25 research outputs found

    Hormon wzrostu a proces starzenia się

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    Studies in mutant, gene knock-out and transgenic mice have demonstrated that growth hormone (GH) signalling has a major impact on ageing and longevity. Growth hormone-resistant and GH-deficient animals live much longer than their normal siblings, while transgenic mice overexpressing GH are short lived. Actions of GH in juvenile animals appear to be particularly important for life extension and responsible for various phenotypic characteristics of long-lived hypopituitary mutants. Available evidence indicates that reduced GH signalling is linked to extended longevity by multiple interacting mechanisms including increased stress resistance, reduced growth, altered profiles of cytokines produced by the adipose tissue, and various metabolic adjustments such as enhanced insulin sensitivity, increased oxygen consumption (VO2/g) and reduced respiratory quotient. The effects of removing visceral fat indicate that increased levels of adiponectin and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in GH-resistant mice are responsible for their increased insulin sensitivity. Increased VO2 apparently represents increased energy expenditure for thermogenesis, because VO2 of mutant and normal mice does not differ at thermoneutral temperature. Recent studies identified GH- and IGF-1-dependent maintenance of bone marrow populations of very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) as another likely mechanism of delayed ageing and increased longevity of GH-deficient and GH-resistant animals. Many of the physiological characteristics of long-lived, GH-related mouse mutants are shared by exceptionally long-lived people and by individuals genetically predisposed to longevity.W badaniach na zmutowanych i transgenicznych myszach wykazano, że przekazywanie sygnałów przez hormon wzrostu (GH) wywiera istotny wpływ na procesy starzenia się organizmu i długowieczność. Zwierzęta, u których stwierdza się oporność na hormon wzrostu lub jego niedobór, żyją dłużej niż ich normalne rodzeństwo, podczas gdy myszy transgeniczne wykazujące nadekspresję GH żyją krótko. Działania, jakie wywiera GH u młodocianych zwierząt wydają się odgrywać szczególnie ważną rolę w wydłużaniu życia i są odpowiedzialne za różnorodne cechy fenotypowe długowiecznych mutantów z niedoczynnością przysadki. Z dostępnych dowodów naukowych wynika, że osłabione przekazywanie sygnałów przez GH wiąże się ze zwiększeniem długowieczności, u podstawy czego leży wiele współzależnych mechanizmów obejmujących zwiększoną odporność na stres, osłabione wzrastanie, zmieniony profil cytokin wytwarzanych przez tkankę tłuszczową, a także różne adaptacje metaboliczne, np. zwiększona insulinowrażliwość, zwiększone zużycie tlenu (VO2/g) i zmniejszony współczynnik oddechowy. Konsekwencje usunięcia trzewnej tkanki tłuszczowej wskazują, i że zwiększoną insulinowrażliwość u myszy opornych na GH odpowiedzialne jest zwiększone stężenie adyponektyny i zmniejszone stężenie cytokin prozapalnych. Zwiększone VO2 wydaje się wynikać ze zwiększenia wydatkowania energii na termogenezę, bowiem w temperaturze termoneutralnej VO2 u myszy zmutowanych i myszy niezmutowanych nie różni się. W najnowszych badaniach — jako kolejny prawdopodobny mechanizm opóźnionego starzenia się organizmu i zwiększonej długowieczności u zwierząt z niedoborem GH i opornością na GH — zidentyfikowano zależne od GH i IGF1 podtrzymywanie szpikowych populacji bardzo małych komórek macierzystych podobnych do zarodkowych (VSEL, very small embryonic-like stem cells). Wiele z cech fizjologicznych długowiecznych myszy z mutacjami związanymi z GH występuje też u bardzo długo żyjących ludzi i osób genetycznie predysponowanych do długowieczności

    Duration of Rapamycin Treatment Has Differential Effects on Metabolism in Mice

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    SummaryThe evolutionarily conserved target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling controls growth, metabolism, and aging. In the first robust demonstration of pharmacologically-induced life extension in mammals, longevity was extended in mice treated with rapamycin, an inhibitor of mechanistic TOR (mTOR). However, detrimental metabolic effects of rapamycin treatment were also reported, presenting a paradox of improved survival despite metabolic impairment. How rapamycin extended lifespan in mice with such paradoxical effects was unclear. Here we show that detrimental effects of rapamycin treatment were only observed during the early stages of treatment. These effects were reversed or diminished in mice treated for 20 weeks, with better metabolic profiles, increased oxygen consumption and ketogenesis, and markedly enhanced insulin sensitivity. Thus, prolonged rapamycin treatment lead to beneficial metabolic alterations, consistent with life extension previously observed. Our findings provide a likely explanation of the “rapamycin paradox” and support the potential causal importance of these metabolic alterations in longevity

    Metabolic effects of intra-abdominal fat in GHRKO mice

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    Mice with targeted deletion of the growth hormone receptor (GHRKO mice) are growth hormone (GH) resistant, small, obese, hypoinsulinemic, highly insulin sensitive and remarkably long-lived. To elucidate the unexpected coexistence of adiposity with improved insulin sensitivity and extended longevity, we examined effects of surgical removal of visceral (epididymal and perinephric) fat on metabolic traits related to insulin signaling and longevity. Comparison of results obtained in GHRKO mice and in normal animals from the same strain revealed disparate effects of visceral fat removal (VFR) on insulin and glucose tolerance, adiponectin levels, accumulation of ectopic fat, phosphorylation of insulin signaling intermediates, body temperature, and respiratory quotient (RQ). Overall, VFR produced the expected improvements in insulin sensitivity and reduced body temperature and RQ in normal mice and had opposite effects in GHRKO mice. Some of the examined parameters were altered by VFR in opposite directions in GHRKO and normal mice, and others were affected in only one genotype or exhibited significant genotype x treatment interactions. Functional differences between visceral fat of GHRKO and normal mice were confirmed by measurements of adipokine secretion, lipolysis, and expression of genes related to fat metabolism. We conclude that in the absence of GH signaling, the secretory activity of visceral fat is profoundly altered and unexpectedly promotes enhanced insulin sensitivity. The apparent beneficial effects of visceral fat in GHRKO mice may also explain why reducing adiposity by calorie restriction fails to improve insulin signaling or further extend longevity in these animals

