138 research outputs found

    The arterial Windkessel

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    Frankā€™s Windkessel model described the hemodynamics of the arterial system in terms of resistance and compliance. It explained aortic pressure decay in diastole, but fell short in systole. Therefore characteristic impedance was introduced as a third element of the Windkessel model. Characteristic impedance links the lumped Windkessel to transmission phenomena (e.g., wave travel). Windkessels are used as hydraulic load for isolated hearts and in studies of the entire circulation. Furthermore, they are used to estimate total arterial compliance from pressure and flow; several of these methods are reviewed. Windkessels describe the general features of the input impedance, with physiologically interpretable parameters. Since it is a lumped model it is not suitable for the assessment of spatially distributed phenomena and aspects of wave travel, but it is a simple and fairly accurate approximation of ventricular afterload

    Systolic Hypertension Mechanisms: Effect of Global and Local Proximal Aorta Stiffening on Pulse Pressure

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    Decrease in arterial compliance leads to an increased pulse pressure, as explained by the Windkessel effect. Pressure waveform is the sum of a forward running and a backward running or reflected pressure wave. When the arterial system stiffens, as a result of aging or disease, both the forward and reflected waves are altered and contribute to a greater or lesser degree to the increase in aortic pulse pressure. Two mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to explain systolic hypertension upon arterial stiffening. The most popular one is based on the augmentation and earlier arrival of reflected waves. The second mechanism is based on the augmentation of the forward wave, as a result of an increase of the characteristic impedance of the proximal aorta. The aim of this study is to analyze the two aforementioned mechanisms using a 1-D model of the entire systemic arterial tree. A validated 1-D model of the systemic circulation, representative of a young healthy adult was used to simulate arterial pressure and flow under control conditions and in presence of arterial stiffening. To help elucidate the differences in the two mechanisms contributing to systolic hypertension, the arterial tree was stiffened either locally with compliance being reduced only in the region of the aortic arch, or globally, with a uniform decrease in compliance in all arterial segments. The pulse pressure increased by 58% when proximal aorta was stiffened and the compliance decreased by 43%. Same pulse pressure increase was achieved when compliance of the globally stiffened arterial tree decreased by 47%. In presence of local stiffening in the aortic arch, characteristic impedance increased to 0.10mmHgs/mL vs. 0.034mmHgs/mL in control and this led to a substantial increase (91%) in the amplitude of the forward wave, which attained 42mmHg vs. 22mmHg in control. Under global stiffening, the pulse pressure of the forward wave increased by 41% and the amplitude of the reflected wave by 83%. Reflected waves arrived earlier in systole, enhancing their contribution to systolic pressure. The effects of local vs. global loss of compliance of the arterial tree have been studied with the use of a 1-D model. Local stiffening in the proximal aorta increases systolic pressure mainly through the augmentation of the forward pressure wave, whereas global stiffening augments systolic pressure principally though the increase in wave reflections. The relative contribution of the two mechanisms depends on the topology of arterial stiffening and geometrical alterations taking place in aging or in diseas

    Pulmonary endarterectomy normalizes interventricular dyssynchrony and right ventricular systolic wall stress

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    Background: Interventricular mechanical dyssynchrony is a characteristic of pulmonary hypertension. We studied the role of right ventricular (RV) wall stress in the recovery of interventricular dyssynchrony, after pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Methods: In 13 consecutive patients with CTEPH, before and 6 months after pulmonary endarterectomy, cardiovascular magnetic resonance myocardial tagging was applied. For the left ventricular (LV) and RV free walls, the time to peak (Tpeak) of circumferential shortening (strain) was calculated. Pulmonary Artery Pressure (PAP) was measured by right heart catheterization within 48 hours of PEA. Then the RV free wall systolic wall stress was calculated by the Laplace law. Results: After PEA, the left to right free wall delay (L-R delay) in Tpeak strain decreased from 97 +/- 49 ms to -4 +/- 51 ms (P <0.001), which was not different from normal reference values of -35 +/- 10 ms (P = 0.18). The RV wall stress decreased significantly from 15.2 +/- 6.4 kPa to 5.7 +/- 3.4 kPa (P <0.001), which was not different from normal reference values of 5.3 +/- 1.39 kPa (P = 0.78). The reduction of L-R delay in Tpeak was more strongly associated with the reduction in RV wall stress (r = 0.69, P = 0.007) than with the reduction in systolic PAP (r = 0.53, P = 0.07). The reduction of L-R delay in Tpeak was not associated with estimates of the reduction in RV radius (r = 0.37, P = 0.21) or increase in RV systolic wall thickness (r = 0.19, P = 0.53). Conclusion: After PEA for CTEPH, the RV and LV peak strains are resynchronized. The reduction in systolic RV wall stress plays a key role in this resynchronizatio

    Modeling the Instantaneous Pressureā€“Volume Relation of the Left Ventricle: A Comparison of Six Models

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    Simulations are useful to study the heartā€™s ability to generate flow and the interaction between contractility and loading conditions. The left ventricular pressureā€“volume (PV) relation has been shown to be nonlinear, but it is unknown whether a linear model is accurate enough for simulations. Six models were fitted to the PV-data measured in five sheep and the estimated parameters were used to simulate PV-loops. Simulated and measured PV-loops were compared with the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Hamming distance, a measure for geometric shape similarity. The compared models were: a time-varying elastance model with fixed volume intercept (LinFix); a time-varying elastance model with varying volume intercept (LinFree); a Langewouterā€™s pressure-dependent elasticity model (Langew); a sigmoidal model (Sigm); a time-varying elastance model with a systolic flow-dependent resistance (Shroff) and a model with a linear systolic and an exponential diastolic relation (Burkh). Overall, the best model is LinFree (lowest AIC), closely followed by Langew. The remaining models rank: Sigm, Shroff, LinFix and Burkh. If only the shape of the PV-loops is important, all models perform nearly identically (Hamming distance between 20 and 23%). For realistic simulation of the instantaneous PV-relation a linear model suffices

