262 research outputs found

    Fencing Lands to Enhanced Climate Change Resilience, Promoting biodiversity regeneration and Improved Livelihoods of Climate Change in Makueni County

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    Kenya is a food insecure country, weather patterns are drastically changing and people are losing livelihoods and earnings when their lands dry, water for domestic supply lacks and livestock die further frustrating livelihoods of the poor. This paper briefly discusses Fencing of lands as prerequisite to biodiversity protection and faster water retention mechanism, through tree planting, enhancing CO2 sequestration as trees, shrubs and vegetation’s find suitable environment to grow. Baringo and Makueni County are characterized by unsustainable agriculture, environmental degradation resulting from soil erosion, high poverty levels and food insecurity due to unpredictable dry spells and climate change. The present paper illustrates that Fencing of lands improves agricultural land management practices, biodiversity growth increased soil carbon sequestration

    Experimental studies on the efficacy of T1 sr and T1/44 vaccine strains of Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides (small colony) against a field isolate causing contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in Kenya - Effect of a revaccination

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    La péripneumonie contagieuse bovine est une maladie provoquant de lourdes pertes dans les élevages bovins d'Afrique. Son contrôle passe habituellement par la vaccination. Des observations récentes ont cependant montré que les campagnes de vaccination sur le terrain actuelles ne sont pas suffisantes lors de l'apparition de nouveaux foyers, situation préoccupante pour les responsables vétérinaires des pays concernés. Un essai vaccinal a été réalisé sur le terrain afin de déterminer les causes de ces échecs vaccinaux. Les souches vaccinales T1 sr et T1/44 de Mycoplasma mycoides spp. mycoides (petite colonie) ont été utilisées pour vacciner des groupes de 40 bovins par souche. L'épreuve virulente a été réalisée respectivement chez la moitié des animaux trois mois après la vaccination et chez l'autre moitié 15 mois après celle-ci. La moitié des animaux utilisés lors de la deuxième épreuve ont reçu un rappel un an après la pri movaccination. Les vaccinations ainsi que les rappels ont été effectués à des doses de 10,7 mycoplasmes par millilitre. Au cours de la première épreuve virulente (à trois mois après la vaccination initiale), les protections mesurées ont été de 68,2 p. 100 pour la souche T1 sr et de 59 p. 100 pour la souche T1/44. Lors de la deuxième épreuve, les protections mesurées chez les animaux ayant reçu une dose de rappel ont été de 80,5 p. 100 pour T1 sr et de 95,5 p. 100 pour T1/44. Pour ceux n'ayant reçu qu'une seule dose vaccinale 15 mois auparavant, la protection mesurée a été de 28,7 p. 100 pour T1 sr et de 78,2 p. 100 pour T1/44. Ces résultats confirment ceux qui avaient été observés lors d'essais antérieurs mais ils apportent également des éléments d'information nouveaux et importants. Il est en particulier confirmé qu'une primovaccination avec une dose minimale ne confère pas de protection satisfaisante, quelle que soit la souche vaccinale utilisée. En revanche, une protection totale ne peut être atteinte qu'après un rappel. Les conséquences pour des essais de vaccination ultérieurs et les orientations à prendre dans la recherche sont discutées. (Résumé d'auteur

    Sexuality, Homophobia and Africanness: A Rights-Based Analysis of the Contemporary Pushback of Africa’s LGBTQI+ Community

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    This paper explores the topical and emotive subject of sexuality in Africa from a rights-based perspective. It analyses the growing homophobia in Africa which has manifested in prejudicial statements against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+) community by senior public officials and legislative efforts to curtail sexual rights. In April 2023, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni called on Africa to save the world from homosexuality as ruling party legislators demonstrated overwhelming support for a new anti-LGBTQI+ law. In March in Kenya, both President William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga castigated the judiciary for upholding the LGBTQI+ Community’s right to freedom of association and ruled that they could establish associations and program in the country. Both leaders condemned homosexuality as an un-African practice. The paper analyses the events in Kenya leading to the seismic court ruling and considers various scenarios of how the LGBTQI+ community’s rights could be affected by the homophobic attitude of political elites and also assesses the fitness of Africa’s human rights mechanisms to protect the LGBTQI+ community. The paper further uses the review of literature and key informant interviews with relevant respondents to interrogate whether or not homosexuality is indeed un-African. The paper also explores how LGBTQI+ community activists from countries from hostile countries like Uganda have found significant allies like the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in countries with progressive LGBTQI+ legislation like South Africa and are using these alliances to push back against entrenched homophobia in their countries. Attention is also given the Kenyan LGBTQI+ community’s plans to give effect to the court ruling in a hostile environment as well as the work of not only sexual rights groups but also legislators in countries like Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Botswana to promote sexual rights who also form the nucleus of the key informants

