433 research outputs found
Spin Waves in Random Spin Chains
We study quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with dilute, random
antiferromagnetic impurity bonds with modified spin-wave theory. By describing
thermal excitations in the language of spin waves, we successfully observe a
low-temperature Curie susceptibility due to formation of large spin clusters
first predicted by the real-space renormalization-group approach, as well as a
crossover to a pure ferromagnetic spin chain behavior at intermediate and high
temperatures. We compare our results of the modified spin-wave theory to
quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 3 pages, 3 eps figures, submitted to the 47th Conference on Magnetism
and Magnetic Material
Strong disorder renormalization group on fractal lattices: Heisenberg models and magnetoresistive effects in tight binding models
We use a numerical implementation of the strong disorder renormalization
group (RG) method to study the low-energy fixed points of random Heisenberg and
tight-binding models on different types of fractal lattices. For the Heisenberg
model new types of infinite disorder and strong disorder fixed points are
found. For the tight-binding model we add an orbital magnetic field and use
both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder. For this model besides the gap spectra
we study also the fraction of frozen sites, the correlation function, the
persistent current and the two-terminal current. The lattices with an even
number of sites around each elementary plaquette show a dominant
periodicity. The lattices with an odd number of sites around each elementary
plaquette show a dominant periodicity at vanishing diagonal
disorder, with a positive weak localization-like magnetoconductance at infinite
disorder fixed points. The magnetoconductance with both diagonal and
off-diagonal disorder depends on the symmetry of the distribution of on-site
energies.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure
Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the Haldane Phase in Random One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets
It is conjectured that the Haldane phase of the S=1 antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg chain and the ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating
Heisenberg chain is stable against any strength of randomness, because of
imposed breakdown of translational symmetry. This conjecture is confirmed by
the density matrix renormalization group calculation of the string order
parameter and the energy gap distribution.Comment: 4 Pages, 7 figures; Considerable revisions are made in abstract and
main text. Final accepted versio
Hypernuclei as chiral solitons
The identification of flavored multiskyrmions with the ground states of known
hypernuclei is successful for several of them, e.g. for isodoublet H(Lambda) -
He(Lambda), A=4, isoscalars He(Lambda) (A=5) and Li(Lambda) (A=7). In other
cases agreement is not so good, but the behaviour of the binding energy with
increasing baryon number is in qualitative agreement with data. Charmed or
beauty hypernuclei within this approach are predicted to be bound stronger than
strange hypernuclei. This conclusion is stable against variation of poorly
known heavy flavor decay constants.Comment: 9 pages, 1 Fig. Presented at the International Workshops on Nuclear
and Particle Physics at 50-Gev PS, NP01 (KEK, Japan, December 2001) and NP02
(Kyoto, Japan, September 2002). Some additions and corrections of numerical
results are mad
Numerical renormalization-group study of spin correlations in one-dimensional random spin chains
We calculate the ground-state two-spin correlation functions of spin-1/2
quantum Heisenberg chains with random exchange couplings using the real-space
renormalization group scheme. We extend the conventional scheme to take account
of the contribution of local higher multiplet excitations in each decimation
step. This extended scheme can provide highly accurate numerical data for large
systems. The random average of staggered spin correlations of the chains with
random antiferromagnetic (AF) couplings shows algebraic decay like ,
which verifies the Fisher's analytic results. For chains with random
ferromagnetic (FM) and AF couplings, the random average of generalized
staggered correlations is found to decay more slowly than a power-law, in the
form close to . The difference between the distribution functions of
the spin correlations of the random AF chains and of the random FM-AF chains is
also discussed.Comment: 14 pages including 8 figures, REVTeX, submitted to Physical Review
Percolation Transition in the random antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain
We give a physical description in terms of percolation theory of the phase
transition that occurs when the disorder increases in the random
antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain between a gapless phase with topological order
and a random singlet phase. We study the statistical properties of the
percolation clusters by numerical simulations, and we compute exact exponents
characterizing the transition by a real-space renormalization group
calculation.Comment: 9 pages, 4 encapsulated Postscript figures, REVTeX 3.
Strangeness, charm and bottom in a chiral quark-meson model
In this paper we investigate an SU(3) extension of the chiral quark-meson
model. The spectra of baryons with strangeness, charm and bottom are considered
within a "rigid oscillator" version of this model. The similarity between the
quark part of the Lagrangian in the model and the Wess-Zumino term in the
Skyrme model is noted. The binding energies of baryonic systems with baryon
number B=2 and 3 possessing strangeness or heavy flavor are estimated. The
results obtained are in good qualitative agreement with those obtained
previously in the topological soliton (Skyrme) model.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Journal ref: submitted to Nucl.Phys.
Exact results for quantum phase transitions in random XY spin chains
The effect of disorder on the quantum phase transitions induced by a
transverse field, anisotropy, and dimerization in XY spin chains is
investigated. The low-energy behavior near the critical point is described by a
Dirac-type equation with a random mass for which an exact analytic treatment is
possible. Results obtained for the dynamical critical exponent, the specific
heat, and transverse susceptibility agree with results recently obtained using
a real space renormalization group decimation technique, supporting Fisher's
claim that it is exact. A non-zero transverse field changes the universality
class of the anisotropy transition.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 2 figures
Modified spin-wave study of random antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic spin chains
We study the thermodynamics of one-dimensional quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg
ferromagnetic system with random antiferromagnetic impurity bonds. In the
dilute impurity limit, we generalize the modified spin-wave theory for random
spin chains, where local chemical potentials for spin-waves in ferromagnetic
spin segments are introduced to ensure zero magnetization at finite
temperature. This approach successfully describes the crossover from behavior
of pure one-dimensional ferromagnet at high temperatures to a distinct Curie
behavior due to randomness at low temperatures. We discuss the effects of
impurity bond strength and concentration on the crossover and low temperature
behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 7 eps figure
Neutron Rich Hypernuclei in Chiral Soliton Model
The binding energies of neutron rich strangeness hypernuclei are
estimated in the chiral soliton approach using the bound state rigid oscillator
version of the SU(3) quantization model. Additional binding of strange
hypernuclei in comparison with nonstrange neutron rich nuclei takes place at
not large values of atomic (baryon) numbers, . This effect
becomes stronger with increasing isospin of nuclides, and for "nuclear variant"
of the model with rescaled Skyrme constant . Total binding energies of
(Lambda)He-8 and recently discovered (Lambda)H-6 satisfactorily agree with
experimental data. Hypernuclei (Lambda)H-7, (Lambda)He-9 are predicted to be
bound stronger in comparison with their nonstrange analogues H-7, He-9;
hypernuclei (Lambda)Li-10, (Lambda)Li-11, (Lambda)Be-12, (Lambda)Be-13, etc.
are bound stronger in the nuclear variant of the model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 tables; amendments made, data on binding energy of
(Lambda)He-8 and references added; prepared for the conferences Quarks-2012
and HYP201
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