scattering in the Perseus arm is no more than 60% of the level contributed by spiral arms in the inner Galaxy, equivalent to a 1 GHz scattering diameter of 1.5 mas. Our analysis favors an unwarped, nonflaring disk with a 1 kpc scale height, though this may reflect the non-uniform and coarse coverage provided by the available data. The lack of a warp indicates that VLBI observations near 1 GHz with an orbiting station having baseline lengths of a few Earth diameters will not be affected by interstellar scattering at Galactic latitudes |b| ~ 15 degrees. The radial scale length is 15--20 kpc, but the data cannot distinguish between a gradual decrease in the electron density and a truncated distribution. We favor a truncated one, because we associate the scattering with massive star formation, which is also truncated near 20 kpc. The distribution of electron density turbulence decreases more rapidly with Galactocentric distance than does the hydrogen distribution. Alternate ionizing and turbulent agents---the intergalactic ionizing flux and satellite galaxies passing through the disk---do not contribute significantly to scattering. We cannot exclude the possibility that a largely ionized, but quiescent disk extends to >~ 100 kpc, similar to that for some Ly-alpha absorbers.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX2e with AASTeX aaspp4 macro, 9 figures in 9 PostScript files, accepted for publication in Ap

    Outer Regions of the Milky Way

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    With the start of the Gaia era, the time has come to address the major challenge of deriving the star formation history and evolution of the disk of our MilkyWay. Here we review our present knowledge of the outer regions of the Milky Way disk population. Its stellar content, its structure and its dynamical and chemical evolution are summarized, focussing on our lack of understanding both from an observational and a theoretical viewpoint. We describe the unprecedented data that Gaia and the upcoming ground-based spectroscopic surveys will provide in the next decade. More in detail, we quantify the expect accuracy in position, velocity and astrophysical parameters of some of the key tracers of the stellar populations in the outer Galactic disk. Some insights on the future capability of these surveys to answer crucial and fundamental issues are discussed, such as the mechanisms driving the spiral arms and the warp formation. Our Galaxy, theMilkyWay, is our cosmological laboratory for understanding the process of formation and evolution of disk galaxies. What we learn in the next decades will be naturally transferred to the extragalactic domain.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, Invited review, Book chapter in "Outskirts of Galaxies", Eds. J. H. Knapen, J. C. Lee and A. Gil de Paz, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springer, in pres

    Star Formation in the Most Distant Molecular Cloud in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: A Laboratory of Star Formation in an Early Epoch of the Galaxy's Formation

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    We report the discovery of active star formation in Digel's Cloud 2, which is one of the most distant giant molecular clouds known in the extreme outer Galaxy (EOG). At the probable Galactic radius of ~20 kpc, Cloud 2 has a quite different environment from that in the solar neighborhood, including lower metallicity, much lower gas density, and small or no perturbation from spiral arms. With new wide-field near-infrared (NIR) imaging that covers the entire Cloud 2, we discovered two young embedded star clusters located in the two dense cores of the cloud. Using our NIR and 12CO data as well as HI, radio continuum, and IRAS data in the archives, we discuss the detailed star formation processes in this unique environment. We show clear evidences of a sequential star formation triggered by the nearby huge supernova remnant, GSH 138-01-94. The two embedded clusters show a distinct morphology difference: the one in the northern molecular cloud core is a loose association with isolated-mode star formation, while the other in the southern molecular cloud core is a dense cluster with cluster-mode star formation. We propose that high compression by the combination of the SNR shell and an adjacent shell caused the dense cluster formation in the southern core. Along with the low metallicity range of the EOG, we suggest that EOG could be an excellent laboratory for the study of star formation processes, such as those triggered by supernovae, that occured during an early epoch of the Galaxy's formation. In particular, the study of the EOG may shed light on the origin and role of the thick disk, whose metallicity range matches with that of the EOG well.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal (18 pages, 9 figures; a version w/full-resolution color figures is available at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~naoto/papers/apj.cl2_quirc/ms2p_final.pdf