    Disruption of Growth Hormone Receptor Prevents Calorie Restriction from Improving Insulin Action and Longevity

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    Most mutations that delay aging and prolong lifespan in the mouse are related to somatotropic and/or insulin signaling. Calorie restriction (CR) is the only intervention that reliably increases mouse longevity. There is considerable phenotypic overlap between long-lived mutant mice and normal mice on chronic CR. Therefore, we investigated the interactive effects of CR and targeted disruption or knock out of the growth hormone receptor (GHRKO) in mice on longevity and the insulin signaling cascade. Every other day feeding corresponds to a mild (i.e. 15%) CR which increased median lifespan in normal mice but not in GHRKO mice corroborating our previous findings on the effects of moderate (30%) CR on the longevity of these animals. To determine why insulin sensitivity improves in normal but not GHRKO mice in response to 30% CR, we conducted insulin stimulation experiments after one year of CR. In normal mice, CR increased the insulin stimulated activation of the insulin signaling cascade (IR/IRS/PI3K/AKT) in liver and muscle. Livers of GHRKO mice responded to insulin by increased activation of the early steps of insulin signaling, which was dissipated by altered PI3K subunit abundance which putatively inhibited AKT activation. In the muscle of GHRKO mice, there was elevated downstream activation of the insulin signaling cascade (IRS/PI3K/AKT) in the absence of elevated IR activation. Further, we found a major reduction of inhibitory Ser phosphorylation of IRS-1 seen exclusively in GHRKO muscle which may underpin their elevated insulin sensitivity. Chronic CR failed to further modify the alterations in insulin signaling in GHRKO mice as compared to normal mice, likely explaining or contributing to the absence of CR effects on insulin sensitivity and longevity in these long-lived mice

    The Effects of Altered Growth Hormone Signaling on Murine Metabolism

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    Growth hormone signaling influences longevity but the mechanism through which decreased GH action extends lifespan in mice is unknown. It is likely that the key to understanding this phenomenon, and the process of aging itself, is to understand the alterations in metabolism caused by decreased GH action. We investigated changes in energy metabolism in long-lived mice, in hope that these findings can suggest means of improving human health and longevity. These studies consisted of three projects. The influence of altered GH signaling on metabolism was tested by monitoring oxygen consumption, respiratory quotient, and heat production. Intriguingly, long-lived mice have increased oxygen consumption, and decreased respiratory quotient; while short lived mice had opposite effects. These data indicate that decreased GH signaling associates with increased metabolism per unit of body weight and may beneficially affect mitochondrial flexibility by increasing the capacity for fat oxidation; while GH excess generally produces opposite metabolic effects. We then hypothesized that the metabolic characteristics observed in young long-lived mice would persist into old age. Further, we investigated whether caloric restriction or every-other-day diet, two life extending feeding regimens, had any interaction with the metabolic phenotype observed in long-lived mice. The results support our hypothesis that the alterations in metabolism observed in young long-lived mice persist into old age. Neither dietary regimen significantly altered oxygen consumption in GHRKO mice, however, every-other-day diet reduced 24-hour oxygen consumption per gram body weight. These experiments showed that GHRKO mice had increased oxygen consumption regardless of age and life extending dietary interventions we placed them on. We hypothesized that increased oxygen consumption in long-lived mice is the result of increased thermogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we measured oxygen consumption in long-lived mice and controls at the standard lab temperature 23°C, and at 30°C, the murine thermoneutral temperature. When the oxygen consumption of long-lived mice was measured at 30°C, the differences between long-lived and normal mice measured at 23°C were abrogated. These data indicate that increased energy utilization for thermogenesis may contribute to extended longevity of these mutants. Collectively, our results provide important insights into the metabolic characteristics of long-lived mice

    Kynurenines link chronic inflammation to functional decline and physical frailty

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    Chronic inflammation is associated with physical frailty and functional decline in older adults; however, the molecular mechanisms of this linkage are not understood. A mouse model of chronic inflammation showed reduced motor function and partial denervation at the neuromuscular junction. Metabolomic profiling of these mice and further validation in frail human subjects showed significant dysregulation in the tryptophan degradation pathway, including decreased tryptophan and serotonin, and increased levels of some neurotoxic kynurenines. In humans, kynurenine strongly correlated with age, frailty status, TNF-αR1 and IL-6, weaker grip strength, and slower walking speed. To study the effects of elevated neurotoxic kynurenines on motor neuronal cell viability and axonal degeneration, we used motor neuronal cells treated with 3-hydroxykynurenine and quinolinic acid and observed neurite degeneration in a dose-dependent manner and potentiation of toxicity between 3-hydroxykynurenine and quinolinic acid. These results suggest that kynurenines mediate neuromuscular dysfunction associated with chronic inflammation and aging