413 research outputs found

    Gurs 1940. Die Deportation und Ermordung der südwestdeutschen Jüdinnen und Juden: Eine Ausstellung in der WLB vom 11. Mai bis 18. Juli 2021

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    Am 22. und 23. Oktober 1940 wurden Tausende Jüdinnen und Juden aus Baden und der Saarpfalz in den unbesetzten Teil Frankreichs deportiert. Viele von ihnen wurden später ermordet. Vom 11. Mai bis 18. Juli 2021 wird in der WLB die Ausstellung "Gurs 1940. Die Deportation und Ermordung der südwestdeutschen Jüdinnen und Juden" zu sehen sein, die dieses Verbrechen sowie seine Vor- und Nachgeschichte thematisiert

    Veranstaltungen auch in Zeiten von Corona: Die Videoreihe der Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte

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    2020, das als Corona-Jahr in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen wird, machte allen Organisatoren von kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen das Leben schwer. In dieser Situation erwies es sich als überaus glückliche Fügung, dass die BfZ im Januar 2020 begonnen hatte, ihre Vortragsreihe in Kooperation mit der Gerda Henkel Stiftung aufzuzeichnen. Die Vorträge, Lesungen und Gespräche der BfZ sind nun auf dem Wissenschaftsportal L.I.S.A. als Video und Audiomitschnitt abrufbar

    Protest dokumentieren: Die Sammlung „Neue Soziale Bewegungen“ im 21. Jahrhundert

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    In Deutschland wird protestiert. Gegen Stuttgart 21, für mehr Klimaschutz, für bezahlbaren Wohnraum, eine Verkehrswende oder den Erhalt des Hambacher Forstes. Aber auch für den Diesel, gegen Corona-Maßnahmen und gegen die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten. Die neue Protestkultur wirft viele Fragen auf, mit denen sich auch die Wissenschaft intensiv auseinandersetzt. Mit Blick auf die große Bedeutung des Themas Protest plant die BfZ, ihre Sammlung „Neue Soziale Bewegungen“ neu aufzustellen

    « Britain’s best kept secret » : la machine Enigma et le décodage des messages durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale

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    L’Enigma et ses cylindres permutables (Coll. Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart) © et cliché Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart / Larissa Arlt Un des plus grands mystères de la Seconde Guerre mondiale fut le décodage réussi des messages radio que les Allemands avaient cryptés grâce à la machine à coder « Enigma » (voir ill. ci-dessus). Jürgen Rohwer, ancien directeur de la Bibliothèque d’histoire contemporaine (Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte–BfZ), s’est livré à des recherche..

    Virtuelle Ausstellungen aus der WLB

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    Der Beitrag stellt die Möglichkeiten von Virtuellen Ausstellungen im Rahmen des Services"DDBstudio" der Digitalen Deutschen Bibliothek vor. Als Beispiele werden Ausstellungen der BfZ ("!918: Zwischen Weltkrieg und Revolution"), des Stefan George Archivs ("Rosen und Disteln. Geburtstagsbriefe an George") und des Hölderlin-Archivs ("Aufbrüche - Abbrüche. 250 Jahre Friedrich Hölderlin") beschrieben

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 1, 1954

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    Helfferich tells causes of delay in Union work • U.C. Supply Store resumes full operation today • Ruby show to be presented • Band starts practice for Spring concert • Composition and technique discussed by Walter Hansen • Summer School to feature single session • U. of Penn band to present concert here • Dorthee von Miller to speak at AAUW program Wed. • Spring play cast revealed; Wright, Rack in lead roles • WSGA group holds meeting • John Canady to speak at seminar sessions • WAA will present variety show Mar. 11 • Dr. Allan Rice to present Scandinavian readings • Editorials: Support the Supply; Chinese controversy • Unusual campus rules • She felt like a young colt; But looked like an old .45 • Al Sare tells of Navy life • Reporter misses big scoop; Must turn in notebook • Just plain Bill reports Belles vs. Albright game • Little Belles top Bryn Mawr • Muhlenberg decisions Bears in heartbreaker • Shreiner, Hobson, South, Rimby\u27s, Maples win • Cagemen top Fords in two overtimes • Belles down C. Hill, 57-13 • Bears top Drexel, 24-8 prior to M.A.C. wrestling • Chestnut Hill topples U.C. mermaids, 37-19 • PMC squeezes netmen to win • Snell\u27s Belles win again; Hand Wagner 55-20 losshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1490/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 1, 1954