    Relationships between Age and White Matter Integrity in Children with Phenylketonuria

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    Objective: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a hereditary metabolic disorder associated with cognitive compromise. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has allowed detection of poorer microstructural white matter integrity in children with PKU, with decreased mean diffusivity (MD) in comparison with healthy children. However, very little research has been conducted to examine the trajectory of white matter development in this population. The present study investigated potential differences in the developmental trajectory of MD between children with early- and continuously-treated PKU and healthy children across a range of brain regions. Methods: Children with PKU (n = 31, mean age = 12.2 years) were recruited through metabolic clinics, and their MD findings across 10 brain regions of interest (ROIs) were compared with those of healthy control children (n = 51, mean age = 12.0 years). Hierarchical linear regressions, including age, group, and the age by group interaction, were performed on MD for each ROI. For ROIs with significant interactions, Pearson correlations between age and MD were obtained and compared across groups. Results: The age by group interaction was significant for the splenium and genu of the corpus callosum, the optic radiation, and the hippocampus (p \u3c 0.05 in all instances). The relationship between MD and age was significant for all 4 of these ROIs within the PKU group but none within the control group. In all instances, MD decreased as a function of increasing age. The relationship between age and MD was significantly different between the PKU and control groups for the optic radiation, hippocampus, and genu of the corpus callosum (z \u3c -1.96 in all instances). Conclusions: A stronger age-related decrease in MD was identified for children with PKU in comparison with healthy children in 4 ROIs, indicating that the trajectory of white matter development is abnormal in children with PKU. Further research using longitudinal methodology is needed to fully elucidate our understanding of white matter development in PKU

    Factors That Influence Consumer Preference For Retail Outlets In Kenya (A Case of Supermarkets in Kisii Town)

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    This study was about factors that influence the preference for retail outlets (supermarkets) by consumers in Kisii Town and the relative importance of such factors. The major objective of the study was to determine the factors that influence consumers' choice of the supermarket to patronize. Other specific objectives included, ranking the identified factors in order of their importance, to determine consumers' supermarket loyalty status and to find if demographic characteristics of consumers who patronized specific supermarkets was related to loyalty. To achieve this, a sample of 120 supermarket customers in all the eight supermarkets existing in Kisii town was selected using systematic sampling. The study utilized survey research and descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data collected. From the research the following were ranked as eight most important factors in influencing patronage: Adequate number of cashiers to reduce queuing, reasonable prices of products, employees' courtesy and warmth with customers, knowledgeable employees, display and arrangement of merchandise, convenient operating hours, availability of all types of merchandise and channel for customer complaints. It was also found out that consumers in Kisii town were loyal to specific supermarkets, however there was no evidence to prove that consumers' demographics influenced loyalty. In conclusion retailers should gear their marketing efforts towards satisfying consumers in order to influence their patronage decisions. KEY WORDS: Patronage, consumer loyalty, super market

    Effects of Quality of Working Life on Female Employees in Institutions of Higher Learning: A Case of the Catholic University of East Africa

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    The researchers undertook a study on the effects of a total rewards system on the motivation and quality of working life of female employees in institutions of higher learning: A case of the Catholic University of East Africa.  The research looked into the prevalent aspects of a total reward system in institutions of higher learning, the effects of these aspects on the motivation of the female employees, impact of these aspects have on their quality of working life and sought suggestions to improve the total reward system of institutions of higher learning. The population under study was the 127 female employees of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. A stratified sampling design was used with instruments used in data collection being questionnaires for everyone in the sample population and interviews with some selected individuals to verify the data filled in the questionnaires.   The data from this study was analyzed and presented using graphs, frequency tables and percentages to represent the data. The major findings of the study lead to the conclusion that the reward system in the institution’s reward system is perceived to be discriminative and not holistic in motivation though there is much room for improvement in meeting the gaps present. The research concludes by recommending review of the institution’s reward system and eliminating all aspects that don’t favor women and employing strategies that have holistic mechanisms of motivation of female employees. Keywords: employee compensation, total reward system and quality of work lif

