836 research outputs found

    Phase separation in mixtures of colloids and long ideal polymer coils

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    Colloidal suspensions with free polymer coils which are larger than the colloidal particles are considered. The polymer-colloid interaction is modeled by an extension of the Asakura-Oosawa model. Phase separation occurs into dilute and dense fluid phases of colloidal particles when polymer is added. The critical density of this transition tends to zero as the size of the polymer coils diverges.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Centre-specific bacterial pathogen typing affects infection-control decision making

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    Whole-genome sequencing is becoming the de facto standard for bacterial outbreak surveillance and infection prevention. This is accompanied by a variety of bioinformatic tools and needs bioinformatics expertise for implementation. However, little is known about the concordance of reported outbreaks when using different bioinformatic workflows. In this multi-centre proficiency testing among 13 major Dutch healthcare-affiliated centres, bacterial whole-genome outbreak analysis was assessed. Centres who participated obtained two randomized bacterial datasets of Illumina sequences, a Klebsiella pneumoniae and a Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, and were asked to apply their bioinformatic workflows. Centres reported back on antimicrobial resistance, multi-locus sequence typing (MLST), and outbreak clusters. The reported clusters were analysed using a method to compare landscapes of phylogenetic trees and calculating Kendall–Colijn distances. Furthermore, fasta files were analysed by state-of-the-art single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis to mitigate the differences introduced by each centre and determine standardized SNP cut-offs. Thirteen centres participated in this study. The reported outbreak clusters revealed discrepancies between centres, even when almost identical bioinformatic workflows were used. Due to stringent filtering, some centres failed to detect extended-spectrum beta-lactamase genes and MLST loci. Applying a standardized method to determine outbreak clusters on the reported de novo assemblies, did not result in uniformity of outbreak-cluster composition among centres

    Effect of Finite Impurity Mass on the Anderson Orthogonality Catastrophe in One Dimension

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    A one-dimensional tight-binding Hamiltonian describes the evolution of a single impurity interacting locally with NN electrons. The impurity spectral function has a power-law singularity A(ω)ωω01+βA(\omega)\propto\mid\omega-\omega_0\mid^{-1+\beta} with the same exponent β\beta that characterizes the logarithmic decay of the quasiparticle weight ZZ with the number of electrons NN, ZNβZ\propto N^{-\beta}. The exponent β\beta is computed by (1) perturbation theory in the interaction strength and (2) numerical evaluations with exact results for small systems and variational results for larger systems. A nonanalytical behavior of β\beta is observed in the limit of infinite impurity mass. For large interaction strength, the exponent depends strongly on the mass of the impurity in contrast to the perturbative result.Comment: 26 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures included, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    A Local Moment Approach to magnetic impurities in gapless Fermi systems

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    A local moment approach is developed for the single-particle excitations of a symmetric Anderson impurity model (AIM), with a soft-gap hybridization vanishing at the Fermi level with a power law r > 0. Local moments are introduced explicitly from the outset, and a two-self-energy description is employed in which the single-particle excitations are coupled dynamically to low-energy transverse spin fluctuations. The resultant theory is applicable on all energy scales, and captures both the spin-fluctuation regime of strong coupling (large-U), as well as the weak coupling regime. While the primary emphasis is on single particle dynamics, the quantum phase transition between strong coupling (SC) and (LM) phases can also be addressed directly; for the spin-fluctuation regime in particular a number of asymptotically exact results are thereby obtained. Results for both single-particle spectra and SC/LM phase boundaries are found to agree well with recent numerical renormalization group (NRG) studies. A number of further testable predictions are made; in particular, for r < 1/2, spectra characteristic of the SC state are predicted to exhibit an r-dependent universal scaling form as the SC/LM phase boundary is approached and the Kondo scale vanishes. Results for the `normal' r = 0 AIM are moreover recovered smoothly from the limit r -> 0, where the resultant description of single-particle dynamics includes recovery of Doniach-Sunjic tails in the Kondo resonance, as well as characteristic low-energy Fermi liquid behaviour.Comment: 52 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Random-effects substitution models for phylogenetics via scalable gradient approximations

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    Phylogenetic and discrete-trait evolutionary inference depend heavily on an appropriate characterization of the underlying character substitution process. In this paper, we present random-effects substitution models that extend common continuous-time Markov chain models into a richer class of processes capable of capturing a wider variety of substitution dynamics. As these random-effects substitution models often require many more parameters than their usual counterparts, inference can be both statistically and computationally challenging. Thus, we also propose an efficient approach to compute an approximation to the gradient of the data likelihood with respect to all unknown substitution model parameters. We demonstrate that this approximate gradient enables scaling of sampling-based inference, namely Bayesian inference via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, under random-effects substitution models across large trees and state-spaces. Applied to a dataset of 583 SARS-CoV-2 sequences, an HKY model with random-effects shows strong signals of nonreversibility in the substitution process, and posterior predictive model checks clearly show that it is a more adequate model than a reversible model. When analyzing the pattern of phylogeographic spread of 1441 influenza A virus (H3N2) sequences between 14 regions, a random-effects phylogeographic substitution model infers that air travel volume adequately predicts almost all dispersal rates. A random-effects state-dependent substitution model reveals no evidence for an effect of arboreality on the swimming mode in the tree frog subfamily Hylinae. Simulations reveal that random-effects substitution models can accommodate both negligible and radical departures from the underlying base substitution model. We show that our gradient-based inference approach is over an order of magnitude more time efficient than conventional approaches

    Ordering of droplets and light scattering in polymer dispersed liquid crystal films

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    We study the effects of droplet ordering in initial optical transmittance through polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) films prepared in the presence of an electrical field. The experimental data are interpreted by using a theoretical approach to light scattering in PDLC films that explicitly relates optical transmittance and the order parameters characterizing both the orientational structures inside bipolar droplets and orientational distribution of the droplets. The theory relies on the Rayleigh-Gans approximation and uses the Percus-Yevick approximation to take into account the effects due to droplet positional correlations.Comment: revtex4, 18 pages, 8 figure

    Ninth and Tenth Order Virial Coefficients for Hard Spheres in D Dimensions

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    We evaluate the virial coefficients B_k for k<=10 for hard spheres in dimensions D=2,...,8. Virial coefficients with k even are found to be negative when D>=5. This provides strong evidence that the leading singularity for the virial series lies away from the positive real axis when D>=5. Further analysis provides evidence that negative virial coefficients will be seen for some k>10 for D=4, and there is a distinct possibility that negative virial coefficients will also eventually occur for D=3.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figure