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    Helfferich tells causes of delay in Union work • U.C. Supply Store resumes full operation today • Ruby show to be presented • Band starts practice for Spring concert • Composition and technique discussed by Walter Hansen • Summer School to feature single session • U. of Penn band to present concert here • Dorthee von Miller to speak at AAUW program Wed. • Spring play cast revealed; Wright, Rack in lead roles • WSGA group holds meeting • John Canady to speak at seminar sessions • WAA will present variety show Mar. 11 • Dr. Allan Rice to present Scandinavian readings • Editorials: Support the Supply; Chinese controversy • Unusual campus rules • She felt like a young colt; But looked like an old .45 • Al Sare tells of Navy life • Reporter misses big scoop; Must turn in notebook • Just plain Bill reports Belles vs. Albright game • Little Belles top Bryn Mawr • Muhlenberg decisions Bears in heartbreaker • Shreiner, Hobson, South, Rimby\u27s, Maples win • Cagemen top Fords in two overtimes • Belles down C. Hill, 57-13 • Bears top Drexel, 24-8 prior to M.A.C. wrestling • Chestnut Hill topples U.C. mermaids, 37-19 • PMC squeezes netmen to win • Snell\u27s Belles win again; Hand Wagner 55-20 losshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1490/thumbnail.jp

    Observation of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos in Three Years of IceCube Data

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    A search for high-energy neutrinos interacting within the IceCube detector between 2010 and 2012 provided the first evidence for a high-energy neutrino flux of extraterrestrial origin. Results from an analysis using the same methods with a third year (2012-2013) of data from the complete IceCube detector are consistent with the previously reported astrophysical flux in the 100 TeV - PeV range at the level of 108GeVcm2s1sr110^{-8}\, \mathrm{GeV}\, \mathrm{cm}^{-2}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1}\, \mathrm{sr}^{-1} per flavor and reject a purely atmospheric explanation for the combined 3-year data at 5.7σ5.7 \sigma. The data are consistent with expectations for equal fluxes of all three neutrino flavors and with isotropic arrival directions, suggesting either numerous or spatially extended sources. The three-year dataset, with a livetime of 988 days, contains a total of 37 neutrino candidate events with deposited energies ranging from 30 to 2000 TeV. The 2000 TeV event is the highest-energy neutrino interaction ever observed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by PRL. The event catalog, event displays, and other data tables are included after the final page of the article. Changed from the initial submission to reflect referee comments, expanding the section on atmospheric backgrounds, and fixes offsets of up to 0.9 seconds in reported event times. Address correspondence to: J. Feintzeig, C. Kopper, N. Whitehor

    Differential limit on the extremely-high-energy cosmic neutrino flux in the presence of astrophysical background from nine years of IceCube data

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    We report a quasi-differential upper limit on the extremely-high-energy (EHE) neutrino flux above 5×1065\times 10^{6} GeV based on an analysis of nine years of IceCube data. The astrophysical neutrino flux measured by IceCube extends to PeV energies, and it is a background flux when searching for an independent signal flux at higher energies, such as the cosmogenic neutrino signal. We have developed a new method to place robust limits on the EHE neutrino flux in the presence of an astrophysical background, whose spectrum has yet to be understood with high precision at PeV energies. A distinct event with a deposited energy above 10610^{6} GeV was found in the new two-year sample, in addition to the one event previously found in the seven-year EHE neutrino search. These two events represent a neutrino flux that is incompatible with predictions for a cosmogenic neutrino flux and are considered to be an astrophysical background in the current study. The obtained limit is the most stringent to date in the energy range between 5×1065 \times 10^{6} and 5×10105 \times 10^{10} GeV. This result constrains neutrino models predicting a three-flavor neutrino flux of $E_\nu^2\phi_{\nu_e+\nu_\mu+\nu_\tau}\simeq2\times 10^{-8}\ {\rm GeV}/{\rm cm}^2\ \sec\ {\rm sr}at at 10^9\ {\rm GeV}$. A significant part of the parameter-space for EHE neutrino production scenarios assuming a proton-dominated composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays is excluded.Comment: The version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Incorporating field wind data to improve crop evapotranspiration parameterization in heterogeneous regions

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    Accurate parameterization of reference evapotranspiration ( ET0) is necessary for optimizing irrigation scheduling and avoiding costs associated with over-irrigation (water expense, loss of water productivity, energy costs, and pollution) or with under-irrigation (crop stress and suboptimal yields or quality). ET0 is often estimated using the FAO-56 method with meteorological data gathered over a reference surface, usually short grass. However, the density of suitable ET0 stations is often low relative to the microclimatic variability of many arid and semi-arid regions, leading to a potentially inaccurate ET0 for irrigation scheduling. In this study, we investigated multiple ET0 products from six meteorological stations, a satellite ET0 product, and integration (merger) of two stations’ data in Southern California, USA. We evaluated ET0 against lysimetric ET observations from two lysimeter systems (weighing and volumetric) and two crops (wine grapes and Jerusalem artichoke) by calculating crop ET ( ETc) using crop coefficients for the lysimetric crops with the different ET0. ETc calculated with ET0 products that incorporated field-specific wind speed had closer agreement with lysimetric ET, with RMSE reduced by 36 and 45% for grape and Jerusalem artichoke, respectively, with on-field anemometer data compared to wind data from the nearest station. The results indicate the potential importance of on-site meteorological sensors for ET0 parameterization; particularly where microclimates are highly variable and/or irrigation water is expensive or scarce