    Cardiac oxygen supply is compromised during the night in hypertensive patients

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    The enhanced heart rate and blood pressure soon after awaking increases cardiac oxygen demand, and has been associated with the high incidence of acute myocardial infarction in the morning. The behavior of cardiac oxygen supply is unknown. We hypothesized that oxygen supply decreases in the morning and to that purpose investigated cardiac oxygen demand and oxygen supply at night and after awaking. We compared hypertensive to normotensive subjects and furthermore assessed whether pressures measured non-invasively and intra-arterially give similar results. Aortic pressure was reconstructed from 24-h intra-brachial and simultaneously obtained non-invasive finger pressure in 14 hypertensives and 8 normotensives. Supply was assessed by Diastolic Time Fraction (DTF, ratio of diastolic and heart period), demand by Rate-Pressure Product (RPP, systolic pressure times heart rate, HR) and supply/demand ratio by Adia/Asys, with Adia and Asys diastolic and systolic areas under the aortic pressure curve. Hypertensives had lower supply by DTF and higher demand by RPP than normotensives during the night. DTF decreased and RPP increased in both groups after awaking. The DTF of hypertensives decreased less becoming similar to the DTF of normotensives in the morning; the RPP remained higher. Adia/Asys followed the pattern of DTF. Findings from invasively and non-invasively determined pressure were similar. The cardiac oxygen supply/demand ratio in hypertensive patients is lower than in normotensives at night. With a smaller night-day differences, the hypertensivesā€™ risk for cardiovascular events may be more evenly spread over the 24Ā h. This information can be obtained noninvasively

    Right Atrial Pressure Affects the Interaction between Lung Mechanics and Right Ventricular Function in Spontaneously Breathing COPD Patients

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    INTRODUCTION: It is generally known that positive pressure ventilation is associated with impaired venous return and decreased right ventricular output, in particular in patients with a low right atrial pressure and relative hypovolaemia. Altered lung mechanics have been suggested to impair right ventricular output in COPD, but this relation has never been firmly established in spontaneously breathing patients at rest or during exercise, nor has it been determined whether these cardiopulmonary interactions are influenced by right atrial pressure. METHODS: Twenty-one patients with COPD underwent simultaneous measurements of intrathoracic, right atrial and pulmonary artery pressures during spontaneous breathing at rest and during exercise. Intrathoracic pressure and right atrial pressure were used to calculate right atrial filling pressure. Dynamic changes in pulmonary artery pulse pressure during expiration were examined to evaluate changes in right ventricular output. RESULTS: Pulmonary artery pulse pressure decreased up to 40% during expiration reflecting a decrease in stroke volume. The decline in pulse pressure was most prominent in patients with a low right atrial filling pressure. During exercise, a similar decline in pulmonary artery pressure was observed. This could be explained by similar increases in intrathoracic pressure and right atrial pressure during exercise, resulting in an unchanged right atrial filling pressure. CONCLUSIONS: We show that in spontaneously breathing COPD patients the pulmonary artery pulse pressure decreases during expiration and that the magnitude of the decline in pulmonary artery pulse pressure is not just a function of intrathoracic pressure, but also depends on right atrial pressure

    Coronary microvascular resistance: methods for its quantification in humans

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    Coronary microvascular dysfunction is a topic that has recently gained considerable interest in the medical community owing to the growing awareness that microvascular dysfunction occurs in a number of myocardial disease states and has important prognostic implications. With this growing awareness, comes the desire to accurately assess the functional capacity of the coronary microcirculation for diagnostic purposes as well as to monitor the effects of therapeutic interventions that are targeted at reversing the extent of coronary microvascular dysfunction. Measurements of coronary microvascular resistance play a pivotal role in achieving that goal and several invasive and noninvasive methods have been developed for its quantification. This review is intended to provide an update pertaining to the methodology of these different imaging techniques, including the discussion of their strengths and weaknesses

    P137 Reflections Revisited: Reinterpretation Required

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    Abstract Introduction Pressure waveshape derived parameters such as the augmentation index are related to unfavourable cardiovascular events [1]. Wave reflections determine wave shape [2], however, several findings seem to contradict the current views. Current view. The arterial system can be modelled by a tube with a reflection site at the end: the heart sets up waves propagating down the system, reflecting at the end and returning to the heart after twice the travel time, i.e. aortic length over Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV).Data. Return time of the reflected wave is not inversely proportional to PWV [3]. Also, reflected waves appear to run downstream rather than to the heart [4]. These findings conflict with the current concepts. Interpretation At all locations in the arterial system, wave reflection is determined by the characteristic impedance of the supplying vessel and the input impedance of the downstream system. The input impedance results from a system of many arteries with multiple reflection sites [5]. Time delay between forward and reflected wave is mainly determined by the phase angle of the downstream impedance, and does not systematically increase or decrease with distance. This implies that the time difference between reflected and forward wave is not increasing towards the heart as assumed by the single-tube model. As a consequence, the return time of the reflected wave is not inversely proportional to PWV. Conclusion The single tube model should be abandoned as conceptual model as is does not explain the measured data. A frequency domain (impedance) model is required
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