    Effects of a Total Rewards System on the Motivation and Quality of Working Life of Female Employees in Institutions of Higher Learning: A Case of the Catholic University of East Africa

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    The researchers undertook a study on the effects of a total rewards system on the motivation and quality of working life of female employees in institutions of higher learning: A case of the Catholic University of East Africa.  The research looked into the prevalent aspects of a total reward system in institutions of higher learning, the effects of these aspects on the motivation of the female employees, impact of these aspects have on their quality of working life and sought suggestions to improve the total reward system of institutions of higher learning. The population under study was the 127 female employees of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. A stratified sampling design was used with instruments used in data collection being questionnaires for everyone in the sample population and interviews with some selected individuals to verify the data filled in the questionnaires.   The data from this study was analyzed and presented using graphs, frequency tables and percentages to represent the data. The major findings of the study lead to the conclusion that the reward system in the institution’s reward system is perceived to be discriminative and not holistic in motivation though there is much room for improvement in meeting the gaps present. The research concludes by recommending review of the institution’s reward system and eliminating all aspects that don’t favor women and employing strategies that have holistic mechanisms of motivation of female employees. Key words: employee motivation, compensation, total reward system and quality of work lif

    The Influence of Public University Regional Expansion Strategy on Service Delivery: A Case of Nairobi University Extra Mural Department, Kenya

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    The study addresses how public university regional expansion strategy influences its service delivery. During the past years the demand of education in many countries, regions has resulted to expansion which in turn is bringing out success and challenges, Africa is not exceptional, in Kenya; University of Nairobi through its Extra Mural Centers has been expanding regionally with the aim of meeting the rising demand of education. During the expansion process the university has been faced with a number of challenges for example lack of funding from government and other factors like administrative bureaucracies. In achieving the purpose, the study was guided by these objectives: to investigate the extent to which Regional expansion strategy influenced library service delivery at extra mural departments. To examine how Regional expansion strategy influenced support service delivery at extra mural departments and to establish the level at which Regional expansion strategy influenced teaching and learning services of the extra mural department. The study used descriptive survey research design which is useful in describing state of affairs. A total sample size of 379 was selected based on Krejcie and Morgan table, and was proportionally sampled divide among diploma, part time lecturers and supporting staff. Data collection instrument questionnaire after testing its validity and reliability was used to collect the data. Data was analyzed and correlated using statistical package for social sciences. The findings were then presented in a thematic form based on the research objectives using tables. The findings from the report indicated that University expansion strategy can exert a lot of pressure on library resources, secondly, it is noted that expansion strategy can greatly influence students enrolments which in nature can lead to insufficient services from available support staff. Lastly the university expansion strategy can significantly influence teaching and learning services. Key words: Quality Teaching and Learning, University Expansion strategy and Service Deliver

    Assessment of Legislation on Budget implementation in Kisii County Government, Kenya

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    Budgeting is a vital tool in organizations for directing activities and employees’ efforts toward the organization’s common objectives. Budgeted results communicate to employees the organization’s expectations regarding their job performance, which is evaluated based on some comparison of actual versus budgeted results. Kisii County is no special case to spending plan failure and its execution which can be measured in terms of achievement needs. The purpose of the research is to examine the factors affecting budget implementation in county governments in Kenya by taking a selected case of Kisii County. The specific objectives of the study were: To examine the effect of legislation on budget implementation in Kisii county government, to examine the influence of public participation affects budget implementation in Kisii county government, to find out how human resource capacity affects budget implementation in Kisii county government and to examine the influence of leadership effectiveness affects budget implementation in Kisii county government.  The study utilized a contextual investigation as its examination outline. A contextual investigation approach is appropriate to decide the elements that make a specific passage system great for the association under examination. The study population was representatives and authorities of the Kisii County. A sample size of 105 respondents was used in the study while questionnaire was used as research tool. The study established that legislation, public participation, human resource and leadership efficiency positively and significantly influenced budget implementation in Kisii County. The study recommends that the county assembly should speed up the sanctioning of all enactments relating to county government funds and administration conveyance to give an appropriate lawful structure to spending execution. The County governments should create rules on open support for Economic and Social Rights Center, 2013 which demands the general population inclusion to incorporate their views in the County Integrated Development Plan; the arrangement of the County Fiscal Strategy Paper and survey of the spending gauges by the County Assembly. Key Words: Legislation, Budget implementation, Kisii County Government, Kenya. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-14-12 Publication date:July 31st